Friday, 10 February 2017


We are the weakest generations of our race, the softest.
We must become the hardest.
We are the least suited to this fight but we still have the blood of our people to trust in.
But we must be ruthlessly honest with ourselves:
   We wont live happily ever after, we will not get to retire; our fate is to carry the burden of our people the rest of our lives. If we win, the atrocities we will have committed to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children will be so horrific that future generations of our people will not recognise us. Nevertheless, we must become hard and violent again and take satisfaction in that or we will become prey to the hard and violent ourselves.
   If the purpose of a world view is to help a people survive and succeed what does our current timid morality result in? We have the values of domesticated animals; we fear violence, risk and suffering. But the conditions required for this pathetic lying world view have ended, docility is no longer possible.
   We can no longer afford to shy away from violence, risk and suffering. To do so renders us incapable of the actions necessary for our peoples survival.
   Violence is simply a method, it is the attempt to impose our will upon the world around us through our own power. Violence is absolutely any physical act that enables us to do this; A fist, a gesture, a word, a letter. Or the deliberate withholding of these things.
   In the end all power must be violent, they are the same thing and we must recognise and accept this if we are to become what our people need us to be.
   Violence and Suffering are normal, they are both natural and inevitable and yet we act as if something unheard of has occurred when they happen. Suffering is just the price of existing; it is not possible to die of pain, despair, horror or fear, it is not possible to die of feelings. Ordeal is an opinion.
   Embracing and taking joy in violence, risk and suffering transforms these things from burdens that prevent us from acting into tools that enable us to take action; and we must take action.
   We must learn to grasp the firebrand of violence, suffering and risk once again if our people are to live.
   We must perform the necessary actions required to accomplish the goal of the 14 sacred words or accept that our people will not survive: Strength is morality. What we must do in order to survive and succeed as a people is correct and good, any other morality is betrayal.
   We must become monsters. Everything else must go; Our lives yes, but our precious sense of ourselves as 'good' and 'decent' as well. Our notions of fairness, justice, human rights and freedom. All our fear, hesitancy and doubt. Our compassion. The expectation of pity or mercy from the enemy and the impulse to give it.
   In the name of duty to our people we must overcome pity and destroy our enemies will to fight through deliberate atrocity. We must make them terrified of us: personally. The side that wont commit atrocity, or wont commit atrocity enough and consistently is the side that dies, first psychologically then physically. If future generations of our people have the luxury of being horrified at what we have done then we have succeeded. We must become the thing our enemies are terrified of. But only to the enemy, never our own; Pragmatism is a method not a goal.
   The universe appears to contain no morality, we can expect it to do nothing as we are raped and murdered out of existence, we are on our own. But we are good beasts of burden and we will do these things and pay the terrible personal price willingly, because we believe in the value of our people above that of ourselves.
'Only out of anarchy and revolution can a new White nation arise. And if you do not succeed, let the enemy speak in horror, for generations to come, of the fury of the last Northmen.'
David Lane, Open Letter to a Dead Race.

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Old House

I went hiking a couple of days ago. It was quite a long one for me, over four hours.
   Through two woods and over the moors to a line of three sycamores next to the ruins of an old tenant farmers house. There wasn't much left, just a couple of low walls, some piles of fallen stones and a hearth. It was mostly covered in grass and moss with lichen on the exposed stones. The trees looked to be about 120 years old perhaps. They were probably seedlings or saplings when the house was abandoned. I suppose it was deserted when the landlord found sheep more profitable and evicted the family.
   I sat in the ruins, looking past the trees to the hills a few miles away. I thought about the man that lived there and his wife, surely he had one. How many children did they have? Are any of his descendants still alive? What did they do when they were evicted? I wondered what such a man would think of us, of me.
   In his life we were an unstoppable race. The thought of hundreds of thousands of children like his own being raped by gangs of subhuman Muslims in the middle of England would have been surreal. The thought of his government allowing it and arresting him for trying to stop it would have been incomprehensible. Are some of his descendants among the victims? Was one of his great great grand daughters passed around like a piece of meat among these animals? Is their a half breed mongrel out there right now that could arrogantly claim to have a place here?

   We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Red Shirt

  I am a 'red shirt' in the coming civil war. I am not particularly clever, brave or tough. I am not very knowledgeable. I have had a meaningless life, it is likely that i will have an almost meaningless death. This is what i mean by 'red shirt', just like the TV show. No one will miss me, few will ever know that i lived.
Still here i am.
White. Male. Heterosexual. Atheist. Racist. Misogynist. You can add others if you like.
I hate Islam and Muslims. I hate Jews. I hate non whites.
I hate those who side with them or pity them.

