Saturday, 30 December 2017

Perverted altruism

"White people are evil, they owe us! Apologise! Reparations! Privilege! Imperialist! Racist!" and on and on . . .
The fundamental dishonesty is sickening. If we really where so bad such name calling would mean little to us. Why would it? Why would we care? But we do care and its because we aren't really what they claim. Its not that we haven't done 'bad' things its that even at our worst we are actually quite nice, this is easily demonstrated by simple honest comparison with our accusers. We want to be decent and so we are susceptible to this sort of moral/emotional blackmail. It can only work on generally decent people and they know we are decent because if they didn't they would be afraid, yet they clearly are not. This is the perversion, to take something decent in our people and turn it into a weapon to extort and exterminate us.
   For our people to live we must burn away all compassion and empathy for each and every non white without exception.
   Sentiment or survival.

Monday, 25 December 2017

Compromise and consensus

   People think that a strong, cohesive group is made through dialogue and compromise.
It is not.
   When 'A' wont compromise and 'B' will then 'A' is the ruler.
   'A' controls the terms.
   'A' directs the narrative.
   'B' just has to go along with it, regardless of any feeble objections.
   'B' can fuck off by themselves if they want but if they are the type to compromise they will be unlikely to do that for long especially if 'A' gets results.
   Most people are 'B'.
   If you try to debate your way to consensus you will get a 'manifesto' in 403 pages with a series of foot notes longer than the original document that means precisely nothing and only serves to piss everyone off.
   We don't need to dot every 'i', we just need to get the basic principles understood by most. If they want to learn more then great but it is not required.
   If you are considering compromise it can never be on anything meaningful and it must ALWAYS be reciprocated.
   If we compromise in order to get people to listen to us (i.e broaden the appeal) we are lying to ourselves and them. Speak honestly and fully, without compromise and trust them to understand, if your message is correct and they can see its truth in their own lives they will.
   This doesn't deal with the outright lies of the enemy and de-platforming, but if we don't proceed from the above basis we are doing their work for them.

Never compromise.

Sunday, 3 December 2017


I have often felt dubious of the various e-celebrities that claim to be National Socialists or something similar. This was partly because i was unsure what national socialism really was and partly because of the behaviour of these people.
   I would set aside my doubts as unfounded and told myself i still had much to learn. I ignored the warnings of my inner voice and dismissed the accusations others made as simple noise or misinformation.
   I can no longer do this.
   I have developed a level of knowledge and awareness that matches my inner voice and tells me the truth. These people are charlatans. They are every bit merchants of the same filth as always with a different wrapping.
So what to do when those i believed in turn out to be worthless?
I have realised that in looking for a leader i relinquished my own will and agency, such as it is.
I became a useful idiot and for what? To mitigate my own weakness.
While it is certain i will make mistakes again i will never make this mistake again.
When everything else is gone i have my own self to rely on.
Guided by healthy cynicism and suspicion i will evaluate them based on their character and actions, not words.
If they want my trust and support they must earn it.
Though my knowledge is far from complete i will trust what i have; my self and my own judgement even though it will sometimes be wrong.
Credulity is the host of lies.

Monday, 20 November 2017

Lays of Aincient Rome

To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
And the temples of his gods
                        Horatius, xxvii. 
                    Thomas Babington Macaulay

Wednesday, 11 October 2017


It seems that he could no more find content in those places, but had formed a mighty longing for the English cliffs and downlands of his boyhood; where in little dreaming villages England’s old songs hover at evening behind lattice windows, and where grey church towers peep lovely through the verdure of distant valleys. He could not go back to these things in the waking world because his body was dead; but he had done the next best thing and dreamed a small tract of such countryside in the region east of the city, where meadows roll gracefully up from the sea-cliffs to the foot of the Tanarian Hills. There he dwelt in a grey Gothic manor-house of stone looking on the sea, and tried to think it was ancient Trevor Towers, where he was born and where thirteen generations of his forefathers had first seen the light. And on the coast nearby he had built a little Cornish fishing village with steep cobbled ways, settling therein such people as had the most English faces, and seeking ever to teach them the dear remembered accents of old Cornwall fishers. And in a valley not far off he had reared a great Norman Abbey whose tower he could see from his window, placing around it in the churchyard grey stones with the names of his ancestors carved thereon, and with a moss somewhat like Old England’s moss. For though Kuranes was a monarch in the land of dream, with all imagined pomps and marvels, splendours and beauties, ecstacies and delights, novelties and excitements at his command, he would gladly have resigned forever the whole of his power and luxury and freedom for one blessed day as a simple boy in that pure and quiet England, that ancient, beloved England which had moulded his being and of which he must always be immutably a part.

