Existence is entirely composed of logos. Logos is reality and truth. Logos is what we are; matter and energy, process and function and the universe that gives rise to these things. Every particle, every star, every organism exists in accordance with its own logos, interconnected and interdependent with the logos around them and just like everything else we have our own particular logos, formed by and from existence.
Our ancestors are a fundamental part of our logos, we arose directly from them. Together we form a people and this people gave rise to a culture, a society, a nation and their results. From the logos of our people our descendants will arise who in turn will carry the torch of our peoples existence onward.
Unlike most of existence our logos is semi sentient, our actions are often based on our natural instincts with our awareness typically acting as a rationalising tool. This awareness, even as limited as it is, grants tremendous power. With it we can gain a greater understanding of ourselves and the universe, and can act based on reason not just instinct. In humans the universal logos has gained self awareness. Our capacity for awareness and thought arise from, and are part of our logos and in their proper place they are perfectly natural.
Awareness allows us to transcend our natural, instinctive logos and accomplish things that instinct alone could never do. We can create things that have never existed before (Bows, steam engines, computers). It enables us to consciously manipulate things to suit ourselves (fire, flint tools, antibiotics). In addition our awareness can imagine things that cannot exist (fairness, justice, Santa clause, gods). This is advantageous but can be fatal, by removing ourselves from the natural logos we evolved to suit we risk our otherwise healthy instincts becoming twisted and unbalanced. Becoming exaggerated, unhealthy, unnatural perversions that lead to weakness, self abandonment, emptiness of purpose and extinction, first psychologically then physically.
For example; hunger, appetite and the pleasure of eating is a natural part of our logos. In the past, under the conditions in which we evolved it served as a great motivation to be active, and to hunt and gather. Removed from its limiting factors of effort, scarcity and risk and instead placed in a situation of year round artificial abundance and ease created by our semi sentience and these formerly healthy drives become a source of degeneracy, weakness and misery. Unchecked, they become perverted, unnatural, unbalanced and degrading to ourselves and everything we come into contact with: Anti logos.
As mostly self aware creatures, the state we allow ourselves to persist in as a result of our own decisions is a direct reflection of our inner nature. In order to function well we can no longer rely on simple instinct, instead we must understand our logos and the circumstances we have created for ourselves and act with motivation, courage, mindfulness, honesty and discipline, our awareness and critical faculties must act as a continually adapting balancing tool. If we are consistent with logos it will manifest itself as strength, ruthless purpose, and self ownership as part of a greater whole; namely that of our people and nature because this is what our logos demands and what our logos is. If we allow our selves to degenerate into anti logos through delusion or weakness we will become extinct. The practical results of acting in accordance with logos are self evident, as are the result of anti logos.
Civilisation is a manifestation of this. When young and vigorous a people and their civilisation must struggle and wrestle from the world the things they need or be destroyed. Thus they are tempered by the universal logos; by hard reality. But civilisation can easily descend into degeneracy and anti logos when it becomes successful and the people that inherit the civilisation, and their otherwise natural tendances, become insulated from reality. They become perverted, weak and delusional, their purpose becomes feckless hedonism and self indulgence. Their nemesis is nothing more than discomfort and inconvenience until the civilisation collapses and uncompromising logos reasserts itself once more.
Decadence and profligacy can only exist in the absence of hard, uncompromising logos and this is why great civilisations become degraded from within. To overcome this requires that we recognise natural law, truth, logos and incorporate it into our lives and our civilisation, honestly and without pity or mercy.
We are too clever to rely on simple instinct, but cleverness alone is too easily lead astray. Our semi sentience requires that we act with deliberate conscious wisdom, in accordance with the logos of our selves, our people and the universal logos. For this reason we must always test our ideas against reality. Like a good scientist we must be honest, brave and empirical. We must always base our actions and ideas on reality, on logos.
If it fails the test of reality it is wrong.
To live in accordance with logos is not fighting against our natures, it is neither dogmatism or masochism. Logos is to find self ownership, strength and joy in a simple, healthy, natural life and liberation from weakness and degeneracy through mindfulness, awareness, good judgement and honest discipline. It is not a whip with which to beat ourselves, it is allowing ourselves to flourish as a living part of our people and the incredible universe from which we arose.
'Seek freedom and become captive of your desires, seek discipline and find your liberty'
Logos is natural law and it must be respected, every time we overlook or dismiss it we ignore reality. But Logos is not our friend anymore than gravity or evolution are our friends. Logos is devoid of judgement, it is morally blank and the things that our logos requires of us if we wish to exist are uncompromising. The natural laws of reality are pitiless and will always reassert themselves, they cannot be denied for long. In their absence is only degeneracy and degeneracy is too weak to endure. Natural selection, struggle and ruthless competition are a part of logos after all; they require that we fight for our people, they require that we win or they require that we die. They require that we care for our people like a stern father who wants his children to be strong. And they require that we sacrifice ourselves for our people so that they may live.
'10 hearts one beat, 100 hearts one beat, 10 000 hearts one beat.
We are born to fight and to die and to continue the flow, the flow of our people.'
Robert J Mathews
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