"Oh but were Aryans! Are we not noble? See how gracious and Magnanimous we are!
The very model of universal fairness and justice."
The 'Aryan' circle jerk is for fools because Aryans were always fools.
We were always too soft. even at our worst we were too 'nice'. Even our slaves were sometimes treated better than many of our own. The British rule of India demonstrates our Aryan weakness. We gave them our technology, our knowledge, our industrial infrastructure, our medicine and our global trade network and as if that wasn't moronic enough we then gave them back their country and proceeded to PAY them to breed like maggots, destroy our industry with cheap labour and replace us, how gracious.
Why didn't we exterminate every single non white in the land mass and repopulate it solely with our own? It wouldn't have been so difficult, just a few generations of racial hygiene. What possible reason did we have to turn from the path of ruthless survival? None, we are 'Aryans' . . .
Once they realised how soft we are it didn't take them long to exploit it and they are still exploiting it. The past masters of this is the Jew. How many times did we get tired of their shit and kick them out? And how many times have we taken them back in? The Jew scorns us because he knows we are soft, the fact of their continued existence is proof of it.
For the past 2000 years or more we have done nothing but fail our people utterly, because we are 'Aryan'. Why do Australian Aborigines still exist? Why are their still Native Americans? Or Niggers? Or the Jew? Or mongrels? Why, when we could have annihilated them with relative ease for the betterment of our own did we not act with the ruthlessness that Natural Law demands?
Our arrogant magnanimity masks crippling softness, weakness and sentiment, as a result our people may not survive the 21st century.
This absurd 'Aryan' attitude is visible in surprising places, take a look at the standard self hating white. Their attitude is only possible because they are Aryan, no one else has the capacity for it. See how nobly they suffer? With the exception of their own, how universal is their empathy, tolerance and justice?
If we don't transcend our own bullshit and stop being 'Aryan' we will be incapable of the actions survival demands of us. Its not possible to be noble or decent while securing the existence of our people and a future for white children. Ethnic cleansing isn't 'nice'. For love of our People the 'Aryan' must die, he had many fine qualities and accomplished so much but he is too soft to survive any longer.
Our race, our People, can no longer be held to ransom by the 'Aryan' mystique.
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