                                                                        H.P Lovecraft, 1927.
                                                                     The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath

Sunday, 8 October 2017

#notall . . .

Why do people say this?
It has the semblance of reason and is factually accurate. But their is a lot more to it than that.
It means that if any of the people that are murdering us isnt an active participant then we cant do anything. Just in case.
Because we cant risk feeling bad now can we?
We must paralyse ourselves with timid, weak morality, choose our pathetic conscience over our people and slip closer to extinction.
Isnt it only the moral thing to do?
When even those who claim to fight for our people are infected with sentiment it can only end one way.
We are dying of sentiment.
If we are to survive it will be without sentiment.
Because our survival as a people cannot be accomplished without the most ruthless of actions.
I dont care if its 'not all . . . '
I dont care if its 'unjust'
I dont care if its horrific.
And if you do care you should join the other preening cunts with their 'refugees welcome signs' and excuses.

If all sentiment for non whites was removed from you what would you do and why?
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Monday, 25 September 2017

Merit > Equality

The sacred cow of equality has three manifestations:
1.Equality of ability
2.Equality of opportunity
3.Equality of outcome

   Equality of ability: This is clearly and self evidently absurd. We are not equal, our personal talents, abilities and our very natures are in no way equal. Their is no equality of ability and it doesn't matter how that inequality of ability came to be. From a practical point of view it only matters that it exists.
   Equality of opportunity: This is lunacy especially in light of the first. How can you give 'equal opportunity' to a genius and a retard? To a man without eyes and a man without legs? Accurate, objective evaluation of the relative merit of the people involved is correct and necessary but how does this equate with equality? In fact objectivity can only result in inequality because we are inherently unequal.
   Equality of outcome: If their is no equality of our natures and no equality of opportunity why would we expect equality of outcome? On the contrary, honest objectivity expects to see inequality of outcome.

   They begin with the incorrect assumption that the fictional concept of equality is real and through lack of personal honesty and self awareness they make it a sacred cow. Everything must bend or break before this bloated, sacred dishonesty. If their is inequality it cannot be a result of inherent differences or merit but only because of external factors, oppression, unfairness or injustice. Like a bad scientist they look for the results they crave and when they are absent they will make observable reality conform to their theory. But reality wont bend or break for them and as time passes and inequality only becomes more apparent they become more desperate: Preferential treatment for their pets, wild accusations of nebulous, unspecified 'institutionalised' or society wide oppression, shrill aggression.
   But inequality is natural law.
   It is as non negotiable as gravity.
   Equality is the antithesis of merit because meritocracy is inherently unequal and elitist.
   It is because honest merit is objective that it is unequal, elitist and it works.
   Equality cannot exist, and the reality of pursuing this perverse fiction is becoming hideously self evident to anyone with basic honesty.
   Equality is a weapon they use to convince us that what is happening is correct and good when infact it is incorrect and evil.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

...and cannot come again

          XL (40)

          Into my heart an air that kills
           From yon far country blows:
          What are those blue remembered hills,
           What spires, what farms are those?

          That is the land of lost content,
           I see it shining plain,
          The happy highways where I went
           And cannot come again.

                       Alfred Edward Housman, A shropshire Lad.