My arrival at this point:

   I used to be a Buddhist, form my early teens to my early twenties. I was never very 'good' at it but i was sincere at least. I drifted away from Buddhism as i got older though i don't dislike it, i just disagree with it and no longer believe it.
   I was always a little concerned by the people coming into Britain and other white countries and the special treatment they got, but like most of us i dismissed my unease with misplaced trust in the political and social establishment and the belief that they were 'just a minority'. The thought that 'our' leaders, police and media were actively hostile and betraying us was nonsense to me. Its not that i liked them, it was just that i didn't understand how far from us they are. Or how corrupt and twisted.
   As i got older and became more aware of things i became a self proclaimed libertarian. Individual self determination was my mantra. It helped to deal with the stress and anxiety. As a coward i simply washed my hands of the problem. You cant commit genocide on an autonomous collection of individuals after all (although you can still kill them), and it allowed me to vent my feelings without risking being called racist or Islamophobic. I was condemning the specific individuals, not their group and thus was off the hook if anyone questioned my views. Like many libertarians i tried reading Atlas shrugged and like most i got about a third of the way through before selecting one of (((Rand's))) slimmer works.
   Needless to say, libertarianism was unable to ease my qualms for long.
   In many ways i still have individualist leanings, i am one after all. But i no longer see it as a social ideal. It is insufficient to the survival of our race. Indeed, it is unable even to recognise this as important.
   Over the years i have occasionally flirted with far right ideologies although never seriously. I once visited 'Stormfront' for a few hours, just lurking and reading. I was not impressed, it was just another forum with a swastika pasted on it. I just sighed and got on with my life, such as it was. This consisted largely of tranquillising myself with books, games, porn, food and work.
   Over the years i have progressed through periods of depression and nihilism, as have we all i suppose. I sometimes think a person that has never experienced and come to terms with these things is not a whole human. Nihilism is reality or at least appears to be to me, its only a burden if you shy away from it i find. For the record, i do not consider my views on race and the coming civil war a reaction to nihilism, neither do i derive my values from it. Nihilism does form part of my world view and informs my actions nonetheless.
   A few years ago now i was watching some youtube videos, game trailers and music i think. I had always avoided the personal stuff on there because i imagined it was just obnoxious teens trash talking each other and so forth. For some reason i clicked on a suggested video, i think it may have been by Sargon of Akkad (it was the name that probably caught my attention, since i had been reading about the historical figure not long before). I think it was an anti feminist talk. I had never been on social media or discussed my concerns with anyone so you can imagine i was quite surprised, i had no idea that other people felt similarly to myself. I became slightly obsessed, i watched everything i could; TL;DR, Karen Straughan, Sandman, Studio Brulee etc . . . From their i started visiting Breitbart, Chateau Hartiste, American Renaissance, VDare and from these i 'graduated' to the Daily Stormer, Counter Currents, Morgoths Review, Western Spring and others.
   As you can see, my views have developed . . .
   I do not consider myself a true Fascist or National Socialist, in all honesty i don't care what our politics is as long as it serves the white race and enables our survival as a strong autonomous people beholden to none.
   The 14 words: 'We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children' is my mantra now. No one else is going to do it for us or even permit us to do it.
   The nature of our fight isn't politics, culture, society, religion or even nation although it is fought partly in these spheres. This is a fight unlike any our race has ever engaged in on such an absolute scale. This is Total War since we are fighting for the very survival of our race and absolutely every sacrifice and atrocity is justified by this goal. Anything that fulfils the criteria of the sacred 14 words is correct, anything that impedes it is incorrect. I recognise the horror of these words and what they lead to.

All white people, every one of us, has a choice:
   1. We remain, as a people; good, moral, compassionate, kind and decent.
   2. We become, as a people; hard, ruthless, cruel and racist.

   The first option results in our continuing emotional and moral blackmail and annihilation by demographics, rape and murder at the hands of subhuman filth who are incapable of anything else.
   The second results in our people having a fighting chance of surviving the 21st century intact. But the price we pay is that we must become monsters.
   Pick one, their is no third option.
   Neither are nice, both result in civil war and genocide of someone. It doesn't matter who is better or who deserves it. Words such as Justice, fairness, freedom and human rights have no place or purpose anymore except as weapons with which to harm us. Their is no where to hide, running is pointless.
   It cant be voted out of happening or argued away.
   Which do you value more, your precious morals and individual civil liberties or a future for our race?
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
As i wrote at the beginning:
   I am a 'red shirt' in the coming civil war. I am not particularly clever, brave or tough. I am not very knowledgeable. I have had a meaningless life, it is likely that i will have an almost meaningless death. This is what i mean by 'red shirt', just like the tv show. No one will miss me, few will ever know that i lived.
Still here i am. If anyone reads this i will be surprised.