Sunday, 26 March 2017

Bread and Circuses

What's different now?
   Some of our people have been saying similar things to us in one form or another for decades but it made little difference, why?
   These were determined men with charisma, eloquence, passion and drive. Why did they attract so few and have so little impact on the great petulant masses?
   The answer is that in order to have enough impact to affect our people an enormous amount of emotional energy must be present in the people themselves. It is this energy that drives ideology and transforms dry, brittle ideas into an almost uncontrollable fire.
   The source of this emotional energy varies a little. In the case of the 'left' it is mostly guilt and prestige. In the case of the 'right' it is usually fear and contentment. In the absence of sufficient emotion in the people as a whole, if they are too comfortable and can satisfy their drives without having to confront anything, they will do nothing.
   This is observable in the 'left'. They act out their emotional needs and manifest them as virtue status and guilt. They are dependent on these emotions for power and use them continually to manipulate us. In the absence of this emotional foundation or overruled by a contradictory one their ideas have absolutely no capacity to move us. This is always the case for a people and individuals, look for the emotional hook, this is where the real power comes from.
   Sadly we are as pragmatic as cows and tend to be inert without strong external influence to rouse us. In most people the required emotional energy is absent and is typically stimulated by discontent. Only when enough of us directly suffer will the mass of our people begin to move. The purpose of ideas in this context is to attract, influence and direct this energy.
   Our people still aren't suffering very much at all, even now. They will more or less casually dismiss murder, mass rape and  their self evident replacement unless it is seen to be directly affecting them personally. The fear of repercussions overrides the desire to act.
   So what's different now?
   The difference is that now the cows have been loaded onto the lorry and are bound for the abattoir. As we get closer to what is coming our people will be roused from their apathy by the slaughterhouse stench and the same drives that caused our apathy; fear of pain and desire for comfort, will drive us to fight. Like cornered rats at first perhaps, but fight we will.
   Despair and personal terror will liberate us.
   Our duty is to prepare ourselves and our people for that time and guide their awakening and the massive energy released by it down the path of ruthless survival and fascism. Words help, ideas help, but in the end our people will go where the strength is.


Wednesday, 22 March 2017

What future?

Our country is dying and is beyond hope of revival.
While tragic, this is not a bad thing.
Our current nation is the equivalent of AIDS to our people.
Its purpose is to destroy our healthy immune response to invasion and death.
The future has only two outcomes;
   They win and we are raped and murdered out of existence.
   We win and become monsters in the process.
Neither outcome results in our current sick nations survival, it is incapable of survival and it deserves to die, it stopped being a part of our people generations ago.
Both outcomes result in atrocity, ordeal and death for millions, including me.
The question is no longer: How can we prevent this?
The question is now: How can we win this?
What petty coercion do they use to subdue us as we are lead to the mass grave of our future?
I always wondered why people cooperated with their captors when they were told to dig their own grave.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Darkness and light

I exist.
I know this because i experience my existence directly. It is an irrefutable fact.
The universe exists.
I know this because i can experience the universe directly in some form.
Existence is by definition reality.
Reality must be truth.
Observing reality i observe truth.
I am incapable of perfectly grasping reality/truth due to my own limitations.
   We cannot have perfect knowledge of truth, it is always flawed. This is important but largely academic and shouldn't deter us. In order to function we must respond honestly to the world around us as best we can with the information we  have. It is certain  we will be wrong in some way but we must make the best of it.
   Never the less, our ideas about reality are only a model, a conceptual framework through which we experience existence. This conceptual framework can cause us to accomplish incredible things or it can convince us to kill ourselves; 'with our thoughts we create the world'. We must always remember that our concepts are never entirely accurate, divergence from truth is unavoidable but to diverge from reality/nature/truth always results in failure. Reality wont change to please us regardless of what we think.
   We are bound to truth, if not by our own sense of honesty then at least by the structure of the cold ruthless universe. Therefore we must constantly test our flawed conceptual framework against reality and change it when it is demonstrated by reality to be incorrect. Our concepts cannot be an immovable object, only truth is immovable and we are required to pursue it as best we can.
Nature is observably devoid of fairness, justice, morality or equality. It contains no judgement.
Nature is observably ruthless and violent, only what works can survive for long. Only what succeeds matters, reality wont even blink if our people become extinct. Everything else is sophistry.
   Whatever works in a particular context is correct in that context, whatever fails in that context is incorrect in that context. Therefore if we are to accomplish our goals our approach must be pragmatic. We cannot rely on single points of failure or concepts that reality has shown us are incorrect. A pragmatic approach is required but pragmatism is devoid of purpose or direction and possess no higher impulse in itself. It is a gateway to feckless hedonism and will result in a downward spiral into degeneracy and stagnation. Reality, nature, life itself is incompatible with this.
Pragmatism is a good servant but a worthless master.
   We must be pragmatic but never pragmatists, in order to exist and throttle the most from the universe we cannot be dissolute or permit degeneracy in ourselves or those we care for. Our negative, profligate drives are a virulent poison that will lead us quickly to annihilation, first mentally then physically. To exist and more, to live we are required to embrace discipline and hardship. Suffering is the price of mere existence, discipline and the will that motivates it is the price we pay for a measure of self ownership.
   If we aspire to be more than semi sentient meat amusing ourselves as we wait for our deaths then our concepts must be greater than that of a domesticated animal responding with surly lethargy to a cloud of flies while chewing our cud.
Always we are torn between darkness and light:
   Darkness is un-nature and a surrendering to stagnation, decadence and lies, it is to make yourself a slave to your own weakness; Laziness, fear, impulsiveness, self deception and greed are your masters. To be a formless lump of inert blubber resentfully whining at the universe like a brat crying for the teat. A worthless, valueless degenerate whose only agency consists of scratching an itch.
   Light is motivation, courage, mind fullness, honesty and discipline leading to strength, self ownership, liberation, agency, truth, power and natural life.
   Seek freedom and become captive of your desires, seek discipline and find your liberty.
   Liberate yourself from the concept of existence as a burden and transform life into a savage joy, without masochism or using discipline as a whip with which to beat yourself. Not by ending suffering but by ceasing to view it as unnatural or wrong. Suffering is the metric of the coward or a child. There is a greater world than laziness, fear, impulsiveness, self deception and greed will permit, if you wait for the strength it will never come, dont doubt that you can possess the strength required; strength flows from action.
   The condition we allow ourselves to exist in as a result of our own choices is a direct reflection of our inner nature.Thus the practical reality of weakness and strength are self evident, they cannot be refuted. Nature will not spare us, nature demands this of us.

We have a duty to truth because truth is reality.
We have a duty to strength because strength is morality.
We have a duty to our people because they are our family.