Saturday, 2 September 2017

The truth and the way

All life is a product of will; Will to survive, will to procreate, will to fight, will to sacrifice, will to power.
 Where will is lacking life is lacking.
Just as all life arises and continues through will, all power to act in life is a manifestation of Will.
All power and the will that creates it must eventually be expressed as physical violence when it encounters sufficient resistance.
 This is observable and irrefutable.
 Violence is natural law.
Honest violence is the ultimate expression of life/will/power and only the violent can honestly act.
 The merchant must buy violence.
 The weak must appeal to sentiment.
 Lacking direct violence of their own the merchant, the pathetic, the seductive and the soft will always try to subvert the violent for their own convenience like a parasite that rewrites the brain of its host.
  Only the violent can honestly act but remember, healthy violence is a tool not a master and without a purpose it becomes degenerate.
 Violence contains no morality, it isn't right or wrong and carries no judgement. Violence is simply the fundamental mechanism that governs all life.
 Violence must be guided by will in accordance with natural law in the name of our people.
This is the truth and the way:
        Oh my brothers, the Universe belongs to violence and the violent will always rule it.
"It is not bad, it is high time,
Stark violence is still the sire of all the world’s values"
The Bloody Sire, Robinson Jeffers

Sunday, 20 August 2017


In amongst all the hatred, disgust and vengeance it is easy to forget what we are fighting for.
This is especially true of young men.
   We aren't fighting to establish tyranny, freedom, an economy or a political system.
   We are not merely fighting for survival on a superficial level or even on a personal one.
   This is as much a spiritual battle against weakness and degradation as a physical one against extinction.
   We are fighting for our family. Our men and women of all ages who have ever lived or will ever live, all functioning as a natural organic whole; our nation. We are fighting to transform our family into one that can live a natural life free from degeneracy both within and without.
   Living in accordance with logos not because it imposes itself upon us but by an act of will, to choose natural law because it is right and true.
   Neither rebelling against nature or victim of it.
   Animated by will, unified by love and duty, guided by natural law and the fierce morality of strength.
   Healthy, vigorous, hard, strong.

Saturday, 19 August 2017


If i am a 'bad' boy and i don't pretend the shit tastes like chocolate:
   verbal abuse, ostracism, unemployment, poverty, assault, prison, death,
If i am a 'good' boy and say thank you:
   In 30-50 years if I'm still alive and they dont just dump me on the street. Being left in my own filth for days and barely fed by non whites in a filthy 'retirement' home without the physical ability to act or resist. Watching my people and nation die.

Knowing this, what do they have to threaten me with?
Nothing they can do is worse than what is coming anyway.
If a man can be imprisoned and murdered for the most pathetic resistance why hold back?
What are we waiting for?

Friday, 18 August 2017


   We don't need everyone to be cookie cutter national socialists. We don't need them to understand perfectly. We don't need to go door to door dressed in brown shirts saying "hello, do you have five minutes to talk about our lord and saviour Adolf Hitler?"
   What we need is for our people to have a basic grasp of the fundamentals: Natural law vs degeneracy, race+ethnicity=nation, the morality of strength, our impending extinction and the internal and external causes of that, the betrayal and hypocrisy of our self proclaimed 'elites'.
   National socialists have been denied a platform for generations and the enemy controlled almost everything, including what a national socialist was meant to be. Why do so many refuse to use whatever platform they can to spread our simple and honest principles? Some seem to think that they are compromising these principles by standing on the same stage as a man who doesn't understand perfectly or disagrees. But i ask, how timid is our truth if it cannot be expressed outside of an echo chamber? If we say "i wont use social media because its not national socialist and because its degenerate!" we would be fools and we would still be unknown. They shut us down and your response is to retreat into an ivory tower. We stand against degeneracy and then surrender the soap box to the degenerates.
   I did not become a national socialist in one step, i became one gradually, we all did i expect. Personal disgust at degeneracy both within and without, realising that i was not alone, understanding that what i was seeing with my own eyes was happening everywhere, learning how much i have been lied to all my life by people who deserve to be ground into a paste screaming, righteous rage and hatred. All these things and more percolated through my awareness and awoke in me the Fascist world view and brought me to national socialism.
   Encountering the 14 sacred words for the first time hit me like a sledgehammer, i knew nothing about national socialism at the time but i knew these words were right:


We don't need to build awareness out of whole cloth, nor do we need to dot every 'i' or cross every 't' we just need to get the simple, honest, natural ideas of national socialism and the Fascist world view out there and reality combined with the righteous disgust of men who are not completely depraved will do the rest. Nature itself WANTS us to be Fascist.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Shit and Chocolate

