
I stumbled on this information not long after becoming aware of similar things in the more recent 'movement'. It would simply be enough to change some names and some details. Perhaps there is something to providence after all . . .
   At first i was demoralised, but then i realised how childish and foolish that was. The appropriately named 'movement' is a tumour that lives on the cause, not the cause itself. If we conflate the two we will fail.
I have often quoted the following:
   "For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack." by Rudyard Kipling but i never realised how true it was until now, both in myself and others. WE allow and enable this degeneracy every time we say 'its for the good of the movement!!' or 'how will it look!'. Degeneracy is cancer and it spreads only with our consent. Brutal honesty applied both within and without and the uncompromising understanding that WE are the cause not 'some guy over there' is the only way.
The following is mainly American but i doubt Britain is any better:
 A Brief History of the White Nationalist Movement

Disclaimer: I have been informed from different sources that the information contained in this document is a compilation of material anthologized from over a dozen sources and writers, including the Meggido and Deguello Reports and written work by Louis Beam, the late Rick Cooper, Harold Covington, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Bill White, Maguire, the late David McCalden, and others. The actual author of the “Brief History” is unknown. It is published herein verbatim as received.
[Ad Hoc Preface: Timely synchronicity is a wonderful thing. On May 27, 2011 two events occured that folded conveniently into a current “debate” on the role and legitimacy of Amerikan “National Socialism”: a copy of “A Brief History of the White Nationalist Movement” appeared in my mailbox (1) and I read Brett Stevens’ somewhat contentious and paradoxical blog post, Destroy White Nationalism (to save White Nationalism), published the previous day, May 26th. For both publications, in order to appreciate the full political context, it is necessary to read “Amerikan National Socialism” in place of “White Nationalism.”
[For myself, the “Brief History” clearly supports my position that Germanic National Socialism cannot be imported and will not be imported into an alien and decadent Amerikan psyche; all that comes of the effort is a bastardized philosophical and political abortion. Reading the “Brief History” confirmed that the mouthing of honourable political intent is a revolving hallucinatory farce and is constantly betrayed and sabotaged by actual conduct, and has been betrayed and sabotaged for 50 years. This conduct in most, but not all, White Nationalist circles seems to be prevalent still. The “Brief History” merely confirms it.
[Upon having finished reading the “Brief History” I was left with the sensation of needing to take a shower. Your mileage upon its reading may differ. It is offered herein unedited and unabridged as received. This blog post publication of the “Brief History” acts as messenger, nothing more, nothing less. – SER]
Footnote (1): On May 27, 2011, Harold Covington of the Northwest Front publically posted the following on the Renaissance Vanguard International’s Facebook page: “Okay, normally I don’t do this, but since the Usual Suspects apparently have no intention of shutting their putrescent yaps no matter what I do, what the hell? Anyone wishing to receive a copy of a fascinating document called A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE WHITE NATIONALIST MOVEMENT can e-mail me at ___ and I will send it to you in MS Word attachment. I have been accused of writing this thing, which I didn’t, at least not all of it and not for this purpose–it is an anthology of internal Movement info dating back about 50 years, including some of my own material lifted from various sources. Whoever wrote it knows his shit, though. With one exception, I cannot find a single significant factual error.” I took Mr. Covington up on his offer. Upon my request to do so, he had no qualm to its blog publication.
A Brief History of the White Nationalist Movement
          This brief history of the White Nationalist Movement in America is being published for two reasons. In the first place, it is necessary to provide posterity with an insider’s view based on actual first hand knowledge of the facts. Almost all of the Movement history available to scholars, researchers, book authors, historians and sociologists is comprised of the incomplete and biased versions of government agencies such as the Justice Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and various law enforcement agencies. Most of these official groups in turn get their information directly or indirectly from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and other anti-White groups with a clear bias and a clear ideological or financial interest in defaming and distorting White Nationalism, and make no effort to verify the facts or to eliminate or fact-check the obvious bias inherent in anything obtained from such sources.
          Secondly, there is a need to educate newcomers into the Movement about our history, and teach them a few basic facts about some of the people and events that have shaped the present situation. As the old axiom says, you can’t know where you’re going until you understand where you’ve been.
Defining White Nationalism 
          Before we decide what we will be speaking about in this report, we need clearly to delineate what we will not be speaking about.
          For the purposes of this report, we will define White Nationalism as any secular, non-faith based belief in a racial nation of Aryan people in North America, separate from the narrative and institutions of the United States of America. White Nationalism may or may not entail the belief in or advocacy of a separate White Homeland somewhere on the North American continent, but it usually does. Central to the tenets of true White Nationalism is a belief in White revolution as opposed to mere reform or tinkering with the existing setup of liberal democracy, etc. White Nationalists do not want to “put things back the way they were”; White Nationalists want to level the present order and substitute something new which will restore the white man to his rightful place in the world.
          This will preclude any lengthy study of many well-known organizations, events, and personalities that have long been considered part of the Movement, but whom we are excluding not only for considerations of brevity (otherwise this report would run to the length of a Tolstoy novel) but also because we consider these organizations and people to be essentially conservative and reactionary.
          The prime example of this redaction will be the Ku Klux Klan in all its many permutations and mini-grouplets down through the past 50 years. Not only would any attempt to chart the ebb and flow of Klan politics be entirely too long for our purpose, but the Klan is essentially reactionary and not revolutionary. The Klan does not desire political white separatism, it simply wishes to keep the blacks and other non-whites “in their place” and bring back the world of 1900 America, a beautiful and desirable goal to be sure, but one that is simply impossible of achievement. We will therefore not mention the Klan, except briefly in connection with the career of David Ernest Duke.
          Also, we will resist the temptation to examine the life, career and personality of Willis Carto. Carto is a fascinating case history of the American Right, but insofar as Carto has ever exhibited any ideological coloration beyond his own self-aggrandizement, he is in fact just a rightist, a reactionary, and a common or garden-variety anti-Semite. His often nefarious activities, as intricate and intriguing as they are, do not fall within the purview of White racial nationalism. Not to mention the fact that it would once again take a book-length exposition accurately to detail and describe Carto’s life and work. We hope that one day such a book will be written; it will make fascinating reading.
          We will not discuss Skinheads and the Skinhead movement, except very peripherally. This is because Skinhead has undergone the same mutation and evolution that Hell’s Angels from the 1950s and 1960s underwent, and Skinhead is no longer a political or social or ideological movement; it has become an urban gang culture and is heading towards becoming an adjunct of organized crime.
          Finally, we will avoid discussing Revisionism, which is a historical field and not a political ideology, except wherever Revisionism impinges on White Nationalism, as it did briefly in the case of Ernst Zündel. It is true that White Nationalism and Revisionism have been associated with one another in the public and official mind, but this association is not always accurate. Not all White Nationalists are Revisionists, and not all Revisionists are White Nationalists. One good example would be the well-known Revisionist historian, Bradley Smith, who is married to a Mexican woman.
Early Beginnings 
          Race has always been the American issue. Proper White Nationalism as we understand the term began in the post World War One era.
          The primary National Socialist group in the U.S. during the 1930s was the German American Bund, led by Fritz Kuhn. The Bund staged a number of highly publicized rallies, marches, and other events, but actually wielded very little power or influence. In part this was because it was too closely associated with the German government in the public’s mind, but also because the Bund was primarily comprised of German immigrants or Americans of recent German descent, and so achieved strength only in those areas of the country which at that time had large German populations, such as New York, New Jersey, the upper Midwest in cities Like Milwaukee and Chicago, and a few other areas. The Bund was outlawed in 1941 by the Roosevelt régime, Fritz Kuhn and other leaders were interned, and the organization disappeared from the American scene.
          Of more interest to us today were several native-born American proto-Fascist or proto-National Socialist movements. A group called the Silver Shirts was formed in Asheville, North Carolina on January 31st, 1933, the day after the Führer Adolf Hitler took power in Germany. The founder was an American named William Dudley Pelley, who was inspired by the success of the Movement in Germany and hoped to emulate Hitler’s accomplishments in this country. His organization flowered briefly, faltered, then disappeared, and Pelley began an aimless odyssey from tiny splinter group to tiny splinter group, prefiguring a pattern which has continued in right-wing politics until this day.
          A more serious effort was a clandestine movement called the Black Legion, formed in 1935 by a man named Parker Sage. An underground patriotic revolutionary group organized on military lines, at one stage the Legion is believed to have numbered as many as 25,000 members, although one hysterical left-wing writer credited the organization with 100,000. The Black Legion functioned mainly in the central and upper Midwest, and in some Midwestern states it outstripped the Second Era Ku Klux Klan at its height in numbers and influence. Like the Klan, the Black Legion engaged in guerrilla-style attacks against Communist union agitators, blacks, bootleggers, and other elements deemed to be “anti-social”.
          Unable to obtain genuine evidence of any criminal wrongdoing, Federal authorities engaged in a crackdown in late 1937 through fabricated conspiracy charges which more or less broke up the organization. In the wake of the Black Legion, Parker Sage founded the National Workers’ League in Detroit in 1938. The NWL was heavily influenced by the American National Socialist political scientist Lawrence Dennis. The NWL was a labor union which sought to organize the White working class in a struggle against capitalism and the destructive Judaic economic system of usury and interest slavery. Dennis took his cue from such German National Socialist theoreticians as Dietrich Eckart, Walther Darré and Gottfried Feder, but also from the American populist tradition of the 1890s, the Grange, the pre-Marxian socialists, and the old Populist Party.
          This brief, fascinating, and now virtually unremembered Populist period In American political history produced brilliant leaders like William Jennings Bryan, Eugene Debs (in his early pre-Marxist days), and Tom Watson of Georgia. There were a series of Populist governors in the South like James Vardaman and Theodore Bilbo in Mississippi, “Pitchfork Ben” Tillman in South Carolina, and Charles Brantley Aycock in North Carolina who made the Famous statement, “There shall be no progress in the South for either race until the Negro is removed permanently from the political process.”
          In 1940, Lawrence Dennis himself wrote, “Democratic and capitalist leadership in America has just one real peacetime concern, to stabilize stagnation. Thus, they hope to avert revolution. The values of democracy and capitalism are no longer credible because their mechanics are no longer workable. To defend a democracy controlled by an alien elite means to die not for your future but for theirs…. a new spirit of Folk consciousness is leading us out of stagnation along the path of revolution. The wise men and social scientists of the democracies have not understood this. Adolf Hitler has understood this.”
          The National Workers’ League published a weekly paper called Nationalist Newsletter up until it was shut down in 1943 by bogus indictments against Dennis and others, which resulted in the Great Sedition Trial of 1944. The evidence against the defendants was so palpably absurd that all were acquitted. (The government staged a repeat performance in Fort Smith, Arkansas in 1988, which also failed to gain a single conviction.) Lawrence Dennis remains a little-known but important pioneer in our racial cause, his works worthy of further study, but they are today virtually unobtainable except for the occasional find in obscure used bookstores and occasional library reference sections.
“Every Man A King, But No One Wears The Crown” 
          The closest we’ve ever gotten to a genuine Folkish revolutionary leader in this country was Huey Pierce Long (1894-1935), governor of Louisiana and later a United States Senator. Long is a problematic but fascinating figure to all who study his life and career.
          Known as “the Kingfish,” Long was unquestionably an egotist and a power-hungry personality who ruthlessly trampled over everyone who got in his way. He was one of the most skillful machine politicians in American history, a master manipulator who became one of the greatest practitioners of the corrupt democratic system of patronage, bribery, corruption, extortion, and deception. On several occasions he called out the Louisiana National Guard to intimidate his political opponents, (who were rather In need of intimidating, if the truth be known.) When he left for the United States Senate in 1932, Huey hand-picked his own successor as governor, a flunky named O. K. Allen who was so feckless that a legend arose that he once signed a leaf which blew in through the window and landed on his desk in the State House.
          But even Huey Long’s worst enemies have never denied that the Kingfish manifested throughout his whole life a profound love, respect and concern for the white Southern working class, the factory workers and sharecroppers and manual laborers who in that day, as in this, bore the brunt of taxation, conscription in time of war, cynical political exploitation, black crime, and arrogant patronizing discrimination by the wealthier classes in the South who from the time of slavery had used the black presence as a source of cheap labor to keep the white workers’ wages low, and as a potential threat to keep the poor whites in line. For the poor whites to rock the boat, to break with the Bourbons of the planter class, always risked weakening or damaging the social and legal mechanisms of control, with the ever-present danger that the blacks might be turned loose to rob and rape and kill, (as indeed occurred in the 1950s, and which situation prevails to this day in the South and throughout the rest of the country).
          But in Huey Long, the white workers no longer had a boss, but a true friend in a position of power. The wealthy liberal elite, the New World Order of the era never forgave Long for it, and eventually they killed him.
          Long began his battle for white rights in the 1920s when he was elected to the relatively minor position of state railroad commissioner. By raising carriage rates for large corporations, notably the all-powerful Standard Oil, and by improving pay, benefits and conditions for the railroad workers Long incurred the anger of the power structure. Twice they tried unsuccessfully to indict Long and remove him from office, but being a skilled courtroom attorney as well as a politician, Huey beat them back.
          Elected governor in 1928, Long provided widespread employment through road-building and swamp drainage projects. He further enraged the rich and powerful by providing free textbooks and lunches for all Louisiana school children, in those days a positively revolutionary concept, since many white working class children could not go to school because their parents could not afford to buy books.
          In the little bayou town of St. Martinsville, Long made one of the most famous addresses in American political history, the “Evangeline Speech”, one of the most searing indictments of liberal democracy ever delivered by an American political leader. Long was speaking to a crowd of French Cajuns, the despised white minority of Louisiana whom the liberal journalists of that day (as well as this) patronized, mocked, and abused, and whom the wealthy upper class of that day (as well as this) generally considered to be “lower than niggers”:
          “…Here beneath this oak; Evangeline waited for her lover, who never came. It is a spot made immortal by Longfellow’s poem, but Evangeline is not the only one who has waited here in disappointment. Where are the schools you have waited for your children to have, which have never come? Where are the roads and highways that you send your money to build, which are now no nearer than before? Where are the institutions to care for the sick and the disabled? Evangeline wept bitter tears in her disappointment, but they lasted only through a single lifetime. Your tears in this country, around this oak; have lasted for generations. Give me the chance at last to dry the tears of those who still weep here!” (Long won the election by a landslide.)
          As a U. S. Senator Long began to widen his appeal onto a nationwide level in preparation for a presidential bid against Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1936. Huey built his own national organization through his books Every Man A King and My First 100 Days In The White House, and also through his Share The Wealth Clubs, whose slogan was “Every man a king, but no one wears the crown.”
          Long advocated a highly revolutionary and populist program involving not just the restriction of capitalist excesses and better individual conditions for working people, but the actual redistribution of existing wealth, something only Adolf Hitler has ever been able to achieve without mass slaughter. Long’s breathtakingly simple plan was to place a legal limit of one million dollars on annual income for individuals, and as well as a cap of ten million dollars on the individual net worth of any one American citizen. By 1930s standards, and even today, this is more than enough money to maintain an individual and his family in the most magnificent luxury, nor is there really any valid reason why any one person needs more income or wealth than this. But by advocating this idea, Long signed his own death warrant.
          On the night of Sunday, September 8th, 1935, Huey Long was shot dead in the corridors of the Louisiana State House by a Jewish doctor named Carl Austin Weiss. The assassin was immediately himself gunned down by a Louisiana state police detective assigned to guard the Senator. Despite several half-hearted attempts by subsequent politically correct authors to prove that Weiss was innocent, a recent exhumation and autopsy on Long’s body (1993) proved that the fatal bullet which killed Long did indeed come from Weiss’s .32 automatic and not, as has been alleged, from the weapon of one of Long’s bodyguards.
          No credible motive has ever been unearthed as to why Weiss sat down and ate his Sunday dinner, played with the family dog, and then stuck a pistol in his pocket and went over to the state capital to kill a United States Senator. Born a Jew, Weiss converted to Catholicism and married into an upper-crust French Roman Catholic family. It has been lamely suggested that Weiss was upset at a insult to his father-in-law, a prominent judge, on the part of Senator Long, i.e. that the judge and hence Weiss’s wife had negroid blood in them, but no one has been able to come up with any documentary proof that any such allegation was ever made, by Long or anyone else.
          The most likely explanation is that the established power structure had decided that Huey Long must die, and Carl Weiss drew the short straw. It was common knowledge in Louisiana’s elite circles that Standard Oil was plotting to kill Long and had allocated a large sum of money for that purpose. In Huey Long, white working people lost a leader who was arguably the only real friend they have had in any position of power during the past eighty years. To this day, the whites of Louisiana have exhibited a stubborn rebellious streak, such as when they cast huge vote totals for David Duke in recent years. And to this day, any mention of Huey Long’s name will bring thunderous cheers from any gathering of Louisiana working people.
The National Renaissance Party
           After World War Two, the first sign of continued white resistance to the New World Order, which was even then beginning to come into being through the United Nations and assorted Judæo-Communist conspiracies, was the emergence in the late 1940s of an anti-Jewish tabloid newspaper called Common Sense, edited by a man named Conde McGinley (1890-1963). For many years in the immediate post-World War Two period, McGinley was the only one who would discuss the Jewish question openly at all. At its height, Common Sense had a circulation of about 50,000 and first published a number of seminal post-war works on the Jewish question such as Col Eugene Sanctuary’s The Talmud Unmasked and the pseudonymous booklet Behind Communism.
          Also politically active in the 1950s was the brilliant if somewhat erratic philosopher and author Francis Parker Yockey (1917-1960). Yockey was a former Nuremberg prosecutor who became disgusted with the obvious unfairness and lynch-mob atmosphere of the International Tribunal, as well as the presence of judges from the Soviet Union who were guilty of at least equal if not greater atrocities than the National Socialist accused. Yockey resigned and retired to Brittas Bay in Ireland, where he wrote Imperium, one of the major works of world political theory and required reading for all White Nationalists to this day. Yockey died mysteriously of poisoning while in police custody in San Francisco in 1960, and is widely believed to have been murdered on orders from powerful figures in the American Jewish community.
           The first actual White Nationalist group to emerge into public view after the war was the National Renaissance Party (NRP) in 1949, under the leadership of a certified (and certifiable) public accountant named James H. Madole. The NRP was always pretty much restricted to the New York City area, with occasional outbreaks in the Reading, Pennsylvania and Philadelphia areas, and at its height could generally muster about fifteen or twenty of the Same Old Faces for “street rallies” which consisted of the NRP people appearing in costumes and being chased down the street or pelted with garbage and missiles by Jews and Communists, thus setting a pattern of White Nationalist activity which persists to this day.
          The NRP had a long and interesting history, and many interesting Movement “characters” served their apprenticeship in the NRP. The party did not disband finally until the early 1980s, some years after the death of its founder Madole. Unfortunately, the NRP milieu also initiated the long and regrettable association both between White Nationalism and homosexuality, and between White Nationalism and Satanism, connections that it would be pointless and self-deceiving to deny. Party founder Madole remained unmarried and lived with his mother in a rent-controlled Manhattan apartment until she died, when Madole was well into middle age. He is the stereotype of the “mini-Führer” who still lives with his parents into his forties. Towards the end of Madole’s life the NRP ceased all street activities, especially after the murder of Captain Andrej Lisanik, a former Czech fighter pilot who defected to the West with his plane, and who was one of the few genuine “hard men” ever attracted to the Movement. The NRP became essentially a newsletter organization reflecting the views of its founder, which had degenerated into pure occult mysticism. After Madole’s death the NRP spluttered along for a while, split into half a dozen two and three-person factions, and then disappeared. Once again, this is not an uncommon fate for White Nationalist organizations. Indeed, it seems to be rather typical.
Closely associated with the NRP was a group called the Free Ezra Pound Committee (FEPC) which was headed by three homosexuals-Eustace Mullins, who was chairman of the FEPC and an NRP member as well as a staff writer for McGinley’s Common Sense, attorney Edward Fleckenstein who was legal counsel of the FEPC whose NRP membership status is unknown, and Matthias Koehl, Jr., who was secretary of the FRPC and not an NRP member. The homosexuality of these three men was no secret, and has long been accepted as fact by all Movement old hands who are “in the know.”
          Ezra Pound was an American citizen and a famed poet from the  1920s, who made pro-Axis and anti-Allied radio broadcasts in Italy during World War II. During the middle 1950s, Eustace Mullins and Matt Koehl went on tours down South, the East Coast and Mid-West area to speak out on behalf of the imprisoned Ezra Pound. The Free Ezra Pound committee was formed to work for the release of incarcerated poet who was locked up Soviet-style in St. Elizabeth’s mental hospital in Washington, D.C., because he had made radio broadcasts during the Second World War denouncing the war and criticizing Roosevelt’s policies.
          In 1955, Mullins, Koehl and Fleckenstein were arrested in Middletown, New York on a charge of forcible sodomy, the victim being a teenage boy in the back seat of a car on a county road. This incident is highly obscure, but it had ramifications for the Movement that extend into the present day. Whether by design, through drunkenness or whatever, the three men picked up a hitchhiker, a boy of fifteen, then drove to an isolated spot where they forcibly stripped and cornholed him. In one version of this story recounted by the late Rick Cooper (1946-2006) Fleckenstein was the aggressor, Mullins the observer, and Koehl the driver. After the buggery was finished, the boy was dumped off on the side of the road, but he noted the car license number and reported the incident to his parents.
          Here is where odd things start popping up. The parents supposedly filed a police report with the Middletown police and the three queers were arrested, but no one has ever been able to produce conclusive evidence that this incident ever occurred, because all the paperwork and police records have vanished. Eventually, the parents “decided not to press charges.” The incident does seem to have actually occurred; it was sufficiently well known at the time so that National Renaissance Party leader James Madole expelled Eustace Mullins from the NRP due to the embarrassment he caused.
          Down through the years, copies of the written police files on this case have been rumored to exist here, there, and everywhere in a kind of Movement Da Vinci Code type of scenario. Mostly these mysterious police files are offered as explanations for the often bizarre and inexplicable behavior of Matt Koehl. Anyone who ever worked with Koehl for any length of time came away with the distinct and ineradicable impression that he was being blackmailed, that certain subordinates seemed to “have some kind of hold on him,” notably a man named David Martin Kerr. There doesn’t seem to be any other explanation for certain illogical and counterproductive things that Koehl did during his tenure as head of the NSWPP, decisions which were clearly at odds with his duty as head of a National Socialist organization and with the ideology he claimed to espouse.
          Koehl and Mullins apparently maintained their connection, pardon the expression. In 1959 and 1960, both Mullins and Koehl volunteered to assist Retired Rear Admiral John G. Crommelin in his electoral bid for the office of Vice President of the United States. Crommelin allowed Mullins and Koehl to stay in the basement of his Wetumpka, Alabama, farmhouse as they helped work on his campaign. One day in 1960, Crommelin apparently walked in on Koehl and Mullins engaged in a sodomitic act, and he ordered them off his property. Years later, Crommelin told former deputy commander of the American Nazi Party (ANP), Karl Allen, about the incident. Karl Allen later told former ANP member Christopher Bailey, and Chris then told Rick Cooper in the early 1980s.
          Crommelin never made any secret of this incident and willingly discussed it with whoever was interested, and yet it stands as yet another example of the odd veil of secrecy that seems to shelter these early Movement figures such as Koehl, Mullins, and Benny Klassen when it comes to their perverse sexual predilections. Anyone who discusses these things, or attempts to discuss them, can never seem to get any traction on the issue and is usually silenced or victimized shortly thereafter in some odd way or another. Harold Covington has been subjected to years of vicious persecution, slander, and vilification because of his constant refusal to maintain a discreet and respectful silence over acts of perversion and skullduggery within the Movement, and his demands for the imposition of some kind or moral standards or code of conduct on the Movement’s self-appointed “leaders.”
The National States Rights Party 
          During the 1950s, the National States Rights Party (NSRP) was formed by Georgia attorney Jesse B. Stoner and chiropractor Dr. Edward R. Fields. First headquartered in Savannah, Georgia, the group later moved to Marietta, Georgia where Dr. Fields resides to this day. This party was a strongly reactionary, Christian fundamentalist and segregationist group that advocated total geographic separation of the races and an all-White America, but it eventually became radical enough to be classed as properly White Nationalist. The organization published a tabloid newspaper called The Thunderbolt, the name of which was later changed to The Truth At Last, which became the most influential tabloid in the history of the White Nationalist movement.
          In the 1950s and 1960s, the NSRP became the largest White Nationalist organization in the country.J. B.Stoner and other NSRP members often ran for political office, mainly in the South. The Thunderbolt had the largest circulation of any White Nationalist paper in the country and probably the world, except for Willis Carto’s Spotlight, which was more reactionary and conspiratorial in its outlook. The NSRP has had more dues-paying members in its history than all other White Nationalist groups put together. Many well-known Movement figures first got their start in the NSRP.
The Heroic Figure of George Lincoln Rockwell
          After the catastrophic defeat and destruction of National Socialist Germany in 1945, there were a small band of activists who kept the NS spirit alive in this country throughout the late 1940s and 1950s. But post-war American National Socialism owes its existence to one man: U. S. Navy Commander George Lincoln Rockwell. One of the few genuinely heroic figures the American racial nationalist movement has produced, Rockwell formed the American Nazi Party in 1958 after years of floundering around the traditional “right wing” and becoming disillusioned with everything he found there.
