Tuesday, 16 January 2018

What they taught me

   All my life i have been told that we are moulded by society into what we become. When non whites behave the way they do it is because of the social conditions we have imposed upon them. I was told that these non whites needed good role models, more money, more representation and so on. That without them they would naturally 'go bad' because we have oppressed them.
   These same believers in the 'blank slate'  then proceed to routinely portray my people as stupid, fat, lazy, entitled and every other type of degenerate possible. Our women are taught to be grotesque and our men are taught to join in. Everything we are is denigrated and slandered. They portray sodomy and every perversion as normal and lampshade our history to make us think it was always that way. They coerce us into stepping aside for their special interest groups at the expense of our own people.
   When you realise that the people controlling our media seem to actually believe their blank slate nonsense their actual motivation becomes horribly clear.
They want to drag us down.
They want us dead.
This is what they have taught me about themselves.

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