If you want to break a man you tell an obvious falshood and force the man to accept it. This erodes his will, destroys his internal sense of reality and truth and makes him reliant on you for these things instead. The more extreme and disgusting the falshood, the more it contrasts with reality, the more devastating it is when he submits and the more control you subsequently have over him.
   Now take a look around you.
   Their is no act of depravity that we are not expected to be grateful for.
   They have created an entire world view whose purpose is to mould us into what they want; weak, docile, degenerate, perverted, dead. They arnt shy about it, they are proud of it and they tell us that somehow its for our own good.
   They celebrate chasing the last white man down.
   Sex and sexuality, family, home and nation, our very blood, truth, reality itself all re-written, all lied about, all twisted into disgusting parodies of themselves. Dont you fucking hate it?
   And we have to say thank you dont we? If we object in anyway we are guilty.
   Even the most timid objection is forbidden.
   Words and media plaster over our healthy disgust and we should be pleased.
We are being force fed shit and told that its chocolate.

A Warriors Creed

I have no parents--I make the heavens and earth my parents.
I have no home--I make awareness my home.
I have no life or death--I make the tides of breathing my life and death.
I have no divine power--I make honesty my divine power.
I have no means--I make understanding my means.
I have no magic secrets--I make character my magic secret.
I have no body--I make endurance my body.
I have no eyes--I make the flash of lightening my eyes.
I have no ears--I make sensibility my ears.
I have no limbs--I make promptness my limbs.
I have no strategy--I make "unshadowed by thought" my strategy.
I have no designs--I make "seizing opportunity by the forelock" my design.
I have no miracles--I make right-action my miracles.
I have no principles--I make adaptability to all circumstances my principles.
I have no tactics--I make emptiness and fullness my tactics.
I have no talents--I make ready wit my talent.
I have no friends--I make my mind my friend.
I have no enemy--I make carelessness my enemy.
I have no armor--I make benevolence and righteousness my armor.
I have no castle--I make immovable-mind my castle.
I have no sword--I make absence of self my sword.
                                                         Anonymous, Japan, fourteenth century

Tuesday, 4 July 2017


A people are composed of racially homogeneous individuals that place the needs of their people above that of themselves, they function as a group and act in accordance with their logos as a people. This doesn't mean that they are no longer individuals, it means that they can deliberately choose to sacrifice personal benefit for something greater; their people.
   A man that kills a deer can choose to gorge himself on the meat alone or he can choose to share the meat with his tribe: he can choose to place the needs of his people above his own. If he does so he looses out personally to some extent but his people benefit. The tribe that is composed of people that do this; act as a people, is the tribe that wins. By definition a tribe of autonomous individualistic snowflakes does not exist, nor can it ever exist. Natural law will not allow it because they will always succumb to a stronger people that know what it means to sacrifice and fight for each other.
   Does this mean that we should renounce our individual will and become drones? Of course not, our personal will and capacity for self determination are not only a fundamental part of our logos, they are a tremendous asset and in part are a product of our people. How many great things have been accomplished through individual will and talent? And how much of that is a direct product of the people from which such greatness arose? Both are necessary, the qualities of the people and the individuals who embody it, fight for it, sacrifice for it and bring it to greatness through their own greatness.
   This requires reciprocity, altruism and trust within a people that can be subject to abuse. There is no better indicator of someone's worthlessness than if they exploit this loyalty and altruism. The parasitic Jew has made it their way of life but there are many of our own that refuse to reciprocate also, individualists for example.
   We are not perfectly autonomous individuals, we are not free to be whatever we want, we are not free to do whatever we like. We are bound by natural law and the logos of our people if we wish to be a part of life instead of degenerates. Our people are an extended family that gave rise to us, in a very real sense they are our mother and father just as we will be to future generations of our people, directly or not. This is our personal obligation and duty and is the correct relationship between individualism and collectivism. If you think you can hide from this duty as an individualist then you are wrong. One of the reasons that our people are dying is because of the betrayal by such 'individuals' that are unwilling to stand for their people. Where will these precious snowflakes hide when our replacements no longer have any use for their individualist posturing and intellectual masturbation? I expect most will abandon their individualism with only token rationalisations because in the end we want to be part of a people. Some wont realise this until it is too late.
   It is sickening how our sense of tribe and our loyalty to our very blood has been systematically and deliberately 'deconstructed' and is now 'sinful'. The intentional and inevitable consequence of that is horrific and will end with our people being raped and murdered out of existence. Its already happening. We have been maliciously infected with various forms of cultural AIDS to prevent us from recognising our plight and resisting our extermination. Individualism is one of these, it disarms our normal healthy immune response to our women and children being raped, to our people being murdered in the streets and the approaching reality of being foreigners in our own land subject to another people that despise us.
   Individualism is AIDS.
  Out of love for our people and will to live we must put aside feckless, poisonous 'individualism'.
We will become a people once more or we will end.
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack." Rudyard Kipling