          Rockwell’s method was simple. A supporter gave Rockwell a large Swastika wall banner taken from National Socialist Germany during the war, and one day in 1958, Rockwell simply pulled side the curtains of a picture window in his home on Williams Street in Arlington, Virginia to reveal the flag with its ancient Aryan symbol to the passing world. That night a gang of drunken hoodlums pulled up outside and hurled bricks and bottles through the picture window, the first in a long series of acts of persecution and terrorism which have been directed against American National Socialists. In the coming years Rockwell would be arrested, jailed, beaten, shot at, fined, and confined in a mental institution because he dared to stand up for his constitutional rights as an American citizen to express dissenting viewpoints on unauthorized subjects.
          Commander Rockwell established for the American Nazi Party the first Four Phase Program. For a political plan developed in 1958, it showed remarkable prescience, and had Commander Rockwell lived and been better served by those who claimed to be his friends and supporters, it is possible that his program would have taken the Party much farther than anyone thought possible.
          Phase One was the most spectacular and in many respects the most misunderstood phase, a misunderstanding that persists to this day. It involved a series of flamboyant and sometimes downright bizarre publicity stunts such as dressing Rockwell himself and small numbers of supporters in quasi-Third Reich style uniforms and then picketing the White House; trying to conduct chaotic open-air rallies on the Washington Monument grounds; starting a riot when Rockwell tried to speak in Times Square in New York to a mob of thousands of screaming, frothing Jews; dressing up in gorilla costumes and riding around New York posing as the “Lower Volta delegation” to the United Nations; donning gorilla suits again and running through the 1964 Democratic convention yelling “Ah’s de Mississippi delegation and ah demands mah seat!”; riding through the South in a Swastika-spangled “Hate Bus”, etc. When you hear Movement people today speak of “Phase One tactics”, it is this kind of rambunctious and amusing but not really productive activity that is meant.
          Briefly stated, Rockwell was faced in the 1950s and early 1960s with an urgent need to break through the news blackout of all pro-White activity, the media boycott of all pro-White viewpoints, at any cost-even the cost of making the Party look ridiculous through blatant publicity stunts.
          It is sometimes difficult for older comrades to remember, and of course younger comrades never knew, that as bad as the left-wing liberal bias in the news media is today, in Rockwell’s day it was even worse. Whereas today the technological developments such as the internet, computer bulletin boards, CB radios, fax machines, cable access etc. have to a certain degree undermined the power structure’s grip on the nation’s communications, in those days there were only three networks and the major newspapers were even more completely Jewish-owned and controlled than today. The entire communications industry marched in grim lockstep, the Great Society ruled, the State of Israel was the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy and could do no wrong, blacks were a noble and sensitive race of persecuted paragons, and anybody who suggested differently simply was not allowed to be heard. It was essential that Rockwell smash this paper curtain of silence.
          However, it must not be thought that George Lincoln Rockwell was nothing but street theater. He was also a brilliant writer and organizer. In 1960 he wrote his seminal work In Hoc Signo Vinces, the first National Socialist polemic in the English language since 1945. In 1962 he co-founded the World Union of National Socialists and co-authored the Cotswolds Declaration, the fundamental statement of the National Socialist world view in post-war times. His books This Time The World and White Power are today just as fascinating and instructive reading as they were when they were written.
          Rockwell was also a riveting and charismatic speaker, as can be heard to this day in recordings of his famous addresses at Brown University and taped excerpts from his interviews, many of which are available from various Movement sources. Today collectors pay fabulous sums for original copies of his magazine, The Rockwell Report, and his “Boat Ticket Back to Africa” is the single most popular racial nationalist item ever created by any right-wing or racialist group; millions of copies have been printed and distributed down the years.
          By 1966 the ANP was at last beginning to break through to large numbers of white people. In that year the Party’s Chicago unit organized massive white resistance to a physical invasion, massively backed by organized liberalism, which Martin Luther King spearheaded into the various ethnic neighborhoods on the city’s South Side. Mobs of young men wearing White Power T-shirts and Swastika armbands battled against the NAACP monkoids and their police protectors. The resistance was so fierce that it caused King to remark that “he would rather lead ten marches into Selma, Alabama than one march into Gage Park in Chicago.”
          In early 1967 Rockwell obtained major funding from a cartel of wealthy right-wing businessmen, including the Hunt brothers in Texas, and he used this money to print and publish the book White Power and also the newspaper of the same name. In a historic staff conference held in Arlington in June of that year, Commander Rockwell inaugurated a new direction which would take the Party out of the “Hollywood” phase and more into the American mainstream. The plan was eventually to jettison the uniforms and the Phase One activity. Even Rockwell recognized that they were a temporary tactic, and they had served their purpose.
The Fields Lawsuit
          In 1961, in an event that would have a lethal effect on Rockwell’s legacy, Matthias Koehl, Jr. joined the ANP, resigning from the NSRP of which he was a member at the time.
          The NSRP was losing members and financial contributors because of the ANP, and Rockwell’s high public profile was discerned as a threat to the NSRP’s income and stature within the Movement. The resentment of the NSRP leaders built up until finally Dr. Ed Fields, with the backing ofJ. B.Stoner, attacked Rockwell in The Thunderbolt of August 1962 as being some sort of FBI collaborator, being on the Jewish payroll, being a phony patriot and being a Communist. Rockwell demanded a retraction from Fields but Fields refused. Consequently, Rockwell filed a lawsuit against Dr. Edward R. Fields for slander in late 1964 or early 1965, CIVIL ACTION NO. 64-570. Letters went back and forth between Rockwell and Matt H. Murphy, Ed Fields’ attorney in the case.
          Before the trial date, Murphy realized that Fields’ case was weak and so told Fields that if the case went to court, it would cost Fields $2,500 minimum, even if he won the case. Rockwell, however, offered to settle the case out of court by asking that Fields print a retraction of his (Fields’) attack on Rockwell in a future issue of The Thunderbolt and pay Rockwell $1,000 which was even a bargain in those days. Fields capitulated, gave Rockwell the $1,000 and printed a retraction in The Thunderbolt of October 1965. During these legal proceedings, J. B. Stoner backed Dr. Fields against Rockwell.
          This case is interesting because of the lessons learned, in bad publicity and expense. Both Rockwell and Dr. Fields later admitted that it was both unethical and bad tactics to take Movement disputes into the courtrooms of the very Zionist system that the Movement is supposedly dedicated to destroying. Ever since then, the use of malicious and baseless private lawsuits in order to pursue Movement feuds and private agendas has always been considered one of the earmarks of the government or Jewish agent provocateur.
The Murder of George Lincoln Rockwell
          On January 1, 1967, George Lincoln Rockwell changed the name of the American Nazi Party (ANP) to the National Socialist White People’s Party (NSWPP) because the old name pertained to American workers whereas the new name pertained to all White people. He also wanted to remove the controversial and much-misunderstood word “Nazi” from the name of the organization, replacing it with the more accurate and dignified term “National Socialist.” Rockwell and the NSWPP had reached their highest peak to date at this time. There was a lot of activity to report in the NSWPP’s publications White Power and NS Bulletin, donations were good and Rockwell was booked well in advance for speaking engagements at colleges and universities throughout the country.
          Commander George Lincoln Rockwell was murdered in Arlington on Friday, August 25th, 1967, under circumstances which have never been satisfactorily cleared up, but which point to at least peripheral involvement on the part of Matthias Koehl, the man who succeeded him as leader of the Party.
          Rockwell’s death was unquestionably the result of a conspiracy and was not the act of the usual “lone gunman” who mysteriously appears on cue to remove public figures whom the Jewish power structure finds inconvenient. While it is likely that the individual convicted of the murder, a former Party member named John Patler, was indeed the trigger man who shot down the Commander in an Arlington shopping center, what has never been satisfactorily explained was precisely how Patler knew where Rockwell would be and when, in order to intercept and ambush his victim. It is clear from any objective examination of the evidence that Patler had at least one accomplice inside the old Party headquarters on Wilson Boulevard, called “Hatemonger Hill”. Patler was convicted after only the most cursory police investigation, received the lightest possible prison sentence allowable under Virginia law, and was released after spending only a few years in comfortable, minimum-security facilities.
          The whole murder case has been buried for years, and several journalistic and literary attempts to re-open it have been met with a stonewalling and in some cases with outright threats and intimidation from official sources, which have frightened the would-be authors into silence.
The NSWPP Under Matt Koehl
          The events immediately surrounding the death of Commander Rockwell are very murky. The NSWPP members allegedly went through the protocol of selecting a new leader, but many key members were not consulted. The majority of the members present in Arlington selected Major Matthias Koehl to succeed as the new NSWPP leader.
          Koehl later claimed to be Rockwell’s hand-picked successor and “Deputy Commander,” but no official appointment to this particular post over Rockwell’s signature has ever been produced and so far as anyone recalls, Koehl never used such a title when Rockwell was alive. The reference to Koehl as “Deputy Commander” on the last page of White Power is a later addendum which does not appear in first editions of the book. There have been persistent rumors down through the years that on the night of Commander Rockwell’s murder, Captain Robert Lloyd and Dr. William Pierce broke into Commander Rockwell’s safe and destroyed his political testament. It is not known what this document contained.
          Koehl managed to keep the NSWPP in existence for another fifteen years, but his tenure is now generally recognized as a disaster for American National Socialism, due not only to his introverted and bureaucratic personality, but also due to the fact that it became apparent down through the years that Koehl had a number of distasteful skeletons in his closet.
          During his tenure with the NSWPP, Dr. William L. Pierce published several issues of the theoretical journal National Socialist World; generally considered the best post-1945 NS ideological publication, reprints are still circulated in the Movement to this day. The Party under Koehl played a minor part in the Watergate affair when it was revealed by then NSWPP Lieutenant Joe Tommasi that the unit members had been hired by the Nixon re-election committee to re-register Wallace voters and thus get Wallace’s American Party knocked off the ballot in California. In the last hurrah of the old Rockwell spirit, a wild attack on a left-wing rally at the 1972 Republican convention in Miami added to the Party’s roll of daring exploits when 24 Stormtroopers seized the platform and prevented Jane Fonda from speaking for over an hour. The Party also lent practical help to the Irish-American community in South Boston during the 1974 school busing crisis.
          If Koehl’s personality was not enough to cause massive discontent and resignations, Koehl’s homosexual background was, and Koehl’s background was no secret within the NSWPP membership, especially among the old timers. In addition, some of Koehl’s fund-raising practices were controversial and alienated many people, notably his auctioning off of small matchbox-sized increments of Commander Rockwell’s ashes under the slogan “Get Your Piece of the Rock.” Koehl later managed to escape investigation and indictment for securities fraud by the Securities and Exchange Commission for selling something he called “Victory Bonds” payable after “the day of National Socialist victory.” An SEC investigation is usually something impossible to shake off or divert; with all their wealth and power, big Jew stock swindlers like Ivan Boesky and Michael Milken and tycoons like Conrad Black were unable to do so. Yet the SEC investigation against Koehl was quietly dropped. It is not known why, but anyone who can make an SEC investigation go away obviously has some pretty heavy juice working for him somewhere along the line.
          In the mid-1980s Rick Cooper was able to get hold of a copy of Matt Koehl’s birth certificate, and he discovered that while his father was Romanian, probably of German descent (there are many Saxon Germans in Romania) his mother’s maiden name was Ruth Bierbaum, which is about as Jewish-sounding a name as it’s possible for a woman to have. Since Ruth Bierbaum was presumably born in Romania as well, at a time when the country was almost one third Jewish, it has been impossible to establish Koehl’s actual racial antecedents, but his swarthy skin and greasy hair were always noteworthy within the Movement. There is an excellent probability that Koehl’s mother was Jewish, which would make him Jewish under rabbinic law, since descent is determined on the female side because “no one can truly know the father save the mother.” (A fancy Talmudic way of saying that Jewish women are such sluts that the mother is the only parent who can be reliably determined.) Plus there was the strong suspicion, never completely dissipated, that Koehl was somehow involved in Rockwell’s murder, as well as the constantly hovering rumors about the 1955 New York buggery case, and the well-known fact of Koehl’s open aversion to women.
          On Labor Day of 1979, Koehl disbanded the NSWPP Stormtroops, a decision which Koehl knew would cost the Party activists and supporters. The White Power newspaper was published more and more infrequently, until its last issue of #109 in 1984. To make a long story short, Koehl embezzled all the NSWPP money, liquidated the Party’s once extensive real estate holdings in the form of headquarters buildings, kept the money from the property sales and liquidated the gold stocks and certificates of deposit accounts in order to finance a personal retirement estate in New Berlin, Wisconsin, which he placed in fanatical supporter Arthur Beneker’s name.
          Currently, Koehl lives on the aforementioned 80-acre (not 88-acre) estate described by Milwaukee (Wisconsin) Sentinel staff writer Tim Cuprisin as “quite nice.” There are two structures on this property, a smaller house (21288 Barton Road, West) that can be seen from the road and then Koehl’s private domain (21200 Barton Road, West) which is the larger house which cannot be seen readily from the road but which is reached by following a gravel road past the smaller house, both of which are reportedly uninsured wooden structures. Now aged 72, in recent years Koehl has apparently become senile, and developed a bizarre mystical obsession with the number 8; much of his correspondence consists of dissertations on the number 8 and strange origami-like designs drawn by hand or computer using the number 8.
          Ironically, it was one of Koehl’s most loyal supporters, former NSWPP Tracy-Stockton Unit leader Paul Raymond, who, almost 15 years ago, stated that he suspected Koehl would one day “close down the NSWPP, take all the money and go retire somewhere.”
          To rationalize Koehl’s destruction of the NSWPP to Party supporters, Koehl insisted that the Leader never meant for the Movement to be political after World War Two, which according to Koehl is why the NSWPP under his leadership failed. The NS Bulletin, a special newsletter for members and supporters, was expanded to include propaganda for the masses and is still published infrequently.
          Koehl was cordially loathed by a good number of NSWPP people, and when he was “elected” a good percentage of the Party’s members, Stormtroopers, activists and financial supporters refused to have anything to do with him and dropped out. Many of the loyal NSWPP members resigned and dropped out totally from the White Nationalist Movement, preferring not to align themselves with any phony White Nationalist group or any “sneaky Nazi” group such as the NSRP. However, some dedicated NSWPP members resigned to form their own National Socialist groups or similar groups with different names. Foremost among these was the National Socialist Party of America (NSPA) centered in Chicago, of which more will be related at the proper time.
The Birth Of The National Alliance
          During the summer of 1970, a man named Wilfried Kernbach approached Dr. William L. Pierce and gave Dr. Pierce incriminating evidence against Matt Koehl, evidence that was stolen from the home of an Anti-Defamation League (ADL) associate or member who had infiltrated the National Renaissance Party over 10 years previously. This evidence is believed to have been photocopies of the 1955 sodomy arrest file from New York. (Madole always claimed he had copies but for whatever reason, would never make them public.)
          While Koehl was leader of the NSWPP, he expelled any member who spoke of his homosexual background on the grounds of “character assassination” and “rumor mongering.” However, there still remained a few members, supporters and other associates of the NSWPP who kept silent about Koehl’s homosexual background so as to not damage the NSWPP any more than had been done already. It was suggested to Dr. Pierce that he present this evidence to Koehl and then ask Koehl to resign due to health or some other reason, so as to not cause suspicion about the NSWPP in the public eye. Koehl said he would sleep on the matter.
          Dr. Pierce went to his house that evening but, when he returned to the NSWPP headquarters building the next morning, Koehl had instructed the duty officer to ban Dr. Pierce from the building permanently. A short time after that, two of Koehl’s blindly loyal backers, Richard Biedermann and Captain Chris Vidnevich, confronted Dr. Pierce at his house, informed him that he was expelled from the NSWPP, and demanded with threats of violence that Dr. Pierce return the things that he had “taken” from the NSWPP headquarters. Since Pierce was well known as a physical coward who was afraid of being struck or threatened or shouted at in a loud voice, he crumpled and handed over all of the Koehl material. Thus was born the National Alliance.
          What Wilfried Kernbach told Rick Cooper in 1982 was that Dr. Pierce was given a man’s job to do, and he handled the situation like a boy scout. It was not the first time, and it would not be the last.
The Long Twilight
          Every political movement has low points. The years that followed the death of George Lincoln Rockwell was such a low point in the history of American White Nationalism.
          There were some bright spots, to be sure. In 1978 the National Socialist Party of America, a breakaway faction of the old NSWPP comprising the more dedicated members who had tired of the corruption and incompetence of the Arlington leadership, orchestrated and carried to a successful conclusion the famous “Operation Skokie”. This resulted in worldwide publicity and eventually a United States Supreme Court decision that specifically protected National Socialist insignia and speech under the First Amendment.
          Harold A. Covington of the NSPA received 34% of the vote in the 1978 Republican primary for North Carolina State Senate. In 1979 NSPA members were involved with the Ku Klux Klan in the Greensboro incident where a mob of Communist Workers’ Party members attacked a White motorcade on a public street in Greensboro, North Carolina. A gun battle broke out in which five of the Reds were slain, yet all the Klan and NS defendants were eventually acquitted. In 1980, Covington polled 43% of the vote in the 1980 Republican primary for the office of North Carolina Attorney General.
The Order Rebellion
          During the 1980s the tragic and heroic saga of the Order took place, The first armed insurrection against the United States government since 1865, which culminated in the death of Robert Mathews on Whidbey Island in Puget Sound. The Order were heavily influenced by National Socialism and the works of Commander Rockwell, as well as the Christian Identity religious message and the Northwest independence idea.
          The Order was founded Robert Jay Mathews in late September, 1983 at Mathews’ farm near Metaline Falls, Washington. A fundamental goal of The Order was revolution against the government of the United States and the establishment of a White Homeland in the Pacific Northwest. Their first effort at armed struggle was admittedly unspectacular, the robbery of a sex shop which netted them less than $400. Afterwards, the Order were much more effective, committing several lucrative bank robberies as well as bombing some porno theaters and synagogues. The Order ran a large counteoperation, and executed a series of armored car hesists, including one in Ukiah, California that netted $3.8 million.
          After being arrested on counterfeiting charges, the infamous informer and traitor Thomas Martinez informed FBI agents of the group’s membership roll and its methods. Based on this information, authorities were able to track down Mathews in December, 1984. He was living in a cabin on Whidbey Island, Washington and he refused to surrender. During a shootout, the cabin became engulfed in flames and Mathews perished.
          Ultimately, ten members of The Order were tried and convicted under Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) statutes. In a separate trial, three other members of The Order were tried and convicted of assassinating the obnoxious Jew talk show host Alan Berg in Denver, Colorado, on June 18th, 1984. Berg a vile liberal even by Jewish standards who made a practice of baiting “white supremacists” and who had it coming in spades.
          The Order also provided, for the first time, some serious financing for established racial groups. Robert Mathews delivered approximately $300,000 apiece in money stolen from an armored car robbery to Dr. William L. Pierce of the National Alliance and Frazier Glenn Miller of the North Carolina-based White Patriot Party. Pierce used the money to buy a 345-acre plot of land in rural West Virginia and build himself a traditional “right-wing racist compound” on it, eventually the most extensive and well-appointed example of its kind. Miller used the money to buy uniforms and thousands of Confederate flags for his groups’ street activities, huge arsenals of guns and ammunition which were never actually directed against the racial enemy, and huge volumes of whiskey and beer to keep himself and his “staff” (his hard core of drinking buddies) intoxicated at all times.
The Self-Promotion of David Duke
          “David Duke has been a professional racist for his entire adult life,” wrote Tyler Bridges, author of The Rise of David Duke, a biography of Duke’s early years. “He deeply believes his anti-Semitic political philosophy, but it has also been a way for him to get money from his followers. It is how he makes a living.”
          Duke has spent virtually his entire career living off the kindness of strangers-people who mistakenly thought he was championing their cause for no other reason than a desire to help whites. He sold and resold supposedly secret mailing lists, raised money under false pretenses, and lived off the proceeds of fund-raising for at least 10 different political campaigns. He womanized shamelessly and spent thousands on cosmetic surgery for himself, including liposuction to his buttocks. From his formative years as a supposed National Socialist right up to the present, David Duke’s foremost concern always has been David Duke. For 30 years now, America’s best-known white supremacist has engaged in a striking pattern of financial chicanery and self-serving rip-offs.
          Duke Ernest Duke has one paramount skill which he has exhibited throughout his whole life: an incredible ability to re-invent himself. He does it every few years. From National Socialist, to Klansman, to suit-and-tie-racist, to state legislator and political wheeler-dealer, to quasi-intellectual author, to globe-trotting celebrity collecting meaningless honorary degrees from Eastern European universities no one ever heard of, to “prison martyr” to “elder statesman of the Movement,” Duke has packed a dozen lifetimes of bushwah into one.
          Duke’s refusal to be fettered by any considerations of truth or honesty, combined with a total, complete, and utter shamelessness unparalleled even in the notably shameless White movement, have made him the Movement’s premier operator and public figure. Along with Dr. William L. Pierce, Duke can probably be considered as being one of the Movement’s success stories in the purely personal sense. He has lived a life of excitement, adventure, and luxury, and all on somebody else’s dime. Unlike Ed Fields, who practiced as a chiropractor for some years, and Dr. William L. Pierce who at least did a couple or years as an assistant college professor in the 1960s, at age 57 David Duke can honestly say that he has never worked a single day in his life. Duke has been in more tight corners than a feather duster. He has stolen what has to be millions of dollars down through the years, and he’s only done one short prison sentence. No one else in the Movement can match that record except for Pierce, who may have stolen slightly less but who never did a day behind bars.
          David Ernest Duke began his racial career while a college student, as a member of Matt Koehl’s NSWPP for a brief period of time. Duke has always tried to disavow or deny this period in his life, but his enemies still to this day glory in publishing a photo of Duke taken in 1971 while he was picketing the student union at LSU, wearing a brown shirt and Swastika armband. When confronted with this photo in circumstances where he can’t slither out of it, Duke harrumphs and says his Nazi period was a “youthful mistake.”
          During one of his trips to Arlington, Virginia, in about 1971, Duke stopped by to visit Dr. Pierce of the National Alliance across Interstate 95 from the NSWPP headquarters. According to Rick Cooper, Dr. Pierce offered to give David Duke the information regarding Matt Koehl’s homosexual background if Duke would publish this information in his Klan publication at the time, The Crusader. Duke refused, for reasons which remain obscure; why he would wish to maintain the secret of a highly placed homosexual in the Movement is unknown. After visiting Dr. Pierce, Duke visited Matt Koehl at the NSWPP headquarters.
          Subsequently, Duke spoke with an NSWPP duty officer, James N. Mason, and told Mason of Dr. Pierce’s offer. Jim Mason, years later, told this to Cooper who then wrote to Duke, asking for an account, confirmation or denial that Dr. Pierce made such an offer. Duke never replied.
          David Duke first got caught with his hand in the till in 1972, shortly after he temporarily dropped out of Louisiana State University to devote himself to full-time neo-Nazi activism, according to Bridges’ book. Police arrested Duke and three others for allegedly raising $500 for George Wallace’s presidential campaign and pocketing the money. The charges were dropped after an influential Duke mentor convinced Wallace campaign officials to change their story.
          By 1974, Duke had founded the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, and it wasn’t long before he became the media’s favorite Klan leader. Vowing to modernize the Klan, he urged his acolytes to “get out of the cow pasture and into hotel meeting rooms.” After appearing on Tom Snyder’s Tomorrow talk show, he was able to use his newfound celebrity to recruit Louis Beam, Don Black and Tom Metzger, who each went on to play key roles in America’s White Nationalist movement.
          During this same period, starting with a failed 1975 bid for the Louisiana state senate, Duke began a series of political campaigns. It appears certain they were at least partly funded with money taken from his Klan group’s coffers.
          Before long, several of Duke’s most intimate allies began to grow weary of his self-serving personality and his constant, unquenchable greed for money. William Pierce, who Duke had begun corresponding with when the Louisianan was still a teenager, admonished Duke to quit taking credit for an important Pierce pamphlet, Who Runs the Media? Others in the racist movement angrily responded to Duke’s notorious womanizing, which was almost pathological. Duke hit on any female he saw, literally within a matter of minutes of meeting her-single women, married women, female reporters, waitresses, women he saw on the street, it didn’t matter. His sexual obsession approached the medical condition known as satyriasis. Word soon got out that no one could trust their wives, daughters, sisters, or for that matter mothers alone in David Duke’s presence, and many Duke functions to this day turn into an elaborate dance or game to try and keep Duke away from any attractive females present.
          Duke’s shady financial dealings grew harder and harder to conceal as well. As the 1970s drew to a close, with growing numbers of followers deserting his Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Duke was accused by several Klan officials of stealing his organization’s money. “Duke is nothing but a con artist,” Jack Gregory, Duke’s Florida state leader, told the Clearwater (Fla.) Sun after his boss allegedly refused to turn over proceeds from a series of 1979 Klan rallies to the Knights.
          In 1979, after his first, abortive run for president (as a Democrat) and a series of highly publicized violent Klan incidents, Duke quietly incorporated the nonprofit National Association for the Advancement of White People (NAAWP) in an attempt to leave the baggage of the Klan behind. But before he made it public, he contacted Bill Wilkinson, a former Duke underling who now headed a rival Klan group.
