Tuesday, 4 July 2017


A people are composed of racially homogeneous individuals that place the needs of their people above that of themselves, they function as a group and act in accordance with their logos as a people. This doesn't mean that they are no longer individuals, it means that they can deliberately choose to sacrifice personal benefit for something greater; their people.
   A man that kills a deer can choose to gorge himself on the meat alone or he can choose to share the meat with his tribe: he can choose to place the needs of his people above his own. If he does so he looses out personally to some extent but his people benefit. The tribe that is composed of people that do this; act as a people, is the tribe that wins. By definition a tribe of autonomous individualistic snowflakes does not exist, nor can it ever exist. Natural law will not allow it because they will always succumb to a stronger people that know what it means to sacrifice and fight for each other.
   Does this mean that we should renounce our individual will and become drones? Of course not, our personal will and capacity for self determination are not only a fundamental part of our logos, they are a tremendous asset and in part are a product of our people. How many great things have been accomplished through individual will and talent? And how much of that is a direct product of the people from which such greatness arose? Both are necessary, the qualities of the people and the individuals who embody it, fight for it, sacrifice for it and bring it to greatness through their own greatness.
   This requires reciprocity, altruism and trust within a people that can be subject to abuse. There is no better indicator of someone's worthlessness than if they exploit this loyalty and altruism. The parasitic Jew has made it their way of life but there are many of our own that refuse to reciprocate also, individualists for example.
   We are not perfectly autonomous individuals, we are not free to be whatever we want, we are not free to do whatever we like. We are bound by natural law and the logos of our people if we wish to be a part of life instead of degenerates. Our people are an extended family that gave rise to us, in a very real sense they are our mother and father just as we will be to future generations of our people, directly or not. This is our personal obligation and duty and is the correct relationship between individualism and collectivism. If you think you can hide from this duty as an individualist then you are wrong. One of the reasons that our people are dying is because of the betrayal by such 'individuals' that are unwilling to stand for their people. Where will these precious snowflakes hide when our replacements no longer have any use for their individualist posturing and intellectual masturbation? I expect most will abandon their individualism with only token rationalisations because in the end we want to be part of a people. Some wont realise this until it is too late.
   It is sickening how our sense of tribe and our loyalty to our very blood has been systematically and deliberately 'deconstructed' and is now 'sinful'. The intentional and inevitable consequence of that is horrific and will end with our people being raped and murdered out of existence. Its already happening. We have been maliciously infected with various forms of cultural AIDS to prevent us from recognising our plight and resisting our extermination. Individualism is one of these, it disarms our normal healthy immune response to our women and children being raped, to our people being murdered in the streets and the approaching reality of being foreigners in our own land subject to another people that despise us.
   Individualism is AIDS.
  Out of love for our people and will to live we must put aside feckless, poisonous 'individualism'.
We will become a people once more or we will end.
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack." Rudyard Kipling

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