Friday, 23 June 2017


   The word terrorism when used as a judgement instead of a description, is an attempt to reframe reality to suit the people who use it, its a form of delusional sophistry.
   The act of terrorism is simply violence with the intention of breaking the enemies will to fight just like any other act of warfare. Regardless of sentiment it is clearly efficient so how is it wrong? Its unpleasant, its supposed to be but that has no bearing on its correctness. Terrorism is a weapon, when we object to terrorism it should not be because of what it is but because the enemy is using it more effectively than us.
   If we fall into the trap of objecting to terrorism on 'universal justice' grounds or because of timid domesticated 'morality' then we become absurd hypocrites, simultaneously condemning our enemies actions while having to justify our own disturbingly similar behaviour. If we try in spite of reality to fight somehow pleasantly, (as if that were even possible) we abandon hard reality in favour of sentiment, this is inexcusable and a betrayal of our people.
   Natural law, reality itself is uncompromising and ruthless how can we place our feelings above that? How can we pretend that reality is other than it is? There is no nice way to kill anything, and when a people fight for their existence to try and do so is pathetic and doomed. This doesn't mean that we always have to be sadistic but we must be honest and approach the needs of our people with pragmatism. How do we secure the existence of our people and a future for white children?
   In the end terrorism is a method.

Monday, 19 June 2017

Degeneracy Cancer

This is how degeneracy spreads.
   Degenerates hate themselves, although they don't seem to understand why and sometimes don't even consciously recognise it. In their efforts to justify their degeneracy and remove their self hate they are compelled to pursue the acceptance of others. They will lie, threaten, protest and manipulate in order to make themselves feel better and justify themselves through the validation we give them.
   So much so obvious, but it gets worse. The source of the spread of degeneracy is our consent through such sophistry as "consenting adults" or "they aren't hurting anyone" or even "why not?". By allowing ourselves to fall prey to these memes we abandon truth in favour of appeasement and conflict avoidance. We trade truth for ease just as we have traded will for the illusion of safety. We have given consent to degeneracy and by so doing we have become a source of degeneracy ourselves, justifying it in others and in ourselves.
   This is why degenerates are every ones business, its never the case of 'behind closed doors' or tolerating them, our tolerance promotes degeneracy.
   And this is how degeneracy spreads, through our permission and weakness like a metastasising cancer.

Friday, 16 June 2017


We must commit to life or commit to death, half measures will no longer suffice.
   Committing to life requires that we embrace hardship and ordeal as the price we pay for existence. If we are unwilling or unable to endure these things then existence becomes torment and life is not for us, death is the best we can hope for. Until quite recently we were willingly fooled by our soft, degenerate world view that we could live without commitment, getting by on bad habits and domestication. The price our people are paying for this weakness is increasingly, horrifically obvious to anyone who is capable of even modest honesty. We are so timid and uncommitted we are unable to endure even the most trivial of hardships and the thought of what is coming in this century for our race is unthinkable to us.
   The 21st century will be the death of the white race through rape and murder brought about by our own weakness or the rebirth of our people greater and stronger than before through hard, uncompromising will, ruthless violence and deliberate atrocity. Our blood will survive only if we commit to life, choosing otherwise is psychological and physical suicide. If you cannot commit to life, if you cannot endure what is coming for us then it is better that you remove yourself sooner rather than later, it is inevitable. The days of weakness are coming to an end before our eyes.
Consider these alternatives and commit to one.

Friday, 2 June 2017


Their is no equality of our natures.
Their is no equality of ability.
Their is no equality of opportunity.
Their is no equality of outcome.
Their is no equality.
Equality cannot exist.
Now look at what they have done in its name.