          Duke invited Wilkinson to a remote Alabama farmhouse where he offered to sell for $35,000 his secret membership list-a cardinal offense for a Klan leader who had promised to keep his members’ names secret at all costs. Wilkinson had feigned interest, but secretly invited two reporters to witness the transaction. Duke and his disciple, Don Black, were caught on video and audiotape as they handed a brown paper bag filled with index cards with his members’ names to Wilkinson. Three days later, after Duke’s sellout had received national publicity, he publicly announced the formation of the NAAWP, attacking Wilkinson as he did so. He said he was trying to get away from “the Hollywood image” of the Klan.
          In May of 1981, David Duke became involved in one of the most bizarre episodes in the history of the White Nationalist movement, and considering the incredible profusion of bizarre incidents in our Movement, that’s saying a lot. This was the abortive invasion of the Caribbean island of Dominica by a team of “mercenaries” recruited from Canadian organized crime, as well as from Harold Covington’s North Carolina NSPA unit, all of whom were arrested on the word of an informer while passing through Duke’s New Orleans turf on their way to the “invasion.” Duke’s exact role in this bizarre fiasco has never been completely explained, but Duke was apparently the liaison between former [black] Dominican Prime Minister Patrick John and the “hit team.” John was seeking to overthrow the government of Eugenia Charles, and in exchange for the band of hired guns provided by Duke agreed to build a casino on the island for the Canadian mob. Presumably, somewhere along the line, Duke would have gotten a cut, or at least a line of credit. Duke’s fascination with Caribbean casino gambling appears to have roots a lot farther back than the incidents he eventually went to prison for.
            Duke slithered out of this one by co-operating fully with federal prosecutors and testifying fully and extensively before a grand jury, spilling his guts under a grant of immunity. Afterward, as with so much else that is shameful and treacherous in Duke’s past, this episode was simply air-brushed out of the picture.
          (Conversely, Harold Covington, who was only peripherally implicated and who had advised strongly against the whole hare-brained thing from the beginning, took a far more honorable course when he refused immunity, took the Fifth Amendment on all questions, and at substantial personal risk to himself refused to testify even to his own name when he was subpoenaed by the New Orleans grand jury.)
          Tyler Bridges, who was then an investigative reporter for the New Orleans Times-Picayune newspaper, revealed in 1989 that Duke secretly owned two companies. The first, Americana Books, sold racial books from his legislative office, in the basement of his home, which was technically illegal, although admittedly Louisiana legislators have always had a very laid-back attitude on legal matters. The second, Business Consultant & Enterprises (BC&E), was set up by Duke in 1978. Tax returns filed by the NAAWP showed that it had paid BC&E $119,625 from 1983 to 1988 for “mailing list maintenance.”
          Duke’s short-lived 1979-1980 campaign for president, Bridges revealed, also had paid BC&E $19,900 to rent space in Duke’s home. “In sum,” Bridges writes in his book, “BC&E – i.e., Duke – from 1983 to 1988 [when Duke ran for president on the far-right Populist Party ticket] received $141,000 from the NAAWP and Duke’s [two] presidential campaigns.” The arrangement was apparently legal.
          In 1987, Duke and Don Black traveled to Forsyth County, Ga., to take advantage of simmering racial tension between blacks and the Klan. After they were arrested and charged with reckless conduct during a shouting match with a black man, Duke set up a defense fund for himself that had an almost identical name to another fund set up to aid 62 white supremacists who’d been arrested earlier. After raising at least $8,000 from backers who mistakenly believed they were helping the 62 men arrested with Duke and Black, Duke ultimately pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge. He was fined a grand total of $55.
          It was in the late 1980s that Duke began a series of more serious campaigns for political office. He had enough political savvy to understand that parading around with a swastika armband, as he had done during his college days, would be counterproductive. So he toned down the vitriol and avoided the crudest rhetoric. He also dyed his hair blond and visited a plastic surgeon to reduce the size of his nose. A chin implant altered his profile and chemical peels removed bags and wrinkles around his eyes. On at least two occasions, Duke also had liposuction to his buttocks, since obviously we can’t have a Great White Leader with a fat ass, now, can we?
          Duke’s 1988 Populist Party presidential campaign was a miserable failure, with him taking just 48,267 votes – 0.05 percent of the total. But he was not discouraged. And in 1989, masquerading as a born-again Republican, Duke ran for a seat in the Louisiana state legislature and narrowly beat a complacent incumbent. Up to then, a nose job was the only job that Duke had ever had. It was the beginning of David Duke’s heyday, the period when he would come to the attention of millions of people worldwide as he ran a series of high-profile political campaigns. In late 1989, just months after winning his state campaign, he announced his candidacy in the Republican primary for the U.S. Senate. Over the course of the next year, he would raise a remarkable $2.4 million, part of it through a political advertisement that asked supporters to call a fee-charging 900 number.
          In the end, he won 607,391 votes, or almost 60 percent of the white vote, but lost the primary. Duke regrouped almost immediately, running for Louisiana governor against Edwin Edwards in a campaign marked by one of the most remarkable bumper stickers in political history: “Vote for the Crook. It’s Important,” devised by anti-Duke forces urging a vote for Edwards. Running in a crowded field, Duke, came within two percentage points of Edwards, forcing him into a run-off. In the run-off, Duke captured 671,009 votes, but lost to Edwards by 22 percentage points.
          During the gubernatorial campaign, Duke held rally after rally, passing large plastic buckets through the crowds to raise cash-a method of fund-raising that is illegal under both Louisiana and Federal law, which requires that officials issue cash receipts and keep records of donations. After a lengthy investigation, Duke was fined $1,111.
          Next, Duke announced with great fanfare that he would seek the Republican nomination for president of the United States in 1992. But his campaign fizzled as most potential supporters backed right-wing commentator Patrick Buchanan, who espoused many of the same positions as Duke without carrying his baggage. Of course, Duke never stood a chance, but that wasn’t the point-he came out ahead no matter how he fared at the ballot box. According to Bridges’ book, Duke told an assistant that by running for president he hoped to double the size of his computerized mailing list, which by now included 125,000 names. The list would be the source of future income.
          Over the years, Duke would run for political office no less than 10 times. After a while, the spectacle of Duke as a perennial candidate-a man who seemed more interested in campaigning, and living off his campaigns, than in actually winning-started to wear thin on voters. But he still wielded considerable influence in Louisiana politics. In some cases, merely dipping his toe into a political campaign gave him leverage and bargaining power with other candidates.
          After briefly entering the Louisiana governor’s race in 1995, Duke dropped out and endorsed Mike Foster, a candidate who would go on to win the election. Duke’s endorsement may well have given the edge to Foster, who had cut a back-room deal with the former imperial wizard, ostensibly to rent his mailing list for some $152,000. One Duke aide, Kenny Knight, told Talk magazine that he had met Foster secretly to work out details of the deal. Knight claimed that Foster agreed to Duke’s three conditions: to switch from the Democratic to the Republican Party; to make his first act as governor the abolition of the state affirmative action program; and to never attack Duke. Knight said that Foster agreed to all three conditions. For his part, Foster did switch parties when he announced his candidacy, and then went on to eliminate the affirmative action program shortly after taking office.
          Foster, who never used the list during his 1995 campaign, had attempted to hide his payment to Duke, routing it through intermediaries. After it was finally disclosed in 1999, the state Board of Ethics fined Foster $20,000 for failing to disclose the deal. Duke, meanwhile, was confronted by federal agents who asked him why he had failed to pay taxes on the income. Duke claimed his accountant had made a mistake, and hurriedly paid up his long-overdue taxes and penalties.
          The high price of the mailing list-newspapers pointed out that it sold for much more than such lists normally do-raised suspicions about what it was that Foster had actually bought. Some critics suggested Duke was being paid off to stay out of the race. In any event, a federal grand jury looking into Duke’s finances queried him two times in 1999 about the mailing list he had sold to Foster. Instead of answering, Duke took the Fifth Amendment.
          Duke, realizing he was a target, was worried. He confided to Lori Eden, his girlfriend at the time, that he had lost at least $50,000 at the gaming tables. “I would ask him if he wanted to go to the casino,” Eden told the Intelligence Report, “and he would say, ‘No, I can’t, because the FBI may see me, and they’re on me.’ “He knew way ahead of time that he was going to get in trouble. He made a comment to me once, ‘I do love you, but I’m going to jail.’ He also tried to hint that he wouldn’t be around. What he meant was that he was going to Russia,” added Eden, who at the time was a 33-year-old swimsuit and lingerie model with her own adult Web site. “He knew they were coming after him. So he made sure to get the hell out of here before they actually picked him up to question him.”
          Eden, who would break up with Duke when he left for Russia, said that at one point in the relationship she had a pregnancy scare. Duke, a self-described pro-lifer who has railed publicly against abortion for whites for years, suggested that they travel to Paris to get her the abortion pill that was then illegal in America. “He said, I know, I’ve been through this before,’“ she recounted. “He also said that it would kill him politically.”
          It was during the 1990s, specifically between 1993 and 1999, that Duke was engaged in a long-running rip-off of his followers. FBI agents reported that Duke and his colleagues cooked up a series of false excuses for beseeching the faithful for evermore funds. In one letter, for instance, he claimed he was facing financial ruin and the loss of his home. In fact, he sold his Metairie home at a profit shortly after that letter and bought a larger residence in Mandeville, La. His staff “would laugh at the often untruthful excuses Duke concocted,” an FBI affidavit said. Some of the proceeds from these bogus direct mail appeals were deposited in a bank account that was under the name of an ex-girlfriend, but controlled by Duke, who maintained “in excess of 30 credit cards,” according to the FBI. During just one 16-month period, Duke collected $230,000 in small checks from his supporters.
          Duke was simultaneously undergoing something of a political metamorphosis-or more accurately, a dropping of the mask. Since leaving the Klan, he had worked endlessly to put his Klan and especially his National Socialist past behind him. But in 1998, he self-published his autobiography, entitled My Awakening. The book, which Duke enthusiastically predicted would “change the course of history,” did nothing of the kind. One reviewer said of My Awakening, “It’s all right, the political and racial parts of it, although it’s all been said before and better by others. Large sections of it are basically just narcissistic bullshit with Duke breaking his arm patting himself on the back. It certainly doesn’t justify or ameliorate the harm Duke has done to the Movement with his constant financial and sexual misbehavior.”
          This did not preclude Duke from starting in early 2000 the National Organization for European American Rights (NOFEAR), which purported to be a group devoted to pursuing “civil rights” for whites, not to hating anyone. The next year, after a sporting goods company sued Duke over the use of its name, NOFEAR would be renamed the European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO).
          On Nov. 16, 2000, a dozen federal agents raided Duke’s two-story home in Mandeville and carted away 22 boxes of papers, computer discs, credit card records and other documents. Roy Armstrong, his long-time bodyguard and chauffeur, was there during the search and termed it a mere “fishing expedition.” But Duke wasn’t about to be reeled in-he was in Russia on his fourth visit, and he would not return to the United States until reaching a plea agreement in December 2002.
          From a safe distance, Duke insisted on his innocence. “Make no mistake about it,” he would write in a NOFEAR newsletter, “this probe is nothing more than a political assassination on the part of government officials who are seeking to silence my voice on our European heritage and rights.” In the meantime, he said, he was moving to Moscow “to struggle against people of other colors and Jews.”
          It is clear that Duke understood perfectly that he was in trouble back home. That’s why he spent the next two years traveling in Russia and throughout Europe, giving speeches and hobnobbing with other extremists. For some reason which was never explained, the government never issued a federal fugitive warrant or asked the State Department to cancel his passport. Overall, he sought to give the impression that he was devoted to building a transnational movement. The reality, however, was that Duke spent most of his time selling his books, meeting privately with prominent rightists, and giving talks.
          He was also desperately seeking a Russian or Eastern European woman willing to marry him, in order to obtain permanent citizenship in Russia or some other Eastern European country, before his passport expired and he was forced to either return to the United States or commit a clear federal felony by being abroad without a valid travel document, thus handing the government a handle on him and allowing them to issue a federal fugitive warrant. However, for once, Duke’s magnetic sex appeal seems to have failed him. Duke complained to his followers back home that while young and beautiful candidates for matrimony abounded, none of them wanted to remain in Mother Russia with him. Hard-headed, practical and every bit as mercenary as he was, those Russian beauties were all looking for a green card to come to America, not shelter a fugitive American back home in Bumfucksk with no solid source of income.
          By late 2002, with his passport almost expired, Duke’s attorney was negotiating a plea agreement for his client, who had grown tired of being a nationalist without a nation. When news of the plea became public, Vince Breeding, national director of EURO, said Duke was pleading because he would surely lose in court at the hands of a mostly black jury. This is probably true. It is also certainly true that Duke was guilty as sin of embezzlement and monumental deceit and dishonesty, and he would have been convicted by an all-White jury as well. EURO communiqués painted the group’s founder as “a living martyr for our cause.” (Breeding, the former lead guitarist in a Satanic rock band called Acheron, was later expelled from Duke’s EURO organization when he was caught running an internet porno operation off the group’s servers–and not giving Duke a cut.)
          On Dec. 14th, 2002, Duke slunk into a federal courthouse in New Orleans and pleaded guilty to tax evasion and mail fraud–ripping off hundreds of thousands of dollars from earnest white supremacist donors who thought they were helping Duke to save the white race. Instead, as Duke admitted in the allocution for his guilty pleas, he had cynically raised money by using a series of lies-and then blown it at casino craps tables. Under the terms of his plea bargain, he received a slap on the wrist sentence of 15 months in a low security prison.
          It is a testament to the enduring quality of David Duke’s hokum that while he was in prison, he continued to raise money by mail. (This is what the Jews call chutzpah, and Duke has enough of it for a dozen rabbis.) When he was released in May of 2004, it was ostensibly to a halfway house that he apparently never even bothered to check into, and no one knows how he got away with that.
          David Duke hit the ground running, and in one of the most ghastly and surreal episodes in Movement history, he was welcomed back into the fold with open arms at a gala event by 400 supporters, hosted at a New Orleans luxury hotel, while some of the biggest names in the Movement gathered around this self-admitted thief on the speaker’s platform and eulogized him to the stars. He was also spotted in a riverboat casino barely a month after his release, a dizzy blonde on his arm and rollin’ dem bones like there was no tomorrow.
           How does he get away with it? It is difficult not to speculate that Duke’s surgically-enhanced handsome good looks have something to do with it, appealing to the homoerotic dimension that always lurks beneath the surface of the White Nationalist movement. It’s like an abused spouse who refuses to leave her abuser. He beats her, she sees the lipstick on his collar and smells the liquor on his breath, she knows he’s cheating on her and drinking up the rent money, yet she just keeps on bleating “But he’s my husband! He’s promised me he’ll change, and this time I believe him!” The man’s arrogance and his contempt for his supporters is nothing short of breathtaking–and they lap it up like candy and beg for more.
          David Duke has been globetrotting around Europe again for almost two years now, living off donations he receives from the United States, sale of his books, etc. Precisely how a convicted federal felon managed to obtain a passport from the State Department is a question which the Movement has apparently decided not to examine to closely. Or examine at all.
          Once again, David Ernest Duke is doing what he does best. He’s getting away with it.
The NSRP Falls On Hard Times 
         J. B. Stoner, chairman of the NSRP, was convicted in 1980 and was imprisoned for 3.5 years for supposedly attempting to bomb a black church back in 1958. Just prior to his imprisonment, Stoner had been keeping peace at the NSRP headquarters building in Marietta, Georgia, between those who were supportive of Dr. Edward R. Fields and those who were against Fields. After Stoner went to prison, warfare erupted among the NSRP staff. A faction headed by Jerry Dutton briefly took over the NSRP office building and “expelled” Dr. Edward R. Fields on grounds of financial finagling. Fields responded by emptying all the NSRP bank accounts through made-out-to-cash checks endorsed by himself.
          This internecine battle dragged on for some months and then suddenly disappeared off the radar when Dutton appears to have become completely disgusted and chucked it all in, a not uncommon Movement phenomenon. Fields got his building back, but all semblance of the NSRP as an organization was over, and some time later it was quietly disbanded.
          Fields continued to publish The Truth At Last newspaper for another 20-odd years, including a brief flirtation with the Gliebe/Walker National Alliance in the mid-2000s. In early 2007 Fields finally seems to have run out of money as his increasingly elderly financial donors died off one by one, and he lost his tabloid format. The Truth At Last is now an 8-page foldover newsletter printed on ordinary 20-lb bond paper, and apparently hand-set by Fields himself on a word processor. Thus ended the longest-running tabloid newspaper in Movement history.
The Strange Case of Benny Klassen
          It is now time to discuss the bizarre and highly dysfunctional “Creativity” faction of the Movement. “Creativity” is a significant development in a negative way. To make a long story short, it has marked the descent of the Movement into pure and simple insanity, in tandem with the general degeneration of the White male character under the influence of MTV and drugs and the internet, etc. which has taken place since the 1980s.
          Many Movement leaders, up until about 1980, where crooks and con men and frankly, in some cases, white trash. Few were outright lunatics, and the homosexuality was always kept in the closet. The story of the “Church of the Creator” is one of fraud, dementia, crime, violence, drunkenness, perversion, suicide and murder, and all of it pretty much out in the open as America went madder and madder. If the Movement as a whole is to real politics what professional wresting is to real sports, then the “Church of the Creator” is the Movement’s version of Jackass, only with real blood and prison and death.
          In the early 1970s, one of the oddest and most controversial figures ever to become involved in the Movement made his appearance. This was a man whose very name is uncertain. It was (choose any or all of the following):
          A) Bernhardt Klassen
          B) Benyamin Avroham Klass
          C) “Ben” Klassen
          He was born in:
          A) 1914
          B) 1917
          C) 1918
          D) 1919
          A) Vilna, Lithuania;
          B) Somewhere in the Ukraine;
          C) Pressburg, Austria-Hungary;
          D) A remote area in Polish Galicia;
          E) A remote area in Ruthenia province, Austria-Hungary
          It is virtually impossible to discover the true facts about Benny Klassen’s early life. Klassen made a number of conflicting statements at various times in his life naming all of the above dates and places for his birth. No documentary evidence of his birth has ever been presented for public inspection and authentication. Klassen at one stage produced some grainy photocopies of what purported to be his family’s Canadian immigration documents from about 1926. Klassen’s U.S. immigration records are unavailable. They have apparently been “mislaid” by the INS. It’s not even known for certain if Klassen was in this country legally.
          To be fair, in view of the time and place of his ostensible birth (and assuming that there is at least one of Klassen’s multifarious accounts are somewhere within shouting distance of the truth) documentation would be very hard to obtain in view of that fact that at that point in time, that part of the world was being fought over by about five contending armies in the heat of World War One and the Bolshevik Revolution. It has been incredibly difficult even to piece together a hypothetical timeline from his many vague and conflicting accounts, but the Klassen chronology appears to go something like this:
Circa 1920s.
          Klassen claims to emigrate as a child from
          A) Russia
          B) Germany
          C) Canada
          D) Brazil
          E) Romania
          F) Lithuania
          A) Canada
          B) The United States
          C) An alleged Mennonite colony in Mexico
          During his lifetime Klassen made all the preceding conflicting statements both verbally and in writing. No documentation of any kind is available. FOIA records searches with the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service reveal no records of any kind anywhere for either a Bernhardt Klassen, a Benyamin Avroham Klass, or a “Ben” Klassen. It is completely impossible to determine the country of birth, the nationality or race, the religious affiliation, or the date of entry into the United States of the man who called himself Benny Klassen.
          1948 – In November Benny Klassen, Howard Katz, Esther Pollak Katz, and Martin Weissman are indicted for mail fraud, bankruptcy fraud, and theft from interstate commerce by a Federal grand jury in New Orleans. Details are sketchy but some kind of fraudulent patent or patent infringement apparently was involved. Katz and Weissman serve 20 months in prison, Klassen and Esther Katz are fined and place on probation. Case is known because Klassen had to have his citizenship rights restored before he could run for office. This was done by special grant from President Lyndon Baines Johnson in 1965. This is not as unusual as it sounds; presidential restorations such as this happen all the time. It was probably done on private petition of a member of Congress, and no assertion is implied that Klassen and LBJ knew each other.
          1966 – Klassen is elected to a single term as a Florida state legislator. This is the first recorded instance of his using the name “Ben” Klassen. His religious affiliation is listed in the 1968 Florida State Government Who’s Who as Jewish.
          1966 (?) – Around this time there are more undetermined legal problems with a bankruptcy fraud probe by the FBI, U. S. Attorney’s office, and Florida State Banking Commission involving the liquidation of SKW Realty, Inc. in Palm Beach. SKW are the initials of the partners–Arthur Shapiro, Benny Klassen, and Joseph Weinleben. Interestingly, this is one of the few things in Klassen’s shady past that he is ever forced or tricked into discussing or accounting for. When confronted with a series of news clippings on the SKW affair accumulated by the late Dr. Oren Fenton Potito, Klassen wrote in a letter to the NSWPP’s William Grimstad that “this experience taught me about the treachery and dishonesty of the Jews” or some such blather. This reference to the SKW scandal was later redacted from The Klassen Letters but can still be found in the first edition.
          1968 – Klassen’s career in conservative and right-wing politics begins with his involvement in a local American Party political action committee called “Jews for Wallace.” His involvement with right-wing politics results in his losing the backing of the powerful Florida Jewish community, and he accordingly loses his legislative seat. This begins his alienation from Judaism and from his ancestral racial heritage, an alienation which subsequently turns to hatred.
          1973 – Benny Klassen, a former Florida state legislator and state chairman of “Jews for Wallace” during Wallace’s 1968 presidential campaign, announces the formation of the Church of the Creator (COTC) in Lighthouse Point, Fla. The tenets of Klassen’s race-based “religion,” called “Creativity,” are detailed in his book Nature’s Eternal Religion. Among its “16 Commandments”: “It is our sacred goal to populate the lands of this earth with White people exclusively.” The group’s war cry will be “Rahowa,” short for RAcial HOly WAr.
          Circa 1973 – At some point in this time period, Klassen is arrested for something, no one is quite sure what. There are rumors ranging from everything to more financial shenanigans to an arrest for homosexual solicitation in a public toilet, but it is known that this incident eventually entails court-appointed psychiatric examinations and some kind of probation or parole. We know this because Klassen needed to get the court’s permission to leave the state in 1978, according to the vengeful Oren Fenton Potito who spent a lifetime stalking Klassen as a Jew in the Movement. Harry Kelly found out about this arrest while he was searching Klassen’s private office in Otto, and discussed it with Harold Covington and also with COTC members, claiming Klassen was arrested for soliciting an undercover police officer in a public toilet in Pompano Beach and allegedly appeared in court with his Jewish psychiatrist at his side and wearing a yarmulke. These alleged documents have not surfaced since. These documents may be one of the reasons for the murder of Harry Kelly in 1989.
          1978 – Klassen business manager Barry Edwards is murdered in what police call a “gangland style execution.” Edwards’s body is found on June 12th, 1978 in the trunk of a car parked at a public beach in West Palm Beach. Edwards has been severely beaten, his throat has been cut, and an attempt had been made to mutilate his fingertips and his face with sulfuric acid in order to prevent identification. Klassen is questioned by police detectives but no charges are ever filed due to lack of evidence. No one is ever arrested or charged in the Edwards homicide.
          1978 – In March, Klassen moves COTC headquarters from Florida to 22 acres of land he has purchased in Otto, N.C., building a personal residence, a three-story church, a small warehouse and a “School for Gifted Boys.” Later in the year, COTC is granted an exemption from state taxes based on its status as a church. This exemption is later lifted by the state and an investigation for mail fraud and fraudulent conversion of funds is launched by the State of North Carolina around 1990. These investigations are eventually dropped without any charges or indictments, and neither the Southern Poverty Law Center, who investigated this incident as part of the Bryson City lawsuit (q. v.) nor anyone else was ever able to obtain any information as to why.
          1980 – Klassen stages quasi-Roman Goat Dance rituals on his property, resulting in complaints from Shouting Baptist neighbors to whom these offensive rituals are visible from the highway and from their homes. The Goat Dance is apparently an attempt to invoke the Graeco-Roman god Priapus, also known in mythology as Pan. The ritual involves Klassen dressing in toga-like vestments with a wreath of leafy greenery on his head, and a number of young men or boys dancing around a bonfire largely nude except for loincloths of some kinds, thong type bathing trunks or athletic supporters. A goat is also present, presumably because of the animal’s connection in myth to Pan, etc. Macon County Sheriff Homer Holbrooks visits Klassen and informs him of the neighbors’ complaints, and the Goat Dance ritual is discontinued, or at least moved indoors.
          1981 – Klassen publishes his second book, The White Man’s Bible, which he markets as a “program for the survival, expansion, and advancement of the White race.”
          1983 – Klassen begins publishing a monthly newspaper, Racial Loyalty. The paper is printed on a very old offset press owned by Klassen, with very poor ink that invariably stains the hands of the reader black, and on some kind of peculiar pulp paper that always had a squamous and greasy feel to the touch. The paper becomes noted for soft porn and homoerotica, including photos of ancient Greek male nude statuary, drawings of women being flogged on the front page, and hand-drawn cartoons of muscular young “Creators” wearing nothing but white cowboy hats with WCOTC emblems and cowboy boots vanquishing assorted enemies. The text consists mostly of Klassen’s long and turgid “religious” exposition but also contains such things as lectures on ancient Greek mythology and quickie Latin lessons. What this bizarre material has to do with White Nationalism is never fully explained. Hundreds of thousands of copies of this repulsive sheet are distributed by Klassen’s followers and also by people he hires to do so.
          1979-early 1980s – Klassen employs as his first “Hasta Primus” a man from Greenville, North Carolina named Richard Becker. Becker is a peripatetic among right wing and racial groups. He is known as a practicing homosexual. Becker was expelled from Harold Covington’s Raleigh-based National Socialist Party of America in 1978 when Covington was tipped off by a local contact that Becker was committing homosexual acts at the local YMCA. Covington searched Becker’s room at the Nazi headquarters at 1217 Pierce Street in Raleigh and discovered homosexual pornography, whereupon Covington and several associates removed Becker’s belongings from the premises and awaited his return, informing him he was no longer welcome in the NSPA. After a short stay with his parents in Greenville, Becker next appears in Otto as “the Reverend Richard Becker”. This is the first open association between the Klassen organization and homosexuality, although there have been numerous, frequent, and persistent rumors down through the years, largely due to the Goat Dance.
          1986 – The COTC has its first open brush with criminality in June, when security chief Carl Messick fires 19 shots at the car of a Georgia couple who strayed onto the COTC grounds. The COTC “reverend” is later sentenced to seven years in prison. This incident is eerily reminiscent of the incident which led to the loss through malicious civil litigation of the Aryan Nations compound in Hayden Lake, Idaho (q.v.) but for some reason, in this case Morris Dees does not file a lawsuit. Throughout his entire career, Klassen will enjoy a strange immunity from Morris Dees’ quasi-legal attentions enjoyed by no other major Movement figure.
         1988 – Klassen travels to California to ask John Metzger, son of neo-Nazi White Aryan Resistance founder Tom Metzger, about taking over COTC. Metzger, saying he “wouldn’t want to be affiliated with a church,” declines. Klassen begins lengthy smear campaign against both Metzgers. The Metzgers reply with pointed comments about Klassen’s sexual orientation. John Metzger tells Skinheads, “If you go to [Klassen’s ashram at] Otto, make sure you sit down and keep your mouth shut.”
          1989 – In July, “Reverend” Harry Kelly is found dead in his New York City apartment of a heroin overdose. Kelly, a former drug user, was believed to have been clean for some time. The last person to be seen with Kelly alive was an unknown white male whose physical description bears a resemblance to known homosexual COTC “Reverend” and suspected government informant Jerry Michael Pace. Interestingly, the witnesses to Pace’s presence, the last independent witnesses to see Kelly alive, are Jeff and Gina Krause, who many years later are involved in Andrew Greenbaum’s (q.v.) bizarre internet virtual Nazi Party, the “Knights of Freedom.”
          1989 – Alabama Klan leader Roger Handley is arrested by the Alabama State Police on gun charges in a nighttime raid. He is found in bed with 17 year-old male COTC “Reverend” Will Satterwhite, thus adding to the general air of homoeroticism surrounding the original Klassen COTC.
          1989 – A review by Macon County tax officials concludes that COTC’s North Carolina property does not qualify for religious tax exemptions. (see comments above.) In May, two Milwaukee COTC members are arrested during a brawl with “anti-racist activists.”
          1990 – On October 12th, 20 year-old former Skinhead Dennis Witherspoon is found dead in a rural area of Dade County, Florida. He has been bound with duct tape and shot several times in the head with a .22-caliber revolver. Witherspoon was known to have been a former COTC “Reverend” who claimed that in the summer of 1989, a year previously, he arrived in the Otto, N.C. compound and was invited to Klassen’s basement rec room for a private showing of Leni Riefenstahl’s Triumph of the Will. He was given drugged liquor and passed out. Witherspoon then claims he suddenly awoke on the floor, doubled up nude with sofa pillows under him, while Klassen was in the act of sodomizing him, with the movie still playing. Witherspoon jumped up and assaulted Klassen, beating him very badly and extorting a promise of money. Witherspoon claims he was given $10,000 in cash next day and a used car, with which he drove to Florida. The only comment Klassen ever makes about this incident is that Witherspoon was attempting to blackmail him. Florida police write off Witherspoon’s death as a drug-related killing, which may be correct.
          1990 – Declaring that church leadership would change “at the top of every decade, on the decade,” Klassen announces that Rudy “Butch” Stanko–then serving a six-year sentence for selling tainted meat–will take over once he is released from prison. In August, COTC Ohio leader Matthew Hayhow, 23, is arrested after robbing two banks and ultimately is sentenced to a 25-year prison term.
          1991 – COTC “Reverend” George Loeb shoots black Navy enlisted man Harold Mansfield Jr. in a Florida grocery store parking lot after Mansfield insults and threatens Loeb’s wife. Loeb features on America’s Most Wanted during his time as a fugitive, and he is ultimately arrested in Buffalo, New York while trying to shoplift a packet of cold cuts, thus earning the Movement sobriquet of “Benny Buttfuck’s Baloney Bandit.” Fellow COTC member Steve Thomas, who will later edit Racial Loyalty, is charged with aiding Loeb’s initial flight from Florida. Thomas had earlier served eight years for raping a Vietnamese woman, an incident upon which the movie Casualties of War was based. In November, Macon County, N.C., officials revoke COTC’s tax-exempt status.
          Loeb, whom Klassen had earlier honored as “Creator of the Month,” is ultimately convicted, largely on the testimony of Steve Thomas, who turns state’s evidence and testifies against Loeb during his trial in 1992, which can hardly be denied since it was seen on live Court TV. During the time when Loeb was awaiting trial, Klassen was sheltering and feeding the main witness against him, providing Steve Thomas with free accommodation at the Otto compound and a salary of $1000 per month as editor of Racial Loyalty. Loeb sits in prison to this day, because the man he worshipped as a god on earth betrayed him for fear of being dragged into the legal case.
          1991 – Skinhead Steve Martell commits suicide after leaving note describing homosexual liaison with COTC “Reverend” Jerry Michael Pace. Martell’s brother Dave vows homicidal vengeance against Pace. Pace disappears; later believed to have re-surfaced in the Movement under several different pseudonyms.
          1991 – British head of the COTC, Tim Hepple, is exposed by the London tabloids as a long-time informer for the British police and for the “anti-fascist” magazine Searchlight. Hepple was never genuinely racialist, but was apparently a professional snoop and agent provocateur who set up the entire U.K. “Church” as a gull on behalf of Searchlight editor Gerry Gable.
          1992 – Klassen’s long-suffering wife Henrietta dies of cancer in January. Two months later, Klassen cancels Stanko’s scheduled inauguration as COTC’s Pontifex Maximus (supreme leader), ostensibly because of Stanko’s plans to move COTC headquarters out of North Carolina and back to his home state of Colorado, and names Baltimore pizza delivery man Charles Altvater as his successor instead. Stanko came to Otto on his release from prison, took one look, and left after two days, disavowing the “Church” and its founder. Stanko is known to have been a sincere believer in the COTC “religion” and his behavior has never been explained. Although he has never publicly commented on what it was he learned in Otto, Stanko is believed to have been confronted with something which made it morally impossible for him to continue.
          1992 – In June, Klassen again changes his mind (a fortuitous move: in November, Altvater is arrested after attempting to firebomb the home of a police officer who’d had his car towed), naming Milwaukee COTC chief Mark Wilson, 25, as the next COTC leader. Skinhead Wilson, aka “Brandon O’Rourke,” rents a storefront headquarters in Milwaukee which Klassen pays for, and “O’Rourke” and his friends then proceed to literally drink up $50,000 given to them by Klassen in less than a year. That’s a lot of beer.
          1992 – In July, fearing a civil lawsuit in connection with the Mansfield murder, Klassen sells most of his Otto compound to William Pierce of the neo-Nazi National Alliance. Pierce “borrows” the money from North Carolina financial supporter Herb Horton, and so the property does not actually cost Pierce anything. (It is not known why Pierce purchased the Klassen property; he made no attempt to set up a National Alliance headquarters in North Carolina, and immediately attempted to re-sell the compound in the local real estate market, so the whole thing appears to have been simply a business deal.) Klassen then flees from Otto to parts unknown to avoid service of legal papers. In December, still in hiding, Klassen publishes his final, autobiographical book.
          1993 – Tired of “Brandon O’Rourke” and his thirsty booze crew of Skinheads, who are literally lying around drunk in their storefront in Milwaukee all the time and have not produced a single Racial Loyalty issue with the money he gave them, Klassen names still another successor: Richard “Rick” McCarty of Niceville, Florida. McCarty is a late comer on the scene; no one seems to know just who he is or how he ended up as Klassen’s successor, but by now Klassen is becoming increasingly frantic to sever all contact with the “Church” he himself founded. Rumor has it that George David Loeb is threatening to blow the whistle on the 1990 Dennis Witherspoon murder and implicate Klassen. One thing is clear; in his last months of life, Benny Klassen is a desperate and frightened man.
          1993Death of Benny Klassen. In early August, Klassen returns secretly to the house in Otto, N.C. On Aug. 7, Klassen commits suicide, leaving a smoldering pile of shredded documents and a note describing suicide as an “honorable” way to die. Klassen takes an overdose of sleeping tablets, but apparently he changes his mind about suicide after taking them and crawls to the bathroom in an attempt to induce vomiting. Macon County Sheriff’s office files report stating that Klassen was found dead with his head in the toilet.
          1993 – In one of his first acts as the group’s leader, Rick McCarty moves COTC headquarters back to Florida in January. In April, McCarty is arrested for DUI, and his clearly intoxicated mug shots are distributed to media nationwide for use in stories such as “White Supremacist Leader On Drunk Driving Charge.”
          1993 – In July, COTC Washington state leader Jeremiah Knesal, 19, and two other COTC members bomb the meeting hall of the NAACP in Tacoma, Wash.; two days later, Knesal pipe bombs a Seattle gay bar. In his guilty plea, Knesal says the group also planned attacks on blacks and Jews. In California that month, COTC-linked Geremy von Rineman and girlfriend Jill Scarborough are arrested in a plot to bomb Los Angeles’ largest black church. Later that year, Toronto COTC leader and Rahowa band leader George Burdi helps form Resistance Records, based in Detroit, to record and market racist rock music.
          1994 – Representing the family of Harold Mansfield, the Southern Poverty Law Center files suit against COTC in March, alleging the group is responsible for his murder. [Note – It has never been explained why Morris Dees waited until Klassen was dead to file this lawsuit, or any other. It has been widely rumored that Dees was ordered “hands off Klassen” by someone in the power structure.] McCarty flees into the night, leaving behind a lasting mystery: the whereabouts and true legal ownership of the last bulk stocks of Klassen’s privately printed “holy books,” believed to be held in various rented storage lockers around the country. The whereabouts of the Missing Klassen Books have become one of the Movement’s “Holy Grails,” so to speak.
          1995 – The Mansfield family is awarded a $1 million default judgment when McCarty fails to contest the case. Dees makes search for the Missing Klassen Books to seize and burn them publicly for the media, but cannot locate them and quickly gives up the attempt. Later, the Law Center will sue Dr. William Pierce for allegedly participating in Klassen’s scheme to keep the COTC headquarters from Mansfield’s heirs. Ultimately, Dees wins a judgment for $85,000-the entire profit Pierce realized after selling the COTC property. Pierce did not appeal, but simply wrote Dees a check and paid him off, probably glad to be rid of the accursed Klassen mess once and for all.
          1995 – Opting to head a “religious” rather than a political group, 20-year-old Matthew Hale dissolves his National Socialist White Americans Party in July and resuscitates the COTC as the New Church of the Creator in East Peoria, Ill., where he lives in his father’s basement. Hale tells old COTC members that he is the “great promoter” whom Klassen had searched for. Hale enters law school that fall. In December, he renames the group the World Church of the Creator. John McLaughlin, a man who will become close to Hale, is sentenced to 2 1/2 years’ probation after officials discover an arms stockpile meant for the “ultimate race war.”
          1996 – After meeting with two old COTC stalwarts in prison, Matt Hayhow and Guy Lombardi, Hale convenes a May gathering at the Montana ranch of COTC leader Slim Deardorff. Hale is elected Pontifex Maximus and Jonathan Viktor, a Klassen devotee “educated” at his “School for Boys,” is chosen Hastus Primus, or vice president, of the reconstituted group.
          1996-97 – Rudy Stanko resurfaces, selling a number of Klassen books by mail in various Movement publications. He may have gained access to some of the Missing Klassen Books mother lode, or else these may be books he glommed onto when he was in Otto in 1992. No one knows. A few months later the ads cease and Stanko disappears again.
          1997 – Viktor presides over the May wedding of Hale and WCOTC member Terra Herron, 16. When the couple divorce three months later, many Hale followers, including Viktor, leave the group. Later in the year, WCOTC starts a Web site run by Jules Fettu in Florida. In August, Fettu and WCOTC members Donald Hansard and Raymond Leone are charged with assaulting a black man and his son who were leaving a concert in Sunrise, Fla. (Hansard and Leone later plead guilty to aggravated assault charges, and Fettu, the Florida WCOTC state leader, is convicted of battery in a trial.) In November, William Johnson, an 18-year-old California WCOTC member, is arrested for attempted murder after allegedly stabbing a person who had insulted the group.
          1998 – Four armed Florida WCOTC members, all under 25, rob a Broward Country video store in March, allegedly planning to use the proceeds for the group. (Three will later plead to federal conspiracy charges.) Three months later, Guy Lombardi, now WCOTC’s southeast regional director and commander of the group’s militant “White Berets,” is charged with intimidating a witness in the Sunrise beating case. (He later pleads guilty.) Hale ejects Lombardi soon after for “insubordination,” assuring his followers the dismissal has nothing to do with Lombardi’s arrest, which Hale calls “a badge of honor.” In May, Hale graduates from law school, passing the bar exam that summer. Later in the year, a state official rejects Hale’s application to practice law because of his “character and fitness.”
          1999 – At an April hearing, Illinois State Bar Association officials hear Hale’s appeal on the rejected law license. Among others, WCOTC member Benjamin Nathaniel Smith testifies on behalf of Hale, who Smith claims has kept him from violence. Two months later, three Sacramento synagogues sustain arson attacks, and within days officials say they are looking at Hale’s group for possible involvement. On July 2, headlines announce that bar officials have again turned Hale down. Within hours, Smith — a Hale intimate whom the leader honored as “Creator of the Month” in late 1998 and then “Creator of the Year” in January-begins a three-day shooting rampage, killing two people and wounding nine.
          2002 – A previously unheard-of group calling itself “Church of the Creator” sues Matt Hale for alleged “copyright infringement,” despite the fact that Klassen’s organization has been using the term since 1978. All defense motions and evidence is simply ignored, and a Federal judge named Lefkow (who denies being a Jew) issues one of the most sweeping orders of censorship and suppression in American history, demanding that all books, papers, documents, literature etc. containing the words “Church of the Creator” be handed over to U. S. Marshalls to be burned. The pretense of the so-called “Church of the Creator” to be a genuine religious movement has always been tissue-paper thin, but the fact remains that they officially claim that Klassen’s screeds constitute “holy books of scripture.” For any magistrate in the United States to issue an order that any religion’s holy books be burned is absolutely without precedent and breathtaking in its unconstitutional scope. Needless to say, the silence from the ACLU and freedom of speech advocates is thunderous.
          2003 – “Pontifex Maximus” Matt Hale is sentenced to 40 years in prison under the Patriot Act, the first American citizen so to be victimized, for typing a single sentence in an AOL chat room, specifically “I cannot be involved in this.” The Federal government spins this into an alleged conspiracy to kill a Federal judge. Hale to this day is kept virtually incommunicado in the highest grade Federal maximum security facility at Marion, Ohio.
The Paedophilia of Frank Collin
          In 1979 a man named Francis Joseph Collin was head of the National Socialist Party of America based in Chicago. The NSPA was one of only two significant spin-offs from Koehl’s NSWPP that survived much beyond their first year, the second being Allen Vincent’s National Socialist White Worker’s Party. Vincent, a hopeless alcoholic, remained mired in Rockwell’s Phase One until he finally sank out of sight in a sea of whole grain in the early 1980s, and died in obscurity in the late 90s.
          Frank Collin had a lot of strong points, in that he was energetic and dynamic and personally fearless, but it was obvious to anyone who attempted to work with him that he also had a lot of personal and leadership problems. His first Deputy Leader, Richard Tedor, eventually resigned, and in 1978 his position was taken by North Carolina NSPA unit leader Harold Covington. (Among other duties Covington became membership secretary and in that capacity signed would-be presidential assassin John Hinckley’s NSPA membership card.) But at the end of the day, the fact remained that other than the loathsome Matt Koehl, Collin was the only other NS game in town for the “orthodox Nazi” set who still wanted to wear the costumes. Years later, Covington would write: “Bear in mind this was when we were all wearing the costume and pretending it was the 1930s in Europe, myself included. We had a sense of history and destiny which, as misplaced as it was, I would give a lot to recover.”
          In the autumn of 1979, an NSPA member named Mike Whalen discovered incontrovertible proof that Collin was buggering little boys in the Nazi headquarters building in Marquette Park and elsewhere. This consisted of sexually-oriented photographs of young boys in various poses which were taken in Collin’s room at the headquarters, including some with the children posing with headquarters firearms. Whalen notified Covington who in turn notified a group of other Party officers such as Gerhard Lauck, Richard Tedor, and Ray Zidarich. The Chicago comrades conducted a thorough search of the HQ building in Collin’s absence and eventually accumulated a mass of evidence including more photos and cassette tapes (Collin actually recorded his perversions, if you can believe that, this being before the days of videocams and digital cell phones.) This evidence was kept in something called “the dirt box.”
          An informal group was convened to consider what to do, rather similar to the medieval Fehmegericht. The conspirators acquired the means to physically eject Frank from the Party and the headquarters because Covington spent the last of his wealthy family inheritance to buy the building out from under Collin from the bank that held the mortgage note. (Collin hadn’t paid the mortgage in months, apparently spending more and more NSPA funds on his debaucheries, and the Party was facing foreclosure before Covington stepped in.) It should be recalled that this was in the days before “Movement modernization” and the present attitude of “don’t ask, don’t tell,” a time when homosexuality and paedophilia was still unacceptable among old-fashioned White Nationalists. Nick Griffin, Martin Webster, Pym Fortuyn, “Frances” Spivak, and the time when Kevin Alfred Strom would be defended by dozens of people on Stormfront and VNN were still decades in the future.
          The choices confronting Covington and his men boiled down to two, to quote a document of the time directly: “kill the son of a bitch or turn him in to the police.” Covington vetoed the death penalty because, despite a surfeit of volunteers for the job, he knew that the White Nationalist Movement simply is not yet capable of carrying out an execution with sufficient competence to keep it from blowing up in our faces. So they turned Collin in to the police, along with the evidence in the “dirt box,” and he ended up doing seven years in Joliet and Menard for homosexual child molestation, to which he pleaded guilty.
          As an aside, it should be noted that this is the only occasion in recorded Movement history when the Movement itself has successfully cleaned its own house, and dealt firmly and decisively with revolting misbehavior on the part of a so-called “Great White Leader,” and the Movement has never forgiven Harold Covington for it. One of the reasons Covington seems to be so feared and reviled by the Movement’s bogus “leadership” is that he has the rep of having taken down several fairly big Movement fish for their misbehavior, including Frank Collin and Benny Klassen whom he allegedly drove to suicide with his acid-tongued articles and commentaries. Not to mention his Movement stock rising precipitately when it turned out that Covington alone correctly sounded the warning on the loathsome Kevin Alfred Strom years ago, kind of like Babe Ruth calling his shots. Movement “leaders” hate and fear Covington, because they have so many skeletons in their closet, and Covington tends to set all those skeletons dancing out of the closet like some kind of weird Pied Piper of the Movement.
          Frank Collin did his time in Joliet, got out, went to live with his parents in Olympia Fields, Illinois. Using the name of Frank Joseph, he formed some sort of weird nut cult revolving around Atlantis which presumably involves Klassen-esque rituals with little boys. He also used to spend a lot of time making heckling phone calls to a short-wave evangelist in South Carolina calling himself Brother Stair.
          Nowadays, of course, what with “modernization” and the Movenent’s apparent abandonment of any ethical principles whatsoever, a guilty plea to child molestation would mean nothing. It is always possible that Frank Collin could even yet attempt a Glenn Miller-like resurrection in the Movement–and do so successfully, if Miller’s reception on VNN is any guide. Speaking of whom:
The Drunken Shambles of Glenn Miller
          In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the largest and most active unit of the National Socialist Party of America (NSPA) other than the Chicago headquarters itself, was the North Carolina unit led by Harold Covington. At one stage the unit had almost two dozen active and reasonably high quality people in North Carolina who wore the uniform, plus over a hundred supporters of various kinds, which for a Hollywood Nazi group was pretty good for one state.
          Covington’s main aide and lieutenant at the time was an Army Master Sergeant named Frazier Glenn Miller, who approached Covington in 1977 after hearing the NSPA’s recorded White Power Hotline phone messages in Raleigh, N.C. Miller was at that time still an active-duty soldier at Fort Bragg, NC but was living in Johnston County, NC and commuting to the base. He was married to a white woman, Marge Miller, and had several white children. It was later revealed that Miller had previously been married to a Polynesian woman and had several half-breed mulatto children, whom he occasionally allowed to play with his white children on visits. One NSPA member, Karl Kessler, later recalled being shocked when he pulled up to Miller’s home in rural Johnston County and saw “the little white Millers and the little brown Millers playing together like something out of Sesame Street.”
          After a very short time, Miller made himself almost indispensable to the unit, but it turned out that he had a number of extremely serious skeletons in his closet. The in addition to his miscegenistic marriage, his most immediately apparent failing was his uncontrollable alcoholism. The man gave the old ad slogan “It’s Miller Time!” a whole new dimension of meaning. Miller was one of those alcoholics who gets up in the morning and immediately pours himself a drink. He drank all day, steadily, from morning until night. He appeared completely unable, not just unwilling, to stop. He had to have it. When he was finally arrested in 1987, after his ridiculous comic-opera “Declaration of War,” all the FBI had to do to break him was withhold his liquor for a few hours. Miller folded like a lawn chair and confessed, telling them everything they wanted to know, groveling at the FBI’s feet and begging for whisky.
          Covington freely admits that he screwed up with Miller. Covington now concedes that recruiting Miller and tolerating his dysfunctional and drunken behavior was arguably the worst mistake he ever made. “I feel like Doctor Frankenstein,” he once said, “Because I am the one who created the Glenn Miller monster and turned it loose on the Movement.” He knew about Miller’s dipsomania from the very beginning, and yet he was so desperate for help that he made the classic Movement mistake of trying to get mileage from a creep. This is a mistake which has brought down many Movement groups. Covington paid, the Cause paid, and everyone else paid a terrible price for his carelessness and incompetence in the Miller matter. Some, like Steve Miller (no relation) eventually paid in lengthy prison sentences. Some, like Tony Wydra, Jacksonville bondsman J.W. Waters, and others paid with their lives. The number of broken marriages, broken families, and ruined lives caused by Glenn Miller is beyond calculation.
          At first, it seemed that the benefits of Miller’s activity counterbalanced the problems caused by his constant drinking. He owned a large farm in Johnston County which made an ideal rally field, and which was used for all kinds of functions and meetings, notably the Hitlerfest of 1980 and also various functions related to the Greensboro case. It was also the Party firing range and training ground. He donated money and paid for a lot of printing and other expenses out of his own pocket. Love him or hate him, in his day Miller was dynamic. He installed his own recorded message in his home, and he was constantly out distributing literature and recruiting. He organized massive literature distributions of tens of thousands of Thunderbolt and New Order newspapers and leaflets, with military precision. On the surface, he was ideal.
          But Miller was literally never seen without a beer in his hand, and later a mixed drink, and later a pop bottle full of straight whisky. Much of his recruiting was done in bars, and the men and some of the women he brought into the group were barflies and drinking buddies of his own stripe. (One of these women later streaked a Klan rally and then when Miller threw her out, she went to a local motel room, took off all her clothes, and began making drunken phone calls to Miller and the local media and the police threatening suicide. This is really the kind of publicity that the White Nationalist movement needs, eh?)
          Miller’s increasingly bizarre White Power Messages were nothing more than drunken ravings, a fact which if anything increased their listenership, but listenership of the wrong kind. People listened to Miller’s recorded messages in order to lay bets on how drunk he was, and in order to laugh at him. Hr brought the NSPA into great disrepute because he came across as what he was, a drunken redneck yelling “Nigger! Nigger! Nigger!”, sometimes literally.
          Miller drove all over eastern North Carolina in his truck or his car on Party business, boiled as an owl behind the wheel. Inevitably, he got pulled over and arrested and charged with DUI. On more than one occasion, Harold Covington had to drive many miles through the dark to the jail in Smithfield or Rocky Mount or wherever and bail him out. When Miller’s license was revoked, he drove anyway and got arrested, again and again and again, for driving drunk while his license was suspended. It is unclear to this day how Miller escaped a prison sentence.
           Miller’s constant drunkenness, his foul mouth, and the personality problems that emerged when he was wasted, were driving away the very type of solid, intelligent, and able people the Party needed. How often did we hear this: “I agree with the Movement and its message, but I’m not going to try and work with a bunch of drunks, people I wouldn’t associate with in my regular life?” Glenn Miller was the classic Movement example of the dangers of trying to get mileage out of creep: the bad slowly overtaking the good, then outweighing it, then the bad driving out the good altogether.