Monday, 29 May 2017


I am slowly coming to suspect that most of us are already dead.
Perhaps our people will never resist.
They will wait and complain and rationalise even in the presence of death.
Their will be no meaningful resistance just complaints and sophistry and weakness.
Our future, if we have one, will be small enclaves of besieged and hated whites in a land that was formerly ours.
And in the end its our own fault.
We are without will.
We have chosen to be powerless because we have chosen to be weak, through fear.
Is this developing sucpicion i have betrayal or truth?

'Stern reality alone must mark the way to the goal. To be unwilling to walk the road of hardship means, only too often in this world, the total renunciation of our aims and purposes, whether that renunciation be consciously willed or not.'
                                                                       Adolph Hitler, Mein Kamph

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Simple observation

I remember all the riots, death threats and attacks by Muslims after the Mohammed bomb turban cartoon in 2005. I remember how the imams riled the mobs up and how they waved 'behead those who insult Islam' placards while screaming hysterically all over the world.
   Odd how these same people and their imams don't appear to mind when we and our children are raped and murdered by (so they insist on informing us) 'not real' Muslims in the name of their god. You would think such consistent defamation of their precious beliefs by these 'not real' Muslims would arouse at least a small riot, perhaps a few death threats.
   Yet they appear quite calm.
The Muslims i see walking the streets are entirely unconcerned, not only by what (if we are weak enough to believe the taqiya) is the continuing mortal insult to their god but also by any repercussions from us.
   They have raped our children by the hundreds of thousands, they have murdered us, beheaded us, exploited and degraded us. Their is not a single crime they have not committed against our people and still they are quite at ease living amongst us.
They are not afraid.
We have given them little reason to be.
They walk around without the least fear or shame after bombing us.
A people who cannot or will not make those who rape and murder them afraid is a doomed people.

Friday, 19 May 2017


I have never been a feminist and have generally held the ideology and those who follow it with suspicion. For all that, i still swallowed some of the poison.
   Like a surprising number of white men i believed alot of the rhetoric, i didn't understand how different from us our women are, how conflicted. Like most white men i actually quite like our women, they can be exceptionally lovely (sometimes even on the inside) and i instinctively want to protect and care for them.
   Women ruthlessly exploit this attitude for their own amusement, especially in the form known as feminism i.e.: the female id externalised as an ideology.
   Like many i have rejected feminism but unlike most i have begun to realise how right we used to be about women. They really are adult children, they have the same lack of self awareness and absence of responsibility.
   Their is no better teacher than reality and our women have shown us what they are. Without the control of decent men our women are 'spoilt whores' and no depravity is beneath them. They will whore themselves and call it liberation and murder their own children because its convenient.
   Sadly, many men do nothing but take advantage of this.
   Rhetoric is often little more than PR or outright lies. We must look at the behaviour and practical results of a person or group to truly know them. The label should not be the first thing we look at. With this in mind i observe that inspite of the self applied label 'liberated' our women are unhappy, angry, bitter, lonely and desperate. They long for the men they resent just as they long to be honest and unashamed women once more. They have been driven mad by the cognitive dissonance between rhetoric and instinct. In place of a healthy mind that takes joy in the expression of its natural, evolved instincts they have substituted vacuous 'freedom', and for over 70 years our women have proven themselves unworthy of that freedom, our women don't have 'liberation' they have nothing. 
   Women need and want us to be better than them, to own them and be worthy of owning them. They need us to take control once again but we must be better men. Only within the structure of our benevolent but firm ownership can our women flourish once more, and we need them to flourish. Their can be no white race without white women. Our women are essential to the survival of our people but do not be fooled, they will abandon us if we fail, just as women have always done they will go where the strength is. It is unreasonable to expect them to be more than pragmatic under such circumstances, they are just women after all.
   It is to men that evolution has assigned the duty of protecting our people, it survives or dies directly through us. Our women have been equipped well for a different and complimentary role but they require us to protect them from others and themselves first.
   This is their nature our women need firm, decent men to curb their excesses. For this reason a moderate degree of misogyny and distrust of women is healthy in a man, without it we are defenceless against our womens nature when they become dissolute, entitled or deluded through lack of self awareness and unwillingness to take responsibility. For the good of ourselves, our women and our children we must reclaim our role as white men and carry out the duty we have to them and our people. Women should have no say in politics and nation except via their husbands and children, it is neither their duty or a task to which they are suited.
   Our people cannot be held to ransom by the female id.