          Miller’s behavior with firearms while drunk grew increasingly reckless, and the behavior with firearms of his growing clique of soaks while drunk, was becoming increasingly erratic and dangerous, including at least three accidental discharges in the North Street headquarters building which fortunately didn’t hit anyone, although one shotgun blast blew out a street front window, fortunately not when there were any cars or pedestrians going by. Covington let Miller stay in the HQ during one of his out of town trips (his wife had thrown him out of his own house) and when he returned, he noticed the bullet hole in a table leg. It turned out Miller had undergone some kind of DTs, and he admitted that he fired at a .357 Magnum at a hallucination.
          Miller would dress up in full Nazi “uniform,” strap on a .357 Magnum, and go out driving to bars and elsewhere around Johnston County with his young children in the car, asleep in their pajamas because he had no baby-sitter. His wife would leave him for long periods, sometimes to stay with her family in Chicago and sometimes for a stay in a local mental institution. Life with Miller was literally driving her around the twist.
          The ultimate disgrace came in November of 1980, at the time of the Greensboro acquittals. The NSPA were expecting some problems from Reds and general scum at the HQ in consequence of the Not Guilty verdicts, so Covington kept some men in for all night duty. The next morning a reporter from the Raleigh Times showed up at the North Street HQ, another comrade came down, and let him into the literature room. (This was about 9 AM.) There behind the duty desk, in a litter of Old Milwaukee cans, lay “Stormtrooper” Glenn Miller, passed out on the floor drunk in full Nazi “uniform” and regalia, jackboots and all, .357 Magnum on his hip, his trousers soaked and a pool of urine soaking into the carpet. He had pissed himself.
          That was finally it. Covington sat Glenn down and told him that the camel’s back was broken. “Either the drinking stops or you’re out.” After a series of hysterical scenes and “open letters” attacking Covington as a Jew and a Fed and all the usual crap, Glenn left the NSPA. Thus was born the White Patriot Party, lifted on a tide of beer and bourbon. And Hell followed with it, for a lot of people.
The First Morris Dees Lawsuit
          Morris Dees sued Glenn Miller on behalf of Bobby Person and the entire black population of North Carolina in October 1983. According to the suit, three members of the CKKKK, Mike Lewis, Gregory Short and JoAnn Short had harassed Person, allegedly at Miller’s orders.
          The reliability of Person was never very good, though, as Person had been arrested early that year for allegedly pointing a shotgun at Lewis after discovering Lewis was a member of the Klan. After Person had been arrested, he had filed a cross warrant against Lewis accusing Lewis of assaulting him. The Shorts had been witnesses in Lewis’ defense, and all criminal charges had been dropped.
          The court process was marked by a number of unusual occurrences. First, Dees took the depositions of perhaps 70 or 80 members of Miller’s Klan group as part of an effort to harass them. During the taking of one of these depositions, an assistant of Dees’ was arrested for assault after initiating a shoving match with a CKKKK member. Later, Morris Dees was accused of offering money to Mike Lewis in exchange for false testimony against Miller. Miller also filed a number of comical motions during the case, including one asking Dees to be tested for AIDS so Miller “could feel safe in the courtroom”. Such motions eventually led to a court order threatening Miller with contempt. Miller apparently never understood just how serious the danger was until the hammer fell on him. Witnesses from the time confirmed that he was often drunk in court, and walked around in a kind of drunken haze all the time.
          Miller settled the lawsuit with Dees in January 1985, but that was not the end. The terms of the settlement were that he and the Confederate Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, and any other group he might lead, agreed not to assault, harass, or intimidate black citizens, march through predominantly black neighborhoods, or break either of the several North Carolina anti-Klan laws, including a North Carolina law barring operation of a paramilitary organization. It was an unprecedented example of White Nationalist groveling and humiliation at the hands of Dees, and a “victory” which the Southern Poverty Law Center still crows and cackles about to this day. Miller later claimed that when he signed the “consent decree” he was too drunk to understand what he was signing, and it was therefore invalid, a contention that was thrown out of court.
          Miller continued to operate his group as a paramilitary organization, and this resulted in charges of contempt against him (see below).
Miller’s Involvement With The Order
          In April of 1984, two members of the Order, Andy Barnhill and Denver Parmenter, met with Miller at his home in order to scout him out. The two gave Miller a $1000 donation.
          In August 1984, Bob Matthews of the Order, along with his girlfriend Zillah Craig, met with Miller, giving him $75,000, and followed it up with another $125,000 that September. According to Miller’s account of the deal, Miller accepted the money knowing that it was the proceeds from a recent armored car robbery the Order had conducted. Miller used the money to transmute his Confederate Knights into the uniformed White Patriot Party, to buy camouflage fatigues, Confederate Flags and flagpoles, and cases of Jack Daniels, all in bulk. He seems to have spent all the money; no trace of it was ever found and in less than a year Miller’s WPP was so cash-strapped that its members were hatching hare-brained plots to rob Pizza Huts to raise money.
          The Order was broken up in December of that year, because of informer Thomas Martinez. Miller was subpoenaed to appear in front of two grand juries in the Order case in 1985, one in Seattle, Washington and the other in Fort Smith, Arkansas, but took the Fifth Amendment both times. He was also interrogated by FBI Agent Jack Smith and then US Attorney Sam Currin in Raleigh that year, but claims not to have given up any information. It wasn’t until later, when he was facing jail time, that Miller became an eager accomplice of the feds.
The Second Morris Dees Lawsuit
          In April 1986, Morris Dees filed charges of criminal contempt against Miller and his assistant Stephen Samuel Miller (no relation), accusing them of violating the January 1985 agreement that had bound them not to engage in paramilitary training.
          The trial began July 21, 1986, and Miller was convicted of contempt of court for operating a paramilitary organization on July 25, 1986. During the trial, Robert Norman Jones, who was in prison for illegal firearms deals, testified that Miller had given him $50,000 of the Order money to purchase LAWS rockets, Claymore mines and hand grenades, among other weapons, and that Miller, Stephen Samuel Miller and others had been leading training with such weapons for the purpose of overthrowing the government. In particular, Jones testified that Miller had purchased 13 LAWS rockets for $1,000 each, and a number of other weapons, which Jones had led federal prosecutors to and which were displayed at the trial.
          Miller testified that he had never met Jones, and that Jones had associated exclusively with White Patriot Party members Stephen Samuel Miller, Douglas Sheets and Jack Jackson, thus establishing an endearing and lifelong habit of offering up his comrades to save his own skin. Miller claims he was ignorant of any dealings in weapons Jones had had with other members. Former member James Holder, then in prison for murdering a fellow member of the White Patriot Party after one of the group’s drunken post-rally bashes at Miller’s farmhouse in Johnston County, testified that Miller had confided in him plans to overthrow the government.
          An FBI agent using the ridiculous undercover name of Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. (the actor who starred in the 1960s television series The FBI) then testified that he was an expert in the Turner Diaries and The Order, gave evidence that Miller had been a member of the Order and had received money from them and worked in concert with them, and that his purchase of weapons and training of an army was part of the Order’s plot to overthrow the government-which is, technically, true, in light of what is now known about Miller’s relationship to the group.
          Nonetheless, it has to be admitted that the proceedings at this second trial had a distinctly Kafka-esque element to them. It is interesting to contemplate Miller’s growing horror as he found himself drawn deeper and deeper into the legal machine’s nightmare from which he could not wake up, and from which his self-medication with whole grain beverage could no longer insulate him. There is something to be said for the theory that from approximately this time Glenn Miller literally went mad; certainly his subsequent behavior was hardly that of someone in his right mind.
          Miller was convicted by a jury of 11 whites and 1 black, despite the help of public defender William (Bill) Martin. His appeal of this judgment was denied August 18, 1988 by the 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals, but by then Miller was already in prison and screaming out every piece of information he knew about White Nationalist people and activity, in exchange for his daily ration of whisky.
           After the verdict was rendered, Miller signed another agreement with Morris Dees agreeing to go free on bond on the condition he would not have any contact with any member of the White Patriot Party while awaiting sentencing. Drunk or not, it is quite likely that Miller was not legally competent to sign such a consent order because of his mental condition.
          In September, Frazier Glenn Miller was sentenced to a six month active jail sentence, a six month suspended jail sentence and three years probation. Stephen Samuel Miller was sentenced to a six month suspended jail sentence and three years probation. The White Patriot Party was fined $2000.00. More sinister for Miller, though, was that the agreement he signed with Morris Dees not to associate with the White Patriot Party and its member was made an order of the court to take effect during the entire time of incarceration and probation. The imposition of the judgment was suspended pending appeal, and both Millers were released on signature bonds with the condition they not associate with the White Patriot Party. The fact that these conditions were completely unconstitutional under pre-9/11 law was simply ignored by the court.
A Drunk Declares War
          Shortly after the verdict, Miller sent the White Patriot Party mailing list to numerous white organizations and personalities, including David Duke, Dr. Ed Field, William Pierce, Tom Metzger, Bob Miles and Richard Butler.
          In December 1986, Miller’s co-defendant, Stephen Samuel Miller was arrested on charges of conspiring to murder Morris Dees, for which he was convicted in April 1987 and sentenced to ten years in prison. It was the usual thing, a “conspiracy” based on the unsubstantiated word of a single Federal informant.
          Miller sold his farm in Johnston County in 1986 and moved his family to Hillsville, Virginia in January 1987. (There is an interesting coincidence in the timing of this move with the Shelby bookstore murders, described below.) Despite the court order, Miller started a new organization in Hillsville called the Southern Patriot Party and began publishing a newspaper called the Dixie Leader, which he folded six weeks later.
          On January 18, 1987, Miller broke the terms of his appeal bond and marched in a White Patriot Party event in Raleigh, North Carolina. On March 18, 1987, Miller took out a $100,000 life insurance policy on himself, handed his wife $10,000 cash, and declared he was “going underground”. He drove to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, where he met with Douglas Sheets and Jack Jackson, later picking up Tony Wydra in Asheville, North Carolina.
          The group fled to Monroe, Louisiana, where they rented an apartment and printed up 2,000 copies of their “declaration of war”, mailing them to the major media, the entirety of the US Congress and Senate, as well as several white nationalist groups and individuals involved in Miller’s prosecution. Three days later, Miller phone the US Attorney via WPTF radio in a state of intoxication and made a number of demands, threatening civil war if they were not met. The demands included:
          “(1) $888,000 in damages for violating the rights of 5,000 members of the White Patriot Party,
          (2) Restoration of my constitutional rights,
          (3) Release of Stephen Miller from prison,
          (4) A meeting with the State Bureau of Investigation and U.S. Attorney Sam Currin, with media present,
          (5) An investigation into the Southern Poverty Law Center and Morris Dees for malicious and illegal use of the federal courts to persecute members of the WPP,
          (6) Null and Void my July 1986 conviction for operating a paramilitary organization,
          (7) Allow me to return as leader of the White Patriot Party unhindered by federal authorities, and
          (8) an apology.”
          48 hours later, Miller phoned again, still drunk. All his demands were denied, needless to say, and the news media were all laughing at him.
          At 6 AM in Ozark, Missouri, after a night of heavy drinking, the group was surrounded in a rented trailer by US Marshals, who opened fire with tear gas, compelling the group’s surrender. Inside the trailer were found C-4 explosive, dynamite, pipe bombs, hand grenades, fully automatic M-16s and AR-15 rifles, shotguns, pistols, crossbows, and over 1,000 pounds of ammunition. Not one single item of this arsenal was ever fired at a racial enemy; instead, Miller had spent the entire revolution getting drunk and staying drunk.
          Eugene “Jack” Jackson once told Harold Covington that their brief career as revolutionary guerrillas consisted of Miller dragging Jack and the late Doug Sheets every night to bars, getting stinking drunk, and then jumping up on a table and yelling “My name is Glenn Miller, and God, guns, and guts made this country!” Miller also accused Jackson and Sheets of plotting to betray and murder him, but stayed with them because Jack made sure to hang on to the booze money. But all that came later.
          Douglas Sheets was sentenced to six and a half years in prison, as was Jack Jackson. Tony Wydra was killed by an “accidental” shot to the back in 1989, from the gun of one Cecil Cox, a sinister figure who appears to have been some kind of deep cover spook or hit man. Wydra’s murder seems to have been connected to the Shelby case (see below) since Wydra was scheduled to be interviewed and give a deposition to the defense. Whatever Wydra might have known about the Shelby incident, he took it to the grave with him, and no charges were ever filed against Cox, who is known to have killed at least three men without a legal scratch on him. Miller himself, facing 200 years in prison, turned government informant.
Turning Federal Informant: Miller’s
Testimony Against Other White Activists
          In July of 1987, Miller was offered a plea deal by the federal government. He would plea to one count of possession of a hand grenade and turn federal informant, agreeing to testify against other white activists and reveal the entirety of his involvement with the Order and other groups. In exchange, he would be guaranteed no more than a five-year prison sentence and immunity from any further federal prosecution, plus financial support and protection in the Federal Witness Protection Program. In Miller’s words: “A five-year sentence sounded a little more palatable than 200, so I accepted.”
          Miller then testified at the Fort Smith Sedition Trial that he had been involved in a conspiracy with thirteen other White Nationalist leaders to overthrow the government, including Robert Miles, Richard Butler, Louis Beam, a number of minor players, and a couple of hapless Choctaw Indians who got dragged in because they owned the rental house where Gordon Kahl had been murdered and the government wanted to shut up their complaints about the FBI burning the house down. The center of this conspiracy had supposedly been the Order. None of the white nationalists he testified against had ever testified or given information against Miller.
The Mysterious Shelby Murder Case
          In April and May of 1989, Miller also testified against his former comrade Doug Sheets in a multiple murder case, in one of the strangest and most obscure incidents to occur in the long and checkered history of the White Nationalist movement-the Shelby Bookstore case.
          In January of 1987, a group of armed and masked men entered a pornographic bookstore in Shelby, Cleveland County, North Carolina. The store specialized in homosexual material and also served as a trysting spot for the local “gay community,” specifically a number of private booths where sodomitic acts took place. The men bound and gagged the clerk, the owner, and two customers and shot them through the head execution style. The cash register was not robbed, but the assailants did tear through the office and filing cabinets looking for something. It has been alleged that the bookstore had some kind of organized crime ties, and that the owner was running a profitable sideline in blackmail, secretly photographing and videotaping his often wealthy and eminent clientele committing perversions, and then bleeding them dry for every penny. The assailants appear to have been searching for photographs or documents of some kind. It is not known whether they found what they were looking for or not.
          Almost immediately after the faggot-killings, rumors started to be floated from some unknown source that “white supremacists” were involved, and that the killings were the work of either the White Patriot Party or the nebulous “Phineas Priesthood,” which so far as anyone can tell, has never existed anywhere outside the imagination of Morris Dees and such persons who make their living out of spreading anti-White Nationalist paranoia. It is unknown who circulated these rumors. The sub-rosa rumor beneath the rumors was that the attack on the bookstore had been a deliberate hit carried out either by professionals or by elements of the White Patriot Party acting with Federal complicity and protection, the object being to remove evidence of a certain highly placed individual’s homosexuality and bizarre sexual fetishes, and to silence anyone who knew about this man and his deviations.
          Eventually, Robert Eugene “Jack” Jackson and Doug Sheets were charged with the murders and taken to North Carolina for trial. The case against both men was so weak as to be virtually non-existent. Jackson had a rock-solid alibi in that, being a considerate neighbor, he had been out shoveling snow for his elderly neighbors on the morning after the killings at his home in Oklahoma, which had been snowbound by a massive blizzard the night before. It was literally, physically impossible for Jackson to have been present at the murder scene in North Carolina and back in Oklahoma ten hours later through a massive blizzard, and yet he was charged anyway.
          A young single mother whose trailer Jackson had also shoveled out that morning was visited by the FBI and Child Welfare and threatened with the loss of her child if she did not retract her story; to her eternal credit, the woman refused and the Feds backed down.
          The only witness against Doug Sheets was a black professional jailhouse snitch with an already established record for repeated acts of perjury; incredibly, the prosecution’s case was that once he was arrested, “white supremacist” Sheets shortly thereafter confessed to a multiple murder to a nigger criminal he had just met.
          Repeated efforts by the prosecution and the FBI to get local people in Shelby to identify Jackson and Sheets as having been seen in the area that night, accompanied by threats and offers of cash, failed. The case was so weak that the state decided to try Sheets first in hopes of getting one conviction that could be used to pressure Jackson into copping a plea. Jackson and Sheets were at one stage offered time served if they would simply plead guilty to a single count of second-degree manslaughter. (For four execution-style murders?)
          Although a state homicide case, the entire investigation and trial was crawling with FBI and other federal agencies from top to bottom, coordinated out of Sam Currin’s office, and stage-managed by the notoriously corrupt Ed Meese Justice Department under President Ronald Reagan. Clearly, somebody very powerful wanted the Shelby case neatly concluded and tied up with a bow and no loose ends.
          Finally, in desperation, the state brought in Frazier Glenn Miller and another alcoholic former WPP member, Robert Stoner, to testify against Sheets. (This was a death penalty case, remember.) Miller failed so miserably on the stand that even a hand-picked jury refused to believe his palpable lies; a jury acquitted Doug Sheets, and charges against Jackson were later quietly dropped. The Shelby case remains officially unsolved, but in actual practice it has been flushed down the Memory Hole and is now forgotten.
          It should be mentioned that the Shelby trial saw the emergence onto the White Nationalist scene of crusading Texas attorney Kirk Lyons, who was part of the defense team that got Sheets acquitted. Lyons later served as an attorney in the private wrongful death lawsuits brought by survivors from the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas against the Federal government. Lyons went on to found the Southern Legal Resource Center (SLRC) in Black Mountain, North Carolina, one of the few remaining legal offices willing to defend poor white people in court. He has also been highly active in the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) and is one of Morris Dees’ pet hate objects.
The “Peaches” Incident
          Miller’s handlers were not pleased with him, and they let it show. Now might be a good time to discuss the infamous “Peaches” incident, and also present an alternative theory as to exactly who the Shelby bookstore raid was undertaken to protect, but after some reflection, the compilers of this report have decided against it. This is because the source of the “Peaches” story was later traced to deliberate leaks to the Sheets defense team from Sam Currin’s office, as was a story that Miller allegedly had AIDS, which since he is still alive and drinking today, is palpably untrue.
          The “Peaches” episode sounds credible in view of what we know about Miller’s mental and emotional state, and it is also credible in view of the long history of sickening misbehavior by so-called “Great White Leaders.” However, in view of the strong possibility that it may be disinformation from the U. S. Attorney designed to get revenge on their own stumblingly incompetent witness, we will redact it from this report. There is more than enough attested fact to condemn Frazier Glenn Miller in the eyes of all White Nationalists and all decent people; there is no need to gild the lily with Sam Currin’s bullshit.
          Miller often brags that “not one single soul ever served one day in jail on account of me and not one single soul was ever indicted for any crime whatsoever on account of me.” Apparently he has acquired the notion that this somehow excuses his betrayal of men who trusted him. It is correct only insofar as that, while he testified against dozens white activists after reaching this agreement, his testimony was never deemed credible enough by the court to cause a conviction. Basically, Glenn Miller was so full of shit that no matter how much lipstick the prosecuting attorneys put on this pig, they couldn’t sell him even to a jury of dumbed-down Americans and blacks and liberals.
          In modern times, Miller also often claims that the men he testified against had testified against him. In reality, the only men who had ever testified against Miller in court were James Holder and Robert Norman Jones, none of whom were defendants in either trial.
          Miller would end up serving three years of that five-year sentence, most of it at a Club Fed minimum security facility Otisville, New York. He was released August 23, 1990. The Federal Witness Protection Program then set him up with a home in Sioux City, Iowa (an almost all-white part of the country. How considerate of them!) He was barred from living in any Southern state for five years under the terms of his parole.
          Upon his release, Miller laid low for a while, driving a truck and writing his autobiography, A White Man Speaks Out. One of the oddest things about this very odd man is that he honestly doesn’t seem to get it, to understand that he did anything wrong, and he is genuinely puzzled as to why the overwhelming majority of White Nationalists hold him in derision and contempt.
          By early 2002, settled in Aurora, Mo., Miller had retired from trucking and decided to stage-his comeback into the White Nationalist movement. It might seem hopelessly divorced from reality that he could believe even in his wildest moments that the Movement would take him back after his acts of treachery, miscegenation, and drunken foolery-and yet, incredibly, he found a sponsor in Alex Linder of Vanguard News Network, at that time one of the primary “net Nazi” computer bulletin boards.
          To be fair, hundreds of White Nationalists protested to Linder against his taking the former denizen of the Witness Protection Program under his wing, and at one stage Billy Roper of the White Revolution group forcibly seized the VNN servers and expelled Miller and his small group of internet butt buddies and sycophants. But Roper lost his nerve and handed the board back to Linder after a few weeks, and so back came Miller, and anyone who dared to protest against the presence of this creature in any White Nationalist context was expelled. The result has been a permanent decline in the quality and quantity of VNN posters. It is now down to about 50 active participants, and many of the present posters appear to be mentally and emotionally unstable.
          Miller now puts out an occasional tabloid newspaper and also runs for public office (interesting, since he’s a convicted felon and is technically banned from the ballot or even voting, unless he’s had his citizenship rights restored-which in itself would beg some even more interesting questions, along with issues like David Duke’s passport.) Nobody takes Glenn Miller seriously any more, and everyone except Miller and Linder seems to understand this. The Miller-Linder relationship is one of the minor mysteries of the Movement. No one can understand how the seemingly intelligent Alex Linder could shoot himself in the foot like this. One rumor is that he and Miller, who lives but a few miles away, are simply drinking buddies.
The Betrayal of Tom Metzger
          In February 1994, the Montgomery, Alabama Advertiser published a series of articles exposing the assorted financial and legal skulduggeries of the loathsome Morris Seligman Dees, director of the Southern Poverty Law Center. It needs to be remembered that the information which was revealed about Tom Metzger in this article came in an anti-Dees context, mentioned almost in passing.
          One section dealt with the 1990 Portland, Oregon lawsuit that Dees won against Tom and John Metzger of White Aryan Resistance (WAR) over the highly tenuous allegation that they were liable for the death of an Ethiopian kaffir named Mulageta Seraw. The Metzgers lost the suit, largely because Metzger chose to defend himself and did so with extreme incompetence. They were assessed civil damages of $12.5 million dollars. Both Metzgers were placed under court-ordered financial supervision until the year 2011 to make sure this atrocious judgment is paid. They became, and essentially still are, financial slaves of Morris Dees.
          The Portland verdict was unquestionably a disgraceful travesty of justice which even many liberals and left-wing civil libertarians admit they find troubling, because of its potential for application against so-called “progressives” at a future date. Thanks in part to the Portland verdict, Lefty “community” and environmental groups are already being wiped out through similar misuse of civil liability by developers and large corporations in so-called SLAPP suits, and the C2Internet service provider was targeted by a Portland-style lawsuit making a similar claim that they are liable for allegedly unlawful acts of people over whom they have no control, i.e. a cyber-version of the Portland precedent. (Ironically, C2 had close ties with Nizkor, whose deranged associates including director Ken “Oy” McVay praised Dees and the Portland verdict to the skies.)
          What concerned everyone in the Movement, though, is the revelation that, as part of his efforts to collect the judgment, Morris Dees seized control of the WAR post office box, Box 65 in Fallbrook, California. A legally appointed agent of the Southern Poverty Law Center, San Diego attorney James McElroy, was given the authority to collect the mail from the box, open and examine it, extract 50% of the funds sent to Metzger by White racial nationalists for video or book orders or donations to WAR, McElroy then placed this money in a trust fund for the Ethiopian who was the shill for the lawsuit. The remaining money was passed on to Tom and John Metzger. This kind of arrangement is standard practice in collecting civil damage awards from businesses, but it essentially made Tom Metzger an employee of Morris Dees, since Dees decided how much money Metzger got every month and quite literally signed his paycheck. This went on for years, and so far as anyone knows, is still going on.
          McElroy may also be assumed to have read and copied the mail sent to WAR and passed it along to Morris Dees. To maintain that McElroy and other court-appointed receivers since then have courteously averted their eyes from the names and addresses and contents of the letters they opened is a proposition so improbable, not to say naive and ridiculous, that it need not be discussed further. It is for this reason, not so much the seizure of the money (as bad as that is) that Tom and John Metzger violated the most basic standards of Aryan morality and behavior, and have to be expelled from the Folk and treated as the traitors and informers they have unquestionably become.
          On April 3rd, 1991, a judge ordered that all mail sent to Metzger’s box be handed over by the post office to the then official receiver, Paul M. Wiel, at P.O. Box 68, Carlsbad, California 92008. Metzger was legally barred from changing post office boxes or doing business other than through Box 65. There were several changes of address and receiver until the final rejection of Metzger’s appeal by the Supreme Court. In August 1994 the court order was made permanent, with James McElroy designated as official receiver. So far as anyone knows, the seizure order was never lifted and the seizure of Metzger’s mail has been continuous for the past sixteen years.
          The actual amount from the box is unknown, but in February of 1995 attorney James McElroy made a widely-publicized trip to Ethiopia to hand over $100,000 of WAR money to the “plaintiff” in some godforsaken little mountain village. To be accurate, some of this money came from the seizure of Metzger’s home and assets, but as was widely reported at the time, much of it also came from the post office box. The media found the idea of dumb racists and Skinheads sending money to help an African nigger to be hysterically funny, and made quite a big deal over it. The amount of money which has been taken from Tom and John Metzger’s mail by Morris Dees since 1991 by now must have reached a truly staggering sum.
          The interception of WAR mail is a matter of public record. Metzger himself admitted in 1991 that this was taking place, including a notice he issued through Fax News and other Movement sources in which he stated his intention of allowing the box rent to expire and warned people to send no money to Box 65. In late 1992, all of a sudden Box 65 was back in business. This was presumably when the deal was cut between Metzger and Dees to give Metzger his cut. Metzger kept on operating as WAR rather than have to go back to work for a living, and Dees acquired to most invaluable listening post ever achieved by the Left into the White resistance movement in this country.
          In January of 1995 an extensive article in Metzger’s home town paper, the San Diego Union-Tribune, was picked up by the wire services and published coast to coast. Morris Dees periodically gloats over his “victory against hate” in his assorted fund-raising letters and publications. Stories appeared on tabloid TV shows including Current Affair and Hard Copy, an Arts and Entertainment Network special on “hate groups”, as well as regular news programs on CNN and the major networks. The clincher came in a letter written to Harold Covington by Fallbrook postmaster Robert J. Higgins, dated April 30th, 1994. Higgins informed Covington that “mail to P.O. Box 65, Fallbrook is being handled in accordance with an arrangement signed by both Tom and John Metzger”. Over 2,000 copies of this letter were been circulated throughout the Movement, for all the good it seems to have done. As with the Klassen-Myers buggery episode, genuine documentary proof simply doesn’t seem to have made any difference. People believe what they want to believe.
          At one stage Metzger attempted to claim that John Metzger, at least, had bankrupted out of the civil judgment, but he never produced any documentary evidence or corroboration of this statement. This sounds plausible, but on examination by anyone even slightly familiar with pre-”reform” bankruptcy law the claim doesn’t stand up. Even bank before “reform,” bankruptcy did not mean a judge simply saying, “Okay, off you go, you don’t have to pay your debts”. There were three basic types of bankruptcy: Chapter 13 (“Wage-Earners Plan”) where you get your paycheck garnished for however long it takes to pay off a set amount to a receiver; Chapter 11 for businesses; and Chapter 7, the “completely flat busted, can’t-pay-and-never-will” plan, which is presumably what John would have filed for. In each of these, after the petitioner’s assets have been carefully examined and every cent paid out which can be managed, the judge then discharges or relieves the petitioner of his obligation to pay specific debts, by named creditor and amount.
          In almost all cases, civil judgments and criminal fines are specifically excluded from bankruptcy relief. The law is written this way for the very purpose of insuring that people who get fined or lose lawsuits don’t wriggle out of it by declaring bankruptcy. It varies in individual cases and it is not beyond the realm of possibility that John Metzger may have been able to obtain this rare type of civil relief. (He must have had a hell of a lawyer if he managed it!) But if that is the case, then it will be clearly stated in John’s final bankruptcy decree that he is relieved and excused from paying the Portland judgment. Despite repeated challenges, neither Metzger has ever done so. Checks made out to either Metzger come back endorsed with a rubber stamp “deposit to account number so-and-so”. Since this anomaly was pointed out by Harold Covington and in the Cooper Report, it is our understanding that the rubber stamp has been changed to read “deposit to WAR account number so-and-so”, which is certainly the McElroy trust account for the Ethiopian. Neither Tom nor John Metzger actually endorses the checks.
          Metzger reacted to the exposure of his obscene “arrangement” with Morris Dees with a series of violent, threatening, and abusive attacks against Harold Covington, Dr. Edward R. Fields of the Truth At Last newspaper, and for some obscure reason against Willis Carto of Liberty Lobby. This included the shouting out of residential addresses of all three men on his telephone message along with incitements to his Skinhead Children of the Night or whatever to assault his critics and vandalize their property. To his undoubted disappointment, no one was stupid enough to take Metzger up on his incitements.
          Metzger’s hysterical attacks on Covington, Fields, and Carto were actually rather odd when one comes to think of it. They weren’t the ones who were causing his problems. The combined readerships of all three of these men did not equal those of the Montgomery or San Diego papers, never mind the national wire services or CNN. Yet Metzger has launched a hateful campaign of threats and slander against these “soft targets” only, ignoring the main sources of the allegations against him, the mainstream media. Curiouser and curiouser, said Alice.
          Metzger has never, in the past sixteen years, substantively addressed any of these allegations or provided any proof at all of the current status of the Portland civil judgment.
          In October 1994, a Skinhead named Blaine Qualls was shot by Louisville, Kentucky police. Pre-figuring the later strange case of Bill White, a screaming and hysterical Metzger got on his recorded message and incited his followers to murder five Louisville cops by name, as well as threatening the Louisville district attorney and inciting people to make illegal threatening and harassing phone calls to the D.A.’s office and to his home, which numbers Metzger gave out. Astoundingly, nothing at all was done about this. This is especially breathtaking in view of the fact that Metzger, having lost a civil case specifically for allegedly inciting others to homicide, was clearly in contempt of the judge’s orders regarding the Portland verdict by doing so again, in public. The Anti-Defamation League, the Center for Democratic Renewal, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Morris Dees himself, and a number of law enforcement agencies surely monitored Metzger’s message on a regular basis. The idea that they didn’t hear that particular recording, which was on the air for a full week, is inadmissible. They heard Tom Metzger clearly committing a serious criminal offense, and they did nothing. Why?
          Metzger has also made a long-time practice of selling copyrighted material on video and audio tapes, including a police SWAT training film and tapes of illegal bare-knuckles boxing bouts. Finally, in 1995 Metzger began blatantly taping and re-selling for profit news segments off C-Span and CNN, specifically the Waco and Ruby Ridge Congressional hearings. He advertised these pirate copies on his phone message and in his literature. It is difficult to imagine super-liberal media kingpin Ted Turner turning a blind eye to a supposed “White supremacist” pirating his copyrighted broadcast material unless Mr. Turner were presented with very persuasive reasons for doing so by someone mucho high up within the Establishment. Significantly, the only time Metzger has ever been sued for copyright violation was by the makers of the Australian Skinhead movie Romper Stomper, a foreign company outside Dees’ circle of influence.
          From mid-1994 until early 1995 Metzger’s recorded messages displayed clear signs either of substance abuse or else a decaying, schizophrenic personality, or both. In addition to serious lapses of judgment such as the Louisville police incident already cited, Metzger’s voice was slurred and at times incomprehensible. He would ramble on and on, his mind clearly wandering. In his pathetic July 4th message for 1994, Metzger admitted that he had previously consumed a twelve-pack of beer. During this period Metzger acquired from somewhere a toy “laugh box” where one pulls the string and raucous mechanical laughter comes out of the speaker. He kept putting this sound effect on at inappropriate times during his monologues. On several occasions he evidently began pulling the string convulsively and either he could not stop himself or else he forgot he was doing it; the result was that long minutes of his presentation were accompanied in the background by idiotic cackling laughter. Listening to Metzger during this period was a pretty bizarre experience.
          From about March of 1995 Metzger managed to pull himself together somewhat. Publication of the WAR newspaper became more regular and it eventually resumed a publication which was irregular but worked out to five or six issues per year. His recordings were eventually replaced by equally pointless, rambling, and apparently intoxicated internet screeds.
          A White Nationalist visited Metzger over the Labor Day weekend of 1995 and reported that during his four or five hour stay Metzger consumed almost an entire 750-ml bottle of vodka and several beers. The observer reported an incident where John suggested Kentucky Fried Chicken and Metzger jumped up, began flapping his arms, making clucking noises, and singing the commercial song “I feel like chicken tonight, like chicken tonight!” for an extended period of time until his toupee slipped down on his head and he knocked over the vodka bottle.
The Mind of Tom Metzger
          The Aryan racial resistance movement has a history of attracting a certain kind of people who have no business involved in our kind of politics, or any kind. These people enter the Movement for a variety of reasons, every one of them wrong. Lonely people in search of companionship, weak people in search of collective strength, mentally and emotionally disturbed people in search of therapy who end up inflicting terrible damage on a cause they genuinely wish to serve, etc. They are the winged monkeys of the Bad Craziness, and for a while Tom Metzger was their Wicked Witch of the West.
          Let’s be honest about things for once, OK? Tom Metzger was never that good, not really, certainly not since about 1980 or whenever he started in on the Strasserite rubbish and the anti-Christian kick, the twin ideological kisses of death in the Movement. But Tom did have one outstanding talent: more than any other Movement snake-oil salesman he could get mileage out of people. It was all smoke and mirrors, but for a while there he really had us all convinced he was going somewhere, when he was merely running laps. Metzger had just enough cunning, just enough plausibility, just enough media flair to get by-for a while. Some people retain that cunning. David Duke, for instance, is still running laps and making a good living doing it. But Metzger didn’t have the chops for the long haul; his mind went, he lost it, and he never recovered.
          Tom Metzger was the original “if you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit” guy. Skinheads looking for a father-figure were especially vulnerable; Metzger encouraged their destructive fantasies with specious claptrap about “Aryan warriors” and crude, violent cartoons. He demanded of them no organization, no self-discipline, no self-control, no mental or moral effort, no commitment, no hardship, no sacrifice, and above all no work. All he demanded was their worship and every penny they could scrape up to buy his videos.
          He gave them in return a dangerous, deadly illusion. It is unknown how many Skinheads and formers Skins are dead or in prison today because they bought what Tom Metzger was selling; the number might well approach 100, nor can we accurately gauge how much mental and spiritual damage the man has done to hundreds of others, but it is tragic. These kids came to him for hope, for guidance, for knowledge and purpose in life; Metzger used them and threw them away like used toilet paper. A classic example is his cowardly and despicable incitement on his telephone message, shrieking out the home addresses of his enemies and urging his brain-dead followers to commit criminal acts that he himself lacked the courage to carry out. He could not have cared less whether these kids who worshipped him got shot or sent to prison.
          But for a while he looked good, and he fooled a lot of otherwise intelligent racialists, some of whom still defend Metzger rather than admit the unthinkable: that they made a mistake. Metzger himself carefully nurtured the idea that he was a Great White Leader. It was snake oil, of course, but no one likes to admit they have been conned by a snake oil salesman. Metzger understood one salient fact: almost all racial nationalists, however hardened and skeptical they may think themselves, inwardly have a great longing to believe. Metzger capitalized on that and still does, as well as Duke and a few others who are still hanging on in the “Movement biz.”
          It should be made crystal clear that the Portland lawsuit was totally pernicious, so tenuously based in law and so utterly antithetical to even the most basic concepts of freedom of speech and association that even orthodox civil liberties types have trouble swallowing it. Metzger got screwed, big time.
          But he brought a good deal of the resultant disaster on himself. Tom’s ego tripped him up. He was TOM METZGER! Super-racist! Invincible! On TV every night! Suggestions that he and John might need some help were rebuffed. Who, him? Mighty Tom Metzger, need the help of other racial nationalists outside his fan club, who didn’t bow down and apply the lips in the prescribed manner while singing hosannas to Tom Metzger as the greatest thing since sliced bread? Ridiculous!
          So Tom went up alone against a sleazy but cunning legal reptile who knew the judicial system inside out, and could play it like a violin, with (it has since been revealed) a $53 million dollar cash reserve in his Southern Poverty Law Center. Tom faced a jury of liberals and monkoids in the most left-leaning city in the country. In court he was arrogant, contemptuous, rude, boorish, constantly interrupting the judge and making wild and bizarre statements about how he would bring the whole temple down around them if they didn’t back off.
         Of course he lost. He was utterly stunned; the possibility that he could lose seems never to have occurred to him, and so needless to say he had taken no steps of any kind to protect his assets. Dees flourished before him a paper of the same kind the benighted and browbeaten Glenn Miller had signed a few years before, wherein Dees agreed to suspend collection efforts on the $12.5 million civil judgment until all appeals ran their course if Metzger would agree to disband W.A.R. and surrender all his political rights under the First Amendment. (Precisely how this offer to refrain from collecting any money served the interests of Dees’ ostensible client, the semi-literate Ethiopian kaffir whose name appeared on the lawsuit, is something the Oregon Bar Association’s legal ethics board has shown a remarkable disinterest in investigating.)
          In one last defiant gesture, and let this be set down to his eternal credit, Metzger told Dees to get stuffed. It is the last credit-worthy thing Tom Metzger ever did.
          So the torment began. Metzger’s home and TV repair workshop were seized, all his tools confiscated so he was unable to make a living even had he been so inclined, and the Metzger family was forced onto welfare. All the WAR office equipment and supplies, literature, T-shirt and trinket inventory was seized and either sold or publicly burned by a triumphant Dees as the television cameras rolled. Kathy Metzger died in a hospital charity ward, surrounded by niggers and Third World garbage, something which makes Metzger’s subsequent surrender to Dees even more contemptible.
          Despite Metzger’s denials, the fact is that WAR operations virtually ceased. This couldn’t be happening. Not to TOM BY GOD METZGER! Did they not realize he’d been on Oprah? Who did they think they were? Tom By God Metzger came down to earth with a mighty thump, and he didn’t like it one little bit. Go back to fixing TVs, hearing that alarm going off every weekday morning at six A.M. for the rest of his life? His fifteen minutes over? No! Tom Metzger’s fifteen minutes had to go on, and on, and on….
          But how? How could he get back on TV and sell his videotapes and trinkets and massage his ego and buy his plastic jogs of cheap vodka, with Dees and twenty years of garnishee and court-ordered financial supervision on his back?
          There is no telling which one made the first approach, Dees or Metzger. If it was Metzger, I’m sure Dees jumped at the chance. The hottest racist post office box in the country was on offer as a “listening post”, as well as a means of humiliating the hated White supremacists by making them fork over money unknowingly to a black man, which I’m sure made Morris titter.
          The amount of information which could be gathered in this manner was beyond anything Morris had ever had access to before. The gleanings from Box 65 were all been copied and catalogued, the identities of the people who wrote in good faith were duly passed along to Morris’s buddies in the Justice Department and the Simon Weeny Center and the A.D.L. who in turn passed these records on to Israeli intelligence. It is virtually certain that at least a few people were probably murdered outright because of Metzger’s treason, and others cast into the living hell of the prisons.
          Metzger finally threw in the towel in California, and several years ago moved into his retirement estate in Indiana, apparently left to him by a deceased great aunt or other aged female relative. He still has an internet site and keeps his hand in with occasional paper publications and toy sales, 50% of which still presumably go to Dees. We hear from him occasionally when one of his ravings pop up on the internet, and the ghosts of dead and imprisoned Skinheads moan and howl at his name.
The Madness of James N. Mason
          James N. Mason is a former member of both Rockwell’s and Koehl’s NSWPP. For many years he published a newsletter called Siege out of a post office box in Chillicothe, Ohio, which actually contained some pretty good writing. Old copies of Siege have actually become something of a collectible item among Movement aficionados. Then in 1981 Mason went insane, and became a follower of the serial killer and cult leader Charles Manson.
          Mason, last heard from in Colorado, still pops up occasionally on the periphery of the Movement. He is still marginally significant because he is reputed to have the most extensive collection of George Lincoln Rockwell memorabilia, including documents and correspondence, in the world. Historians and students doing their doctoral theses, etc. still try to track him down through Movement circles in an effort to learn something or view something Rockwell-related from his collection.
Dr. Revilo P. Oliver
          Revilo Pendleton Oliver was born near Corpus Christi, Texas on 7 July 1908. He attended two years of high school in Illinois. Disliking the severe winters, and once requiring hospitalization “for one of the first mastoidectomies performed as more than a daring experiment,” he moved to California. He began the study of Sanskrit, using Max Müller’s handbooks and Monier Williams’ grammar, later finding a Hindu missionary to provide tuition. As an adolescent, he found amusement in going to watch evangelists “pitch the woo at the simple-minded”, attending performances of Aimee Semple McPherson and Katherine Tingley. He entered Pomona College in Claremont, California, when he was sixteen.
          In 1930, Oliver married Grace Needham. He began attending the University of Illinois and studied under William Abbott Oldfather. His first book was an annotated translation, from the Sanskrit, of Mricchakatika (The Little Clay Cart) published by the University of Illinois in 1938. He received the degree of Philosophiae Doctor in 1940. That same year, the University published his Ph.D. thesis: Niccolò Perotti’s translations of the Enchiridion (republished in 1954 as Niccolo Perotti’s Version of the Enchiridion of Epictetus, with an Introduction and List of Perotti’s Writings). He began teaching graduate classes immediately after receiving the degree. For a number of years he also gave graduate courses in the Renaissance, which put him also in the Department of Spanish and Italian.
          During the Second World War, Oliver worked with distinction at the U.S. Army Signal Corps installation, Arlington Hall, in cryptanalysis. From 1942 until the autumn of 1945, he came to be in charge of a rapidly expanding department, and advanced from Analyst to Director of Research (eventually responsible for the work of about 175 persons). He claimed that in his privileged position, he learned what he called “the ultimate secret of Pearl Harbor” (that Franklin Roosevelt had incited the Japanese into the attack).
          Oliver left Washington D.C. (which he called the “District of Corruption”) in 1945. He was convinced that within a few years, the facts of pro-Soviet actions and other operations would become known, and the American people would react with a violent “housecleaning” of the government. Confident that the future popular reaction was inevitable, Oliver returned to the University as an Assistant Professor, became an Associate Professor in 1947, and Professor in 1953. He held a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1946-7, and a Fulbright (Italy), 1953-4.
            In 1955 Oliver’s friend, Professor Willmore Kendall, discussed plans for the journal which was eventually called National Review. Kendall “desiderated a conservative antidote to the New Republic, etc.,” and had among his pupils at Yale, William F. Buckley Jr.. Kendall convinced Oliver to write on political subjects for the journal.
          In 1958, Oliver joined Robert Welch in being one of the founding members of the anti-Communist John Birch Society. Oliver wrote frequently for the Birch Society magazine American Opinion, his most widely-noted piece being a two-part article called “Marxmanship in Dallas” that asserted that Lee Harvey Oswald had carried out the assassination of President Kennedy as part of a Communist conspiracy. In Oliver’s view, the Communists wished to eliminate Kennedy as a puppet who had outlived his usefulness. Oliver testified before the Warren Commission on the basis for his assertions, but was not taken particularly seriously. He was reprimanded over his remarks by the University of Illinois’ Board of Trustees, but they did not try to unseat him.
          In the 1960s Oliver broke with conventional American conservatism, having become convinced that Welch had either cozened him from the start or sold out later, and severed his connections with what he called “the Birch hoax.” He thus came to openly embrace an essentially Nazi worldview, and eventually to assist William Luther Pierce in forming the National Alliance. He retired as Emeritus in 1977.
          Oliver believed that religion was one of the major weaknesses of his nation and civilization. An atheist and materialist, he characterized Christianity as “a spiritual syphilis,” which “has rotted the minds of our race and induced paralysis of our will to live.”
          He also used the pen names “Ralph Perier” (for The Jews Love Christianity and Religion and Race) and “Paul Knutson” (for Aryan Asses). It is claimed that Oliver was the actual author of the Introduction (credited to Willis Carto) to Francis Parker Yockey’s Imperium.
The Tragedy of Richard Butler
          Richard Girnt Butler (born February 23, 1918 in Bennett, Colorado – died September 8, 2004 in Hayden Idaho) was an aerospace engineer for Lockheed who founded the Christian Identity group Aryan Nations. Butler, who was educated in southern California, including Aeronautical Engineering at Los Angeles City College, was a co-inventor for rapid repair of tubeless tires and held both U.S. and Canadian patents thereon.
          Butler was a pilot and during World War II held duties, including that of a Flight Engineer Instructor, in the U.S. Army Air Force. In 1946, Butler organized and operated a machine plant for the production and precision machining of automotive parts and engine assemblies for commercial and military aircraft in the USA, Africa, and India. Butler was a marketing analyst for new inventions from 1964 through 1973. Butler then became a senior manufacturing engineer for Lockheed Aircraft Co. in Palmdale, Ca.
Aryan Nations
          In the 1970s, he moved from California to North Idaho, where he founded the Aryan Nations, also known as the Church of Jesus Christ Christian, whose ideology is a mixture of Christian Identity and National Socialism. The organization operated from a 20-acre compound in Hayden, Idaho, a suburb of tourist town Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, which became the center of a U. S. White Nationalist network with worldwide links.
          CJCC’s origin lies in the teachings of Wesley Swift, a significant figure in the early Christian Identity movement. Swift combined British Israelism, extreme antisemitism, and political militancy. He founded his own church in California in the mid 1940s where he could preach this ideology. In addition, he had a daily radio broadcast in California during the 1950s and 60s. In 1957, the name of his church was changed to the Church of Jesus Christ-Christian, which is used today by Aryan Nations churches.
          Butler is credited with being among the first to advocate a White Homeland in five northwestern states – Idaho, western Montana, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming. Although this is not entirely correct-the idea actually seems to have originated with Butler’s longtime friend and associate, Pastor Robert Miles-Butler’s name is sufficiently closely associated with the Northwest Migration so that the current Northwest Pioneer Association’s basic blueprint for action is called “The Butler Plan.”
          Butler was arrested and charged with plotting against U.S. government and placed on trial in Fort Smith, Arkanas in 1988. The Feds tried to prove that he was the secret head of the Order; since this was not in fact the case, they had to rely on perjured testimony from people like the drunken informant Glenn Miller (q.v.) who were disbelieved by the jury, and Butler and his co-defendants were acquitted. Local liberals and faggots in Coeur d’Alene respondedby forming the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations, a kind of vigilante group devoted to harassing and annoying Butler and the AN.
          Until 1998 the leadership of the AN remained firmly in the hands of Butler. But by that year he was over eighty and had been in poor health for some time, so at the annual meeting, Neuman Britton was appointed as the group’s new leader. The usual succession problems endemic in Movement groups now began to appear, with the usual sordid squabbling. In August 2001 Butler appointed Harold Ray Redfeairn from Ohio, who had been agitating for control since the mid-1990s. Shortly thereafter, Redfeairn and August Kreis, III, propaganda minister of Aryan Nations, led a splinter group away from Butler and were expelled from the organization, but a few months later Redfeairn returned to an alliance with Butler. Redfeairn died in October of 2003. Butler died of heart failure in September 2004. At various times there have been as many as four competing factions of Aryan Nations.
          August Kreis III joined with Charles John Juba to continue one faction of Aryan Nations. They held an Aryan Nations World Congress in July 2000. Juba resigned in March of 2005 announcing his successor Kreis as the group’s new leader with a headquarters located in Lexington, SC. There is another faction that claims to have remained loyal to Butler’s wishes upon his death, and its members have continued to call themselves “The Church of Jesus Christ Christian”. They are led by a council of 3 men and headquartered in Lincoln, Alabama. The leader is Jonathan Williams. They have held a Congress each year since the passing of Richard Butler, and have used these congresses to forge alliances and social networks with various other white supremacist groups including the Ku Klux Klan.
          In 2000, Victoria and Jason Keenan, two Indians believed to be secretly in the employ of Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) staged an incident outside the compound which Dees used as an excuse to sue Butler. Butler actually kind of walked into this situation because towards the end his Hayden Lake home became less of a political and racial headquarters and more of a halfway house for drunken Skinheads and derelicts. Dees was able to use the law to steal Butler’s home from him. Vengeful liberals later burned the entire property to the ground as a “fire-fighting exercise.”
The Great Man Himself
          Of all the self-proclaimed White Nationalist leaders of the past thirty years, virtually the only one who can make any claim to have achieved any degree of success at all was Dr. William Luther Pierce. Pierce’s success was not political in nature, although with The Turner Diaries it cannot be denied that Pierce achieved brief blip status on the national radar, which is more than any of his rivals except for David Duke have accomplished.
          Pierce’s true achievement was personal, and in some ways more significant than if he had won an election or something of that nature. He lived to the age of 67. He created a profitable small business grossing over a million dollars a year. He lived in personal comfort on 345 rolling acres, in the style of a 18th or 19th century landed gentleman (no mean feat in the 20th century!) He spent his life surrounded by fawning sycophants telling him what a Great Man he was, including a number of attractive women, some of whom he imported from Eastern Europe for his pleasure. He dabbled in the stock market and in real estate and in improving his lands like a good country squire. Finally, William Pierce died peacefully in his own bed without ever having served a single day in prison, in an odor of sanctity.
          No other Great White Leader has equaled this record; even David Duke slipped up once and spent about eighteen months in Club Fed when he got caught with his fingers in the cookie jar. Pierce slithered out of every trap ever set for him by ZOG, and to this day his name is Teflon. Most White Nationalists genuflect and sing hosannas to his name. William L. Pierce committed absolutely appalling acts of treachery, deceit, greed, and vindictive malice-and not so much as a crumb of any of it has stuck to him. After Rockwell, he is probably the closest thing to a Movement saint we’ve got.
          The organization Pierce led, for all its many, many-many-flaws, was just that, an actual organization, and no one else has ever been able to accomplish that. Virtually all so-called “White Nationalist orgs” have been one-man-bands at best or else simple scams to rip off supporters and put money in Fearless Leader’s pocket, a la David Duke. To be blunt, given the generally dysfunctional nature of the American White male in these times, and the severe character deficiencies afflicting our race as a whole, the fact is that the National Alliance under Pierce is probably the best we can do, at least until the White man makes a collective decision to address the issue of character and to impose some kind of discipline and accountability on the Movement, especially on our self-proclaimed leaders.
          To tell the long and fascinating story of the National Alliance could not be adequately done without running to the length of the book; indeed, a book-length history of the NA would be a fascinating project, and we hope that some day someone knowledgeable will undertake it. We can only hit the highlights of Pierce’s complex and highly flawed personality.
          It might perhaps be a good way to give readers an overview if we reprint a series of several documents from the later Pierce years, when Pierce was not in the best of mental or physical health and things started to unravel. These excerpts from the record will give the reader some idea of what life in the National Alliance was like:
A Series of Original Documents
From the William L. Pierce Era
Thirty Questions for Dr. William L. Pierce
          1. It has been repeatedly asserted by contemporary witnesses that on the night of George Lincoln Rockwell’s murder, Dr. Pierce and Robert Lloyd broke into the Commander’s safe and destroyed his political testament. What were the contents of that document, and why was Pierce desirous of suppressing it?
          2. In view of testimony from at least two government witnesses (Zillah Craig and Glenn Miller) that William L. Pierce received $300,000 in stolen money from the Order armored car robbery, given to him by Bob Mathews in the presence of witnesses, why was Pierce not indicted and placed on trial in the 1988 Fort Smith sedition trial?
         3. What was the true story behind the resignation of Gary Gallo from the NA?
          4. What was the true story behind the resignation of Kevin Alfred Strom from the NA? (NB: Strom was later lured back by a $3000 per month salary, which no one ever quite figured out what he did to earn.)
          5. What was the true story behind the 1994 suicide of NA Colorado chairman Theon Tomcheff?
          6. Why was National Alliance involvement in the shooting of two blacks in Fayetteville, NC in December 1995 suppressed by the media, after having been widely reported for the first several days after the incident?
          7. Against what North Carolina National Alliance officer was former NA member Kristin Schroeder forced to take out a court injunction to prevent him from harassing her, making obscene phone calls to her home, etc?
          8. What Virginia National Alliance activist was severely dog-bitten when he crept on to the property of a Pierce critic and was caught in the act of spray-painting NA runes and obscene graffiti on the garage?
           9. What was the true story regarding the resignation of John Milton Kleim from the NA?
          10. In the 30 years William Pierce has been operating as the National Alliance, why has Pierce had no trouble of any kind from the Internal Revenue Service, especially in view of the dubious and criminal sources of some of his funding?
          11. In what way does Pierce justify the purchase of such items for his estate as a $20,000 tractor out of White racial funds?
          12. How many Eastern European mail order brides has Dr. Pierce imported into this country for himself and his associates, and what is the source of the funds which he has used for travel expenses and immigration attorneys for this purpose?
          13. Why did Pierce donate $50,000 to British National Party leader John Tyndall when Tyndall was facing a leadership challenge from Nick Griffin? Where did this money come from? What use did Tyndall make of these funds? Why was this money not kept in America in order to benefit American White Nationalism?
          14. In 1998 two convicted felons (Brian Pickett and Todd Van Biber) testified in open court and also before a Federal grand jury that they had personally handed Pierce large amounts of stolen cash from bank robberies in his office in Hillsboro, West Virginia. Why was Pierce never so much as questioned by the FBI about these publicly reported allegations?
          15. Where did Timothy McVeigh obtain the bulk quantities of The Turner Diaries he sold at gun shows?
          16. What well known National Alliance officer was seen by numerous witnesses hobknobbing with Timothy McVeigh at an NA meeting in Las Vegas in February, 1995? In view of the fact that this is the only known, provable connection whatsoever between McVeigh and any right wing, racist, or militia group, which would presumably be of great interest to the FBI and the prosecution, why has McVeigh’s attendance at this function been suppressed by the media?
          17. On April 23rd, 1995, what documents and photographs dealing with Timothy McVeigh did Dr. William L. Pierce turn over to a special team of FBI agents who were flown in by helicopter to the National Alliance compound in Hillsboro, West Virginia? Why were these documents never made public in any subsequent investigation of the Oklahoma City bombing?
          18. Who terrorized Arizona National Alliance organizer Richard Cotten into silence over the NA/McVeigh connection?
          19. Why was witness Richard Isaacson not allowed to testify at McVeigh’s trial about McVeigh’s attendance at the Las Vegas meeting, and subsequently forcibly “deported” from Denver by the police after refusing to be silenced?
          20. In 1999, why was William L. Pierce allowed to enter Germany, travel freely about the country for ten days, attend political meetings and make political speeches, give media interviews, and then depart unmolested, where all other foreign right wing or racist leaders are banned, where American citizens have been arrested and imprisoned for writings published in America, and where in one case (Gerhard Lauck) the German government actually went so far as to kidnap an American citizen from a third country? What accounts for Pierce’s astounding immunity?
          21. In 1992, Pierce purchased for $85,000 a large estate in Otto, North Carolina from a notorious pederast and almost certainly racial Jew as well [Benny Klassen], which he then sold for almost $300,000 several years later. Why is a so-called “White leader” doing real estate business with Jews?
          22. In 1996 William L. Pierce sold the copyright (not just printing rights) to his novel The Turner Diaries to the Jewish publisher Lyle Stuart. Stuart subsequently brought out a limited edition containing an extremely anti-White preface written by a Jew, as well as an extra dollar tacked on to the cover price which would be donated to Handgun Control, Inc. from every sale. The book is not distributed to bookstores and is available from Lyle Stuart only by special order; it has, in effect, been suppressed. All of this was done with Pierce’s foreknowledge and acquiescence. In an interview Pierce subsequently gave to People magazine, he stated that he intended to use the royalties from the Lyle Stuart edition to build himself a new home on his 345-acre West Virginia estate. Question: in what way is it fitting or becoming for a so-called “White leader” to do something like this?
          23. Why did Dr. Pierce turn over his mailing list to Morris Dees, who subpoenaed it during the “Church of the Creator” lawsuit, without even the slightest attempt to resist the confiscation of the list through the legal process?
          24. Who stole the National Alliance mailing list from Dr. Pierce’s office in 1993 and sold it to Art Jones and John McLaughlin, who then used it to start up the short-lived “WAR Eagle” tabloid and found the ABC Books mail order company?
          25. In 1998, why did Pierce allow then National Alliance member Vincent Breeding to erect a web site containing images of homosexual pornography smearing a Pierce critic, and only order Breeding to take it down once the site had been conclusively traced back to the NA and had become an embarrassment?
          26. In 1999, where did William L. Pierce obtain the $250,000 he paid to Willis Carto for the copyrights and mailings lists and remaining CD inventory of George Burdi’s Resistance Records?
          27. Why has Dr. Pierce turned his version of Resistance magazine into a vehicle to attack and denigrate the Skinhead movement and Skinhead rock music, rather than advance it?
          28. Does William L. Pierce speculate heavily on the stock market, as he is rumored to do? If so, what is the source of the money he uses for this purpose?
          29. What is the National Alliance “Special Operations Unit”, “Cyber-Cell,” or “Internet Task Force”? Is it in fact a team of several Pierce followers who spend their time on the internet monitoring, stalking, harassing, smearing, and spreading rumors about anyone on Dr. Pierce’s “enemies list”? If so, is this the kind of activity that should be supported by White people’s donations and book orders?
          30. Dr. Pierce is now 66 years of age. He has spent his entire life living off the donations of White people; so far as anyone knows, the man has literally never worked a day in his life. Given the state of modern geriatric medical science, it is entirely likely that Pierce has another twenty years or so of life left. [Pierce died in 2002] Question: in what way does it serve the Aryan racial cause for all of us to provide this man with a comfortable, bucolic retirement for the next twenty years?
Why I Broke With William Pierce
by L. Bradford Davis [2001]
To All Racially Aware Aryans:
          I have devoted long and careful consideration to the writing of this open letter to the entire White racial nationalist movement on the subject of the National Alliance, and the reasons for my termination of my own involvement with the Alliance. I have decided that it is a duty I cannot shirk, however vicious and hysterical the reaction it will inevitably provoke. Silence can kill, and I am convinced that silence on the subject of the NA’s many problematical aspects may yet kill our race.
          It is customary in these kinds of monologues to go into a long and very personal recounting of the whole history of one’s involvement, naming names and pointing fingers, and how one realized that involvement was a mistake. I have decided not to do this, in deference to the many fine and devoted people that I met in the Alliance, some of whom are still with the group and who will unquestionably denounce and revile me for breaking ranks and saying out loud what we all know in our hearts: that our precious Emperor Dr. Pierce has no clothes. I am not here to tell my story, but only my conclusions, conclusions I have arrived at only with the greatest of soul-searching, sadness, and reluctance.
          I will simply say that I phased out my own active participation in Alliance activities in 1997, when as a member of the NA’s “cyber-cell” I was ordered by then NA cyber-czar Vincent Breeding to devote all of my activities towards attacking [a well-known critic of Dr. Pierce] on the internet, to the exclusion of all racial matters. I resigned from the Alliance in December of 2001 because I could no longer reconcile my continued membership with the persistent and absolute failure of Dr. Pierce to provide me with an explanation of the Hendrik Möbus affair, either personally or through a general discussion with the membership,
          It is time to puncture the deceptive and egregious myth of the National Alliance as being the self-proclaimed “foremost racist organization in the world”. It is nothing of the kind.
          The National Alliance is neither a political nor a racial organization. It is a cult, the purpose of which is to provide a comfortable lifestyle and retirement for its guru-like leader. A failed academic named Dr. William L. Pierce originally founded it under the name “National Youth Alliance” in 1970. Pierce makes much of being a former aide to the late Commander George Lincoln Rockwell. In fact, I have learned since my departure that Pierce was in fact expelled from the original National Socialist White People’s Party in that year by the then Commander of the NSWPP, Matt Koehl, for incompetence and theft of Party funds.
          Pierce, as I mentioned, has made some to-do about his past as an alleged former aide to Commander George Lincoln Rockwell.
          In point of fact Rockwell disliked Pierce personally as an intellectual totally lacking in the personal, physical courage which Rockwell so admired in men. Veterans of the Rockwell period in Arlington recall Pierce with derision. “He would show up at rallies, when he showed up at all, in his own car and wearing a suit, trying to hide in the crowd,” recalled one former ANP Stormtrooper. “We called him Mr. Peabody after the cartoon character. He was an arrogant SOB and looked down on anyone who worked with their hands or who didn’t have a string of college degrees.”
          Insofar as anyone can determine, Dr. William L. Pierce, who is now aged 66, has never actually worked a day in his life, with the possible exception of waiting tables or something of the kind when he was in college. Ever since 1966, he has lived off the donations of White racial nationalists, which he has collected, through various mail order bookselling schemes, businesses and fund-raising scams. He has other, less reputable sources of income as well, as the record will show.
          The National Alliance has been called “a racist version of Scientology”, and the comparison is not inapposite. A large part of the group’s time and effort and resources are devoted towards harassing, annoying, and discrediting former NA members who break with the group, along with anyone who publicly criticizes certain financial wheeling and dealings and general skullduggery on the part of Pierce and some of his clique.
          Despite what they tell you, not only is the National Alliance not the “foremost racist organization in the world”, but they are in fact one of the smallest and most ill-regarded of the many sects and factions which make up the American racial right. Pierce and several of the lesser left-wing “monitoring groups” have recently claimed that there has been a dramatic increase in National Alliance membership, but like so many of Pierce’s claims, this does not appear to be born out by the facts.
          At any given time, there are less than 400 actual members throughout the world. Their mailing list at its height in 1993 (when it was stolen and passed around the Movement like a bag of popcorn) was only 2,000 names, some of them subscribers to the cult’s irregular magazine but mostly of people who simply ordered books from their mail order catalog once or twice. The A.D.L., who claim to monitor Pierce closely, recently stated that even this list was now down to about 1,500 people.
          One recent defector from Hillsboro, Sam Van Rensburg, recently revealed that actual signed-on membership is about 200. According to former NA secretary and Pierce confidante Evelyn Hill (yes, even Ev eventually had enough and left), the NA is mostly maintained now by a core group of about 50 hard-core, wealthy financial supporters whom Pierce has accumulated down through the years, and who continue to support Pierce despite his total failure to produce anything remotely resembling tangible political results in over three decades of the group’s existence.
          In actual fact, the National Alliance is regarded with extreme suspicion and derision by the bulk of the Aryan racial nationalist movement, which in its aggregate numbers probably between 50,000 and 75,000 active people. The NA’s 400 is a drop in the bucket. Most groups ban NA members from their meetings, and refuse to have anything to do with the NA, often due to the violently anti-Christian nature of some of their rhetoric, but also due to the strange and erratic behavior usually exhibited by their members.
          National Alliance members have gained a reputation for being among the nuttiest people in the Movement as well as the most personally repulsive. Many National Alliance members seem to suffer from the psychiatric condition known as “hebrephenia”, which may be politely described as poor bodily hygiene. More bluntly, one Klan group banned their local NA representative from their gatherings because “he smelled like a goat and no one could persuade him to take a bath.” National Alliance members seem without exception to be either extremely thin or extremely overweight, although there are exceptions like the narcissistic Kevin Alfred Strom. Strom, indeed, is so proud of his physique that he posted semi-nude pictures of himself in his underwear pulling “beefcake” poses on his own personal web site.
          [NB: In January 2007, Kevin Alfred Strom was arrested for possession of child pornography and for sexually stalking a ten year-old girl, the daughter of a fellow White Nationalist couple in his National Vanguard group.]
          National Alliance members have been involved time and again down through the years in bizarre incidents of neurotic and strange behavior, some of them illegal. One of the more prominent examples of this is the bizarre suicide of NA Colorado state Chairman Theon Tomcheff in 1993. Tomcheff staged a drunken standoff with police in the street in front of his house, waving a gun in the air, then fled inside and blew his own brains out. Hardly an “Earl Turner” style exploit!
          In addition, the National Alliance has developed a reputation down through the years for being-how can I put this delicately?…sexually ambivalent? On one occasion a former National Alliance member wrote,
          “I was in the NA for over a year, until I became increasingly uncomfortable over the fact that I was the only person in my cell who was a married man with a family. All of the rest were strange, geeky men who either appeared to me to be homosexuals or who could barely refrain from ogling my wife, kept on asking me how she was in bed, that kind of revolting behavior. Many of them used pornography and brought it to NA unit meetings to pass around. I think I was probably the only cell member out of a dozen who was sexually normal. There was this aura of sickly misogyny and homoeroticism over the whole thing. I just got bad, bad vibes off the whole outfit.”
          William Pierce expelled one NA headquarters staffer, Sam Van Rensburg, for allegedly asking female callers to the HQ for phone sex. However, Pierce maintains as his North Carolina representative a man who is notorious for beating women, and whose abuse of both his American first wife and his Russian mail order bride were notorious and are legally documented in the second wife’s divorce papers.
          Van Rensburg maintains that his expulsion was due to his questioning the uses to which donated funds were put and also because he attempted to get information regarding the most forbidden topic of all, the exact legal structure of the NA and what procedures were to be followed in the event of Pierce’s death or incapacitation. As in all absolute monarchies, it is high treason to speak of the death of the king.
          One of the NA’s most cult-like features is a pervasive dishonesty, a lack of respect for the truth. This, along with their complete lack of respect for the rights of others (most especially the rights of others to disagree with them and criticize them and their leader) leads to excessive and hysterical behavior of the kind we have witnessed for the past several years. Cult members who attempt to leave are slandered, smeared, insulted, harassed with phone calls and threats, their property is vandalized and other acts of petty criminality are directed against them, apparently in an effort to intimidate them into silence.
          The NA like to pretend that they are a “revolutionary vanguard” in the manner of Earl Turner, the hero of Dr. Pierce’s fictional novel The Turner Diaries, but the fact is that another outstanding characteristic of the National Alliance in real life is extreme physical cowardice. Dr. Pierce himself has fled into hiding on at least two occasions to rather than accept moral responsibility when someone has attempted to put his book into practice. Nor is the cult’s obnoxious practice of filing nuisance lawsuits against critics exactly a shining example of Viking-like heroism.
          Another interesting topic of speculation is the source of an apparently almost bottomless flow of cash into the National Alliance coffers. When Pierce lost a lawsuit to Morris Dees in 1996, in Bryson City, North Carolina, and was assessed hundreds of thousands of dollars in civil judgements and court costs, Pierce simply wrote Dees a check and paid him off! Pierce regularly comes up with huge sums, such as the $200,000 necessary to buy the rights and inventory to George Burdi’s Resistance Records (which Pierce then proceeded to run into the ground.) We have already mentioned the “Big Fifty” referred to by Evelyn Hill, but there have also been repeated rumors down through the year that Pierce plays the stock market with his supporters’ funds, which is just as much a form of gambling as David Duke’s riverboat junkets.
          But worse than all of the above, there have been a number of sinister incidents in the past sixteen years or so indicating that Dr. William L. Pierce has made an active arrangement with the racial enemy. This manifests itself in an apparently near-complete immunity from the ordinary processes of criminal and civil law enjoyed by no other citizen of this country. The examples of this bizarre immunity from the law are almost too many to mention, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to explain away this long parade of suspicious incidents in any way which is consistent with Pierce’s innocence.
          *There is the 1993 incident where one of Pierce’s associates, now resident in North Carolina, apparently set up two licensed Class Three gun dealers in Virginia Beach for a bust at the behest of the BATF.
          *The same mysterious Pierce associate was wanted for questioning in two serious incidents of sending explosive devices in the mail to Christian groups. The Federal investigation by the postal inspectors was dropped.
          *The same mysterious Pierce associate was able to quash a state grand jury subpoena in connection with a 1995 multiple homicide in North Carolina. There seems to be some question as to this man’s actual identity; recent research by a cult victim with the resources to hire private investigators has revealed that the one he uses in the NA is false. (The investigators were also warned off very sternly by the authorities when they started getting too close.)
          *Dr. Pierce has an inexplicable ability to enter Germany, travel about freely at will, even give speeches to political groups and interviews to news people, a privilege which is granted to no other right-wing “leader”. The German authorities have gone so far as to kidnap American citizens for violating their censorship laws. So why does Pierce get to stroll through Germany at will? Interestingly, Pierce’s last little German walkabout was followed by a spate of over 100 arrests of NPD members and others, almost all of whom had met with Pierce in the previous weeks.
          *In 1998 two convicted bank robbers, Brian Pickett and Todd Van Biber, testified in open court and also to a Federal grand jury in Tampa, Florida as to how they committed a series of bank heists in New England, and on their way back home to Florida they stopped off at the National Alliance headquarters compound in Hillsboro, West Virginia and dumped paper bags full of stolen cash onto Pierce’s desk in his office. So far as anyone is aware, Pierce was never even questioned by the FBI about these allegations.
          The most recent, and in many people’s eyes the most egregious example of this startling immunity to the law was provided by the grotesque Hendrik Möbus incident. Leaving aside the question as to whether or not an ostensibly Aryan racialist organization should be supporting and promoting Satanic rock music (that will really rally the masses around us, eh what?), it is more than time that Dr. Pierce gave us all a clear, concise, and detailed explanation as to how it comes about that the United States Marshalls Service knew that a wanted Federal fugitive was staying on the NA property in Hillsboro for a full two months, and yet did not enter the property to arrest him and only served the Federal fugitive warrant when Möbus left the property for a grocery run. Pierce’s consistent refusal to address this subject at all is, to my mind, the clearest indication yet that he dare not address it, and that there are skeletons in Pierce’s closet which render him morally unfit to hold any leadership position in the Aryan movement, or indeed be associated with it at all.
          Pierce’s latest project is of a piece with much of what he has done over the past twenty years, i.e. demanding money from Aryan racial nationalists to improve his own personal property. His latest boondoggle is a demand that we pony up $40,000 to build a “meeting hall” on the compound grounds. How, exactly a meeting hall way out in the back of the beyond, about as far as it is possible to get from anywhere on this continent, will be of benefit to the ultimate survival of the White race, is not explained.
          What, exactly, will happen to all that land and all those buildings and all that computer gear and all those books when Pierce dies, or as now seems likely, when he is no longer able to conduct his own affairs due to his advancing Alzheimer’s? This we are not told. Who is Pierce’s designated successor? How will the transition to a post-Pierce National Alliance be handled? We are not told. We are simply asked to keep on sending money to a post office box and to trust in some kind of deus ex machina revelation yet to come. It is ironic that Pierce has criticized Christianity as a “pie in the sky when you die” religion. In the case of the NA cult’s theology, even the pie when Pierce dies seems a very dubious proposition.
          Ex National Alliance members have come to me since my departure from the cult and asked what can be done. My answer is simple: nothing. And nothing should be done. The National Alliance is a dead end into which we all strayed and in which we all wasted entirely too much time, money, and effort. I wish Dr. Pierce a happy and comfortable retirement, and my genuine best wishes that he may retain his health as long as possible. If others choose to finance that retirement, that is their decision. My decision is that I will no longer have anything to do with this particular dead end, nor will I send William Pierce one more thin dime. You now know my reasons for this decision, and I leave you to yours.
Regards to all,
The National Alliance, Incorporated:
A ZOG False Flag Combat Cell
by Maguire [2002]
          The key to understanding the National Alliance (NA) is understanding the real structure of the NA. The National Alliance is a private for-profit corporation chartered by the Commonwealth of Virginia (not West Virginia).
          The NA has stockholders, officers, directors and customers. Dr. Pierce’s ‘chairmanship’ was always chairman of the Board of Directors of this Virginia for profit corporation. The constant introduction of Dr. Pierce as ‘Chairman’ started in the days when the ‘Chairman’ of the Communist Party of the USSR was a political figure of importance. The listener was invited to conclude Dr. Pierce was a political figure with the title of ‘Chairman’, although his chairmanship was of a corporation he owned and operated.
          The Virginia Secretary of the Commonwealth’s corporate data website reports the current 2003 officers as:
          The National Alliance’s publicly registered Virginia address is: 1330 GORDEN WALL CIR APT 402, RESTON, VA 20194. The true spelling is GARDEN WALL CIRCLE. The Fairfax County tax assessor’s website reports this address is a condominium owned by NA Vice President Katherine Molz. This address is just outside Washington DC in Fairfax County. The NA’s registered address in Fairfax County, Virginia gives it many famous neighbors, including the CIA.
          This privately owned corporation is a media company. It has three major profit centers.
          The foremost profit center is Resistance Records, a subsidiary the NA owns as Resistance LLC. Resistance Records markets “White Power Music” and related paraphernalia to young white males. This business is ‘Chairman’ Erich Gliebe’s real focus. It’s what he did before Dr. Pierce died and it’s what he concentrates on now.
          The second profit center is National Vanguard Books. The NA’s secretary, Dr. Robert DeMarais – a former professor of business – continues to operate National Vanguard Books as he did before Dr. Pierce’s death.
          The third profit center is ‘membership dues’. For all practical purposes these National Alliance memberships are merely ‘fan club’ memberships in what we can fairly term the Dr. William Pierce Fan Club.
          This is identical to other fan clubs for famous celebrities. These memberships do not confer ownership (i.e. stock). Nor are the corporate officers and directors accountable to the ‘members’. This is why the NA even solicits anonymous memberships. What the ‘member’ purchases is a false sense of belonging to an organization that is doing something.
          The National Alliance, Incorporated, uses two principle forms of advertising to market to its target demographic of young white males. The major advertising channel is the “American Dissident Voices” radio broadcast. Since Dr. Pierce’s death Kevin Strom has resumed doing the ADV broadcasts. The American Dissident Voices show was really Kevin Strom’s creation. He organized the original shortwave and small town AM/FM network in the 1990s, provided the technical support and occasionally stood in for Dr. Pierce.
          The other ‘advertisment’ is the midnight ‘literature distributions’ conducted by the so-called ‘Local Units’ (i.e. the local Dr. Pierce fan club chapters). This involves spreading NA, Inc approved flyers in neighborhood driveways. The principle objective of these flyer distributions is to get people to contact the National Alliance’s main e-commerce website.
The National Alliance and the Anti-Defamation League
of B’nai B’rith: A Symbiotic Relationship
          The second morning after each literature distribution the local newspaper always runs an Anti-Defamation League written template article about ‘hate’. This boilerplate article serves both the National Alliance and the Anti-Defamation League’s fund raising goals. The ADL routinely hails the NA as the “most dangerous organization in America”, even though ADL ‘investigators’ have long known about the NA’s true structure. The entire transaction scares up more donations for the ADL from neurotic Jews while also recruiting still more customers for the NA.
          This mechanism is also the major reason why the pro-white movement is teeming with so many criminals and borderline psychotics.[Emphasis added.] The NA’s only positive goal is to maximize its own profits, just like any other private corporation. In the furtherance of this profit goal the National Alliance, Incorporated has willingly allowed its ostensible deadly enemy, the Masonic Jewish supremacists of B’nai B’rith, to define the pro-white cause for the American public.
          With minor variations this business model has now been operating for three decades, ever since the National Alliance was incorporated in 1974.
Failure of the “Non-Movement” 
          There was never any possibility for the NA to progress beyond media operations into becoming a civil and political leadership cadre. The National Alliance, Incorporated collectively can no more participate in direct local politics than can Texaco or IBM. The corporation laws of the State of Virginia debar this. Those in editorial control of National Alliance can exert a background influence on the social and political environment. But this influence will always be proportional to their circulation.
          Since the NA’s circulation is very broad in geographical scope, and the content irrelevant to local conditions or people, the resulting influence is also very superficial. Probably non-existent is a better term. Marc Moran in New Jersey recently discovered the illusionary nature of the existing ‘non-Movement’ when he attempted venturing into local politics.
Enter Vanguard News Network and ShopWhite
          The Vanguard News Network is currently in the final stages of opening an eBay clone called “ShopWhite”. What Bill White and Alex Linder of VNN are doing is making a transparent move on Resistance Records’ (the NA’s major profit center) consumer base. Presently a White Power Band has very limited options open to it for marketing. They can market through Panzerfaust Records or they can sell through the NA subsidiary, Resistance Records.
          White and Linder intend to use ShopWhite to capture Resistance Records’ White Power music and paraphenalia market. As Bill White said recently, ShopWhite will be a sole proprietorship with himself as sole proprietor. We can add ShopWhite to his NORFED redemption center franchise and other commercial internet activities.
          There’s a fair amount of money at stake here. The total revenue stream for White Power music CDs and paraphernalia is probably $3 mil to $5 mil per year. To this can added books, tapes and videos of various kinds. Bill White intends to snag 10% or so of this revenue stream for himself. Emphasis on ‘so’.
          This underlies all the recent smoke on http://www.overthrow.com about Kevin Strom, Erich Gliebe and others. The Kevin Strom flap is a secondary attack on the NA’s major advertising channel (American Dissident Voices) and an indirect attack on Eric Gliebe and Resistance Records.
          It is crucial to the success of this effort that it not be seen for the commercial ploy it really is. This is because the customers would be awakened to their own real status both with the NA and in under ShopWhite. White and Linder cannot openly admit they are now commercial competitors with Gliebe, Demarais & Company.
          The immediate struggle is a fight over control of existing White Power paraphernalia consumers. It will not add more strength or organization to the unorganized pro-white population, advance them towards political power, or develop subordinate community leaders. Bill White says this will happen but what else could he say? Crucial to the endeavor is maintaining the illusion the ‘Movement’ as it presently exists is something other than a media marketing scheme.
          Alex Linder (and Bill White to a degree) are more honest about what’s up than Dr. Pierce ever was. So this may be a healthy puff of fresh air. We’ll see how close White comes to eBay openess. Dr. Pierce always maintained a pretense that the NA was some sort of collective organization. The reality is the NA is and always was a private for-profit media company partly organized on the lines of Amway. But it was not as aggressive. Nor was it as effective in sinking in its roots locally for reasons seen above and below.
          Neither VNN or its ShopWhite enterprise are going to ‘overthrow’ the NA, although it will probably reduce NA Inc’s profits and cut into its market share. The NA is a private corporation incorporated by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Any thinking person by now is wondering why the government has never taken the simple step of revoking the corporate charter of this ‘dangerous terrorist organization’, as it’s called by the ADL and its agentur in the FBI and the Department of Justice ‘Anti-Terrorism Task Force’. They’ve always had it in their power to do this but found it convenient not to do so for some reason.
The Political Persecution of Chester Doles
          Chester Doles occupied a unique place in the National Alliance. He was the most powerful ‘NA leader’ who was not actually an employee or director of the National Alliance, Incorporated. By his own efforts and dynamism he had raised his particular local unit in Georgia to several hundred members. Unlike the other delivery boy operations Doles’ unit was acquiring real independent life and a community character.
          Most notable about this unit was its concentration in a small rural area. These ‘members’ were thus less useful to the NA’s business model, while Mr. Doles himself was a dangerous potential competitor. Shortly before his arrest by the ADL lawyers occupying Department of Justice offices, Mr. Doles openly broke with and resigned from the National Alliance. He had complained on several occasions about the large number of Federal, ADL and SPLC informers within the National Alliance.
          Following Dole’s arrest the officers and directors of the National Alliance, Inc., tried to abandon Mr. Doles. Alex Linder and VNN initiated the Chester Doles/Goy Genius challenge to raise $50,000 for Mr. Doles defense. This succeeded and former US Congressman and district attorney Robert Barr has now undertaken Mr. Doles’ legal defense against charges lodged by Michael Chertoff, a director of the ADL and Bush political appointee to the Department of Justice.
          [NB: NA members eventually raised $75,000 dollars for Doles’ defense. They employed Robert Barr’s firm, but Barr himself did not take the case and never appeared in court at Doles’ side. Doles was fobbed off with a junior counsel who pleaded him guilty after the FBI threatened to indict and imprison Doles’ wife Teresa as well, thus depriving Doles’ large family of young White children of both parents at once and possibly having those children seized by the state and dispersed to foster homes.$75,000 for a guilty plea and an eight year prison sentence in maximum security. That has some be some kind of Movement record for pissing money up against a wall.]
The National Alliance, Incorporated:
A ZOG False Flag Combat Cell?
          Political police in all regimes often use a tactic called a false flag front or combat cell. This operation involves setting up a front organization that appears to be a real opposition group.
          The purposes of false flag operations are to capture control of and thus disrupt and prevent any real political opposition from emerging. Potential dissidents are both identified by this means and their efforts and resources diverted into fruitless endeavors. Is the National Alliance, Incorporated a ZOG false flag? This charge has been hurled previously. Let us consider the evidence anew.
          1. The private corporation structure and Dr. Pierce’s explicit policies permanently foreclosed any attempts at participating in civil politics. Within the closed cult world of the NA that day of civil participation and legitimacy always lies somewhere off in an indeterminate future. As with the ‘Rapture’ the precise timing is unknown, is inherently unknowable, but it is coming Soon. In practice the current corporate leadership’s tenure always expires before that day arrives. ‘But it is coming Real Soon. And while you wait, buy cds, books and donate money.’
          2. None of the real officers, directors, stockholders or employees of this ‘dangerous terrorist group’ have ever been arrested. They appear to possess a teflon immunity from police interference, even when they harbor international fugitives like Hendrik Moebus.
          3. The simple method of destroying this ‘dangerous terrorist organization’, revoking its Virginia corporate charter, has never been used. The lawyers of the Deparment of Justice, the FBI and the ADL have long been aware of National Alliance, Incorporated. It’s a matter of public record.
          4. Chester Doles, the most effective leader outside the NA’s corporate structure, was arrested. NA Incorporated first tried to abandon him. His defense fund was raised by a revolt among its fans.
          Whether the officers, directors, stockholders or employees of NA Incorporated are conscious agents is really irrelevant. “By their fruits ye shall know them”, said one Teacher. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck….
E-Mail Dated 26 July 2003
          Gentlemen, may I play devil’s advocate here for a moment?
          I have no idea whether all of Bill White’s rather, uh, passionate commentary on what has been going on is true. I have heard very little from the other side, I must say. But assuming that White’s representation of matters is more or less correct, before firing anybody or re-arranging anything, I suggest you consider the following:
          A. What, exactly, is this teapot tempest all about? I have re-read everything in my archives and I am damned if I can see anything even remotely reasonable as a casus belli. It seems to me to be something Bill White simply took it upon himself to start. Why?
          B. Are you certain you want to grant to a complete outsider, Bill White, what amounts to a personnel and policy portfolio in the National Alliance? Make him sort of a kibbitzing member of the Board of Directors? As far as I am concerned, White has not paid his dues, in any sense of the word. In the National Alliance organizational table, where exactly does Bill White come in? I seem to have missed that one.
          C. If Bill White is in essence allowed to cyber-lynch Kevin Alfred Strom, then who is next on his list?
          D. Kevin Strom’s repeated assertions that Bill White is in some way involved with the ADL or other covert agencies of the power structure were something I always had difficulty believing. Until recently, that is, when some of White’s more extravagant claims and obviously false statements began to make me wonder and may possibly furnish grounds for a re-assessment. White certainly seems to have gone overboard in the past few days. But much more likely than White being an ADL agent is this possibility: that he is acting in cahoots with or at the instigation, or at least with the tacit approval of Billy Roper.
          May I suggest that in your deliberations about this matter, you drop these ideas of mine into the mix and see what boils down?
The National Alliance Is Finished
Anonymous [2003]
          The National Alliance is finished. The only question now is how long and how excruciatingly embarrassing the org’s death throes will be.
          1. I have been informed by a number of reliable sources, including people directly involved, that the lengthy and explicit porno tape made by Suzanne Flynn of herself and Doctor William L. Pierce does in fact exist, and that Erich Gliebe has been provided with a copy as proof. It is believed that at least one other copy besides the one held by Ms. Flynn herself is in circulation.
          2. Suzanne Flynn originally threatened to release or more likely sell the tape to the media or Morris Dees if a number of items of her personal property, including an automobile, which she left behind in Hillsboro when she fled the compound are not returned to her by Gliebe and Shaun Walker. Gliebe agreed to this, but Ms. Flynn upped the ante. She now wants “back pay”, i.e. a substantial cash payoff. She and Gliebe are haggling over the amount at present.
          3. Gliebe is definitely planning on selling the 340 acres and all the standing buildings and fixtures, to Boyd Thompson if he can get his asking price which is rumored to be $1600 per acre, and elsewhere if Thompson can’t meet that price. Gliebe will then take the half-million give or take a few grand he gets from the sale and set up his own Skinhead and Satanic CD and music promotional corporation based in Cleveland, completely independent of the existing National Alliance Board of Directors. It is likely Gliebe will not even retain the name of the NA or Resistance Records but will strike out completely on his own. He may do a deal with Shaun Walker, dividing some of the money with Walker and leaving Walker in charge of a free-floating rump of the NA which Walker will then wring dry of every penny as best he can, or Walker may go with Gliebe in his new music company. These things are still up in the air.
          4. In view of the fact that Gliebe is planning to take the money and run, he is not overly inclined to pay Suzanne Flynn very much simply to protect the reputation of an old man who is now dead anyway and of no further use to Gliebe’s business and amatory ambitions. It is entirely probable that Flynn will get a better offer from Dees or someone else for the material in her possession.
          5. The material consists of a lengthy videotape almost an hour in length showing herself and Pierce engaging in normal intercourse, mutual oral sex, heterosexual sodomy and reputedly other “kinky stuff” according to my source who claims to have seen the tape and whom I consider as credible as anyone involved in this unspeakable, ghastly debacle. Ms. Flynn also has in her possession letters, e-mails, and photographs of Pierce in the nude and in a state of erection. (To give him his due, the old man appears to have been a satyr of incredible stamina for his age.) Pierce was apparently in the habit of sending these photographs to women around the world, NA members and women he met through various Eastern European mail order bride agencies.
          6. If the above information becomes public property, as there is every likelihood it will given Ms. Flynn’s desire for a generous payday, then the reputation of Dr. William Pierce will be forever destroyed. The most dignified and brilliant man on earth looks ridiculous and disgusting when engaged in the act of copulation and I think we can imagine what use Morris Dees and the ADL, etc. will make of such images.
          7. There doesn’t seem to be anything anyone can do about all of this, so we must simply hunker down and prepare ourselves for it. I can only assume that God has placed some kind of curse on our Aryan race and that it is the divine will that we perish from the face of the earth; I can think of no other reason why every attempt we make to create a resistance movement ends, without fail, in catastrophe, shame, grotesque slapstick and madness.
          May God help us all.
           Need we go on?
          These brief excerpts can only convey slightly the whole flavor of the 30-year National Alliance experience. Suffice it to say that the dysfunctional character of the 20th and 21st century White male was given full play.
The “Inappropriate Relationship”
          One of the most difficult things for the surviving votaries of the Pierce cult to accept is that there was pretty clearly, to use a Clintonian phrase, an “inappropriate relationship” between William L. Pierce and Federal law enforcement.
          How else to explain Pierce’s absence from the defendants’ table during the 1988 Fort Smith Sedition trials, since according to Federal affidavits and court testimony he accepted stolen Order money? How else to explain Pierce’s incredible ability to slither out of any legal accountability for criminal activity going on all around him, especially the activity of one subordinate who is now generally acknowledged to be a long-term ADL or SPLC plant? How else to explain the fact that Pierce was not shut down after the Oklahoma City bombing, which was patterned exactly after The Turner Diaries? How else to explain his astounding ability, not granted to any other American rightist, to sashay through Germany at will unmolested, trailing secret police arrests in his wake but never so much as a hair on his head touched? How else to explain the utterly astonishing Hendrik Mõbus incident?
          The Feds and groups like the ADL always like to maintain at least one major White nationalist group as a listening post so they can monitor and analyze the depth of White discontent and spot any troublemakers who might “break the plantation” and actually end up doing something to annoy the power structure. It is fairly clear that during his lifetime Pierce held the “franchise” for this, and in return like all informants he was allowed to get away with at least minor criminal activity. Since Pierce’s death, such events as the granting of a passport to David Duke after his conviction as a Federal felon have fueled speculation that Duke has taken over the “franchise.”
The Slapstick of Andrew Greenbaum
          Andrew Britt Greenbaum, born 1979, is a Jew who changed his name to “Wolfgang Hawke” in 1997 after his 18th birthday, to hide his Jewish name while he formed the first Virtual Nazi Party, thus completing a trend begun by Don Black of Stormfront and others, that of transforming the White Nationalist movement from at least an attempt at serious politics into a computer game. Today, 95% of the “Movement” has no existence in the real world, not even the traditional post office boxes, and exists entirely on the internet.
          In 1998 Greenbaum formed a Virtual Nazi Party called the “Knights of Freedom,” which name he later changed to the American Nationalist Party (ANP, so he could have the same initials as Commander Rockwell’s party.) One he was exposed in the news media as a Jew, Greenbaum dropped the name “Wolfgang Hawke” in an effort to hide his origins from Google and other search engines, and became “Commander Bo Decker” for a while. Greenbaum attempted to deny his Jewish origins by claiming that while it was true his Gentile mother was married to a Mr. Greenbaum, she’d had an affair with a mysterious European nobleman and he was the illegitimate result of that liaison. The fact that Greenbaum was willing to call his own mother a slut indicates that whatever he may be, he is no Aryan.
          To be fair, his mother retaliated by telling the news media that her son had been in contact with Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the two students who came in smoking at Columbine High School on April 20th, 1999.
          The bizarre thing about the Greenbaum phenomenon was that being exposed as a Jew simply didn’t seem to make any difference to many of his cult votaries within the Movement, just as Benny Klassen’s exposure as a homosexual in the 1980s, the increasing painfully obvious reality of Dr. William Pierce’s “inappropriate relationship” with Federal law enforcement in the 1990s, and David Duke’s exposure as a degenerate gambler and embezzler in the 2000’s didn’t seem to make any dent in the consciousness of white people who adored them and worshipped the ground they walked on.
          The Greenbaum phenomenon was the first public advent of what came to be called “modernization” within the Movement, which loosely defined is a tendency or belief that character and personal behavior doesn’t count just so long as a Great White Leader is entertaining and puts on a good show. “Modernization” is also closely linked with tolerance and advocacy of homosexuality within the Movement.
          Greenbaum’s scam came crashing down after he called a “Million White Man March On Washington” in August of 1999 and only four of his internet “members” showed up. Greenbaum did at least have the good grace to be mortified; within a matter of a week afterward he folded his tent and fled into the night. Greenbaum later resurfaced as a professional computer spammer, who was sued by AOL in 2004 under the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. AOL won a $12.8-million judgment against Greenbaum, accusing him of violating anti-spam laws by sending unwanted emails to its subscribers. Greenbaum didn’t show up in court and was hit with a default judgment.
          On August 15, 2006, AOL announced their intention to search for buried precious metals on the property of Greenbaum’s parents in Medfield, Massachusetts. According to AOL, Greenbaum converted assets into precious metals and buried them on the property of his parents. In 2007 AOL decided against the dig declining to search for gold Greenbaum bragged about when he earned an estimated $600,000 for spamming ads for penis enlargement pills.
          No one has actually physically seen Greenbaum since he fled into the night in 1999. It has been speculated that Greenbaum has re-appeared in the Movement using the name of “Bill White” as an alter ego, and he may be staging an encore of his previous stunt by creating another Virtual Nazi Party. This startling assertion seems to be based on nothing more than the fact that the individual using the name “Bill White” appeared in the Movement around the time Greenbaum disappeared. No evidence or proof of this allegation has been produced one way or the other.
The Weenie
          Kevin Alfred “Weenie” Strom (born 1956 in Anchorage, Alaska) is a long-time associate of the late Dr. William L. Pierce. (q,v.) . In 1991, he founded and frequently delivered the American Dissident Voices shortwave and Internet radio broadcasts in a high, squeaky, and very effeminate voice which gained Strom the Movement nickname of “the Weenie.” In 1995, he founded and edited Free Speech magazine, published by the Alliance as an adjunct to the radio program.
          In early 2002, a few months before his death from cancer on July 23, Pierce, named Strom editor of National Vanguard magazine and Media Director for the Alliance. Pierce also named Strom editor of the Alliance’s monthly Bulletin.
          Strom is the former Managing Director of National Vanguard, a Charlottesville, Virginia based splinter group founded by Strom in 2003. Strom split with the National Alliance when Erich Gliebe, who came out as top dog for a brief time in the NA after the bitter succession struggle for Pierce’s empire, refused to continue paying Strom and his wife Elisha their (estimated) salaries of $3,000 apiece for doing nothing. Among the publications stated about, Strom was also supposed to be producing a magazine called Free Speech but produced almost no issued on that publication and those that were produced were never on time and of poor quality, consisting mostly of reprinted old Revilo P. Oliver (q.v.) articles. Strom was chosen by the Oliver estate to be archivist and publisher of Oliver’s papers when Oliver died in 1994. In 2002, Strom published the book The Jewish Strategy by Oliver.
          Strom “resigned” from National Vanguard in July, 2006 when it became clear that he had been caught by authorities committing acts of sexual perversion and was facing indictment and a lengthy prison sentence. Strom currently faces charges of possessing child pornography and of seeking to coerce a 10-year-old sexually. On January 4, 2007, Strom was arrested in Greene County, Virginia on charges of possession of child pornography and witness tampering. The Grand Jury later added the charges of receiving child pornography and of seeking to coerce a 10-year-old sexually. On June 12, 2007 Strom pleaded not guilty to the new charges. At this point his trial is still pending, but the smart money says that Strom will cop a plea and we will (thankfully) be spared a public recital of this “Mighty Aryan Warrior’s” perversions.
          Strom had previously taken a leave of absence from National Vanguard stating that he has “made mistakes, sometimes serious ones.” One of these mistakes was to marry a woman named Elisha after his first wife, Kirsten Kaiser, viciously turned on him and sold her story to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for an undisclosed sum of money. His second wife, Elisha Strom, has been repeatedly accused of being bisexual and making advances to female National Alliance members. During the late National Alliance period, Kevin and Elisha Strom were reputed to live a “swinging lifestyle” and have an “open marriage,” but open or not, Elisha apparently drew the line at little girls. She spied on her husband with a hidden “nanny-cam” and apparently filmed him sitting in front of his computer naked and masturbating while looking at pictures of little girls, something which Strom admitted to a “therapist” in an audio recording which then found its way onto the Vanguard News Network (VNN) vBulletin playgroup.
          The most significant and depressing thing about the case of Kevin and Elisha Strom is that they typify the trend towards “Movement Modernization” which advocates that no personal, financial, or sexual morality or standards of behavior need to be applied to our self-proclaimed “leaders” so long as they “do good for the cause” in some capacity or other. The red flags were up and the warning bells were ringing on Kevin Alfred Strom as early as 2001 when Strom published suggestive, although not obscene photos of a number of little white girls on his web site (many of them home snapshots of National Alliance members’ children that were published without the knowledge of the parents.) Strom also published numerous photographs of himself in his underwear-not gym shorts or spandex, but Fruit-of-the-Loom white briefs-on the same website, which was allegedly to be devoted to Dr. Revilo Oliver’s works. And nobody objected. No one seems to have thought this behavior was in the least bit odd, never mind unacceptable, and no one bothered to protest in public except, of course, for Harold Covington, who was right as always, and who was completely ignored, as always.
The Present Status of The White Nationalist Movement
          The present status of the White Nationalist Movement may be simply stated: there isn’t any.
          The Movement as it has been known for the past fifty years has in essence ceased to exist. There are one or two Hollywood Nazi groups who still put on quasi Third-Reich costumes and stage “rallies” of ten or fifteen weirdly-garbed dysfunctionals, who are pelted with garbage and missiles by hundreds of “anti-racists” and assorted scum, and who must be protected from serious bodily harm by the bored and hostile police. These groups, however, are more of a psychiatric phenomenon than a political one. They have no relevance to anything in the real world.
          What White Nationalist Movement there is exists 95% on the internet; physical activity of any kind has virtually ceased. The internet satisfies the need for White males (and a few females) to believe that they are accomplishing something, when in fact they are simply squabbling in a small playpen where the Jew allows them to shout and scream and eat bugs and make mud pies.
          The latest fad appears to be playing on VBulletin boards, the largest and oldest of which is Stormfront, run by David Duke flunky Don Black. Probably the second largest VBulletin board is Vanguard News Networks, run by two alcoholics, Alex Linder and the Federal informer and miscegenator Frazier Glenn Miller (q.v.) There are about half a dozen smaller imitators such as White Nationalist Info run by the bizarre and dysfunctional “Francis Playfair,” but basically they are all the same. The group owner and a small group of his butt buddies whom he appoints as moderators play “King of the Hill,” amusing themselves by conducting endless, pointless flame wars with one another over nothing, and banning people who dare to disagree with them or criticize with them. The White internet at this point really serves no purpose other than a cautionary tale as to how so-called White Nationalists would behave if ever they really did gain power anywhere.
          Harold Covington is still soldiering on up in Washington state, trying to get people interested in Northwest Migration. He is a lone voice trying to make himself heard in the middle of a cackling, gibbering insane asylum, where the raving and cursing and babbling of the inmates to themselves drowns out any attempt to speak or think coherently. Covington is the last of his kind, he is in poor health, and no one is paying him any mind. When he goes, there will be nothing left of the old Movement.
          The question is, can a new one arise?
What The Hell Is Wrong With White Nationalists?
            Despite the fifty-year record of madness, criminal incompetence, deceit and perversion, the barest tip of which iceberg we have just barely touched on in the past 100 pages, the astonishing fact remains that millions of White people, probably the majority of them, actually agree with most of the central tenets of the White Nationalist belief system, when those tenets are presented calmly, coherently, articulately, and devoid of symbols and language which Americans have been conditioned from birth to reject.
          So why does White Nationalism not have millions of adherents? Why is there no Movement to save God’s most beautiful and noble creation from extinction? Here again, this is a subject so complex that we can only skim the high points:
          1.     Criminal and incompetent leadership of the kind we have just spent 100 pages describing;
          2.     White trash membership. No normal person wants to associate with the kind of weirdos, dysfunctionals, borderline (and not so borderline) psychotics, petty criminals, homosexual perverts, snake oil salesmen, and emotionally disturbed children of all ages who congregate in the White Nationalist movement;
          3.     THE BAD DRIVES OUT THE GOOD.  White Nationalism will never attract the kind of solid, mature, dedicated, and committed people needed to stage a revolution in this country until the Movement as a whole cleans up its act and refuses any longer to tolerate the kind of pathological behaviors that we have just described in this report. Nor should decent and real people be asked to associate themselves with a freak show like the present White Nationalist movement. For every Harold Covington, Richard Butler, Louis Beam and Kirk Lyons, there are a hundred David Dukes, Buford Furrows, Greg Withrows, Kirsten Kaisers, Matt Koehls, Andrew Greenbaums, Frank Collins, Benny Klassens, Kevin Alfred Stroms, Bill Whites, Hardy Lloyds, “Francis Playfairs” and other just plain kooks. It is possible to change the world with a small and dedicated and disciplined minority. It is not possible to accomplish anything with kooks.
          4.     THERE MUST BE A PLAN. Right now, the only actual plan or strategy which exists in the White Nationalist movement is Northwest Migration, advocated by Harold Covington but also by many others. The Movement as a whole has responded, not with support for the Northwest or by producing an alternate plan or plans, but by intensifying the already unspeakably vicious personal smear campaign directed against Covington. This behavior will either change, or the White race will perish from the face of the earth within the lifetime of infants now born. It is time for serious people in White Nationalism, what few such people there are, to either A) Quit talking shit about Covington and get behind Northwest Migration, or B) Produce a viable and realistic alternate plan.
          5.     DYSFUNCTIONAL BEHAVIOR MUST BE DEALT WITH. The White Nationalist gene pool needs a massive dose of chlorine. Since we lack the physical courage or the competence to deal with this legion of kooks and assholes who claim to speak for us, they must be dealt with verbally and morally and however else can be done within our limited means. The kooks and creeps must be exposed, subjected to massive ridicule, shouted down and slapped down whenever they show their faces on the internet. We must stop looking the other way and stop tolerating their lies, their bullshit, their smears, their public hissy fits, their weird psycho-political head games on the internet. They must be confronted even if only in cyber-space, and later on when the White man mans up a little they must be confronted physically and driven from our ranks. The future of our race and the existence of our kind depends on this. We must stop trying to get mileage out of creeps.
         IF the decks can be cleared, then it may be that even at the eleventh hour, the fifty-ninth minute, and the last second, it is possible that some genuine leadership may step forth and save our race from extinction, so long as they are allowed to proceed on the basis of real-world politics and not be forced to wallow in a cesspool with kooks, weirdos, pathological liars, thieves, and middle-aged emotionally crippled children. But no serious person in his right mind will become involved with the White Nationalist movement as it is today. Before a new tenant can move into the premises, the house must be cleaned and the trash must be taken out. It’s a matter of life and death.
          Hey, hey! Ho ho!
          Movement dysfunctionals have to!


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