The Deal:
Women dedicate themselves to becoming good and obedient wives and mothers, the centre of the family that is the heart of society and civilisation and the motivation for so much that we do.
In return, we must do our duty as protectors and providers, we must treat our women with the respect they are worthy of and must exercise appropriate authority over our women with restraint and decency.
   This deal was the norm among white peoples for generations and granted not only an efficient division of labour, but a stable and healthy foundation for our development as individuals and as a people.

Sunday, 16 April 2017


"Oh but were Aryans! Are we not noble? See how gracious and Magnanimous we are! 
The very model of universal fairness and justice."

And we must maintain our precious values or 'they' win don't they?

The 'Aryan' circle jerk is for fools because Aryans were always fools.
   We were always too soft. even at our worst we were too 'nice'. Even our slaves were sometimes treated better than many of our own. The British rule of India demonstrates our Aryan weakness. We gave them our technology, our knowledge, our industrial infrastructure, our medicine and our global trade network and as if that wasn't moronic enough we then gave them back their country and proceeded to PAY them to breed like maggots, destroy our industry with cheap labour and replace us, how gracious.
      Why didn't we exterminate every single non white in the land mass and repopulate it solely with our own? It wouldn't have been so difficult, just a few generations of racial hygiene. What possible reason did we have to turn from the path of ruthless survival? None, we are 'Aryans' . . .
   Once they realised how soft we are it didn't take them long to exploit it and they are still exploiting it. The past masters of this is the Jew. How many times did we get tired of their shit and kick them out? And how many times have we taken them back in? The Jew scorns us because he knows we are soft, the fact of their continued existence is proof of it.
   For the past 2000 years or more we have done nothing but fail our people utterly, because we are 'Aryan'. Why do Australian Aborigines still exist? Why are their still Native Americans? Or Niggers? Or the Jew? Or mongrels? Why, when we could have annihilated them with relative ease for the betterment of our own did we not act with the ruthlessness that Natural Law demands?
   Our arrogant magnanimity masks crippling softness, weakness and sentiment, as a result our people may not survive the 21st century.
   This absurd 'Aryan' attitude is visible in surprising places, take a look at the standard self hating white. Their attitude is only possible because they are Aryan, no one else has the capacity for it. See how nobly they suffer? With the exception of their own, how universal is their empathy, tolerance and justice?
   If we don't transcend our own bullshit and stop being 'Aryan' we will be incapable of the actions survival demands of us. Its not possible to be noble or decent while securing the existence of our people and a future for white children. Ethnic cleansing isn't 'nice'. For love of our People the 'Aryan' must die, he had many fine qualities and accomplished so much but he is too soft to survive any longer.
               Our race, our People, can no longer be held to ransom by the 'Aryan' mystique.

Saturday, 15 April 2017

Passing the buck

We don't want to do the bad things because we are afraid, its understandable, it will be horrific.
Thats why we are so desperate for any sliver of hope in the social establishment.
We want them to do it for us so we can comfortably watch.
We are waiting for them to commit suicide for us.
They never will, even if it means murdering us all.
The best thing they can do is betray us, like always, because it shows us what they are.
It destroys our childish trust and cowardly lying hope.
This may feel bad, but in amongst the despair is the truth.
A People that delegates its own survival to another will die.

Monday, 10 April 2017

The Bloody Sire

It is not bad.  Let them play.
Let the guns bark and the bombing-plane
Speak his prodigious blasphemies.
It is not bad, it is high time,
Stark violence is still the sire of all the world’s values.

What but the wolf’s tooth whittled so fine
The fleet limbs of the antelope?
What but fear winged the birds, and hunger
Jewelled with such eyes the great goshawk’s head?
Violence has been the sire of all the world’s values.

Who would remember Helen’s face
Lacking the terrible halo of spears?
Who formed Christ but Herod and Caesar,
The cruel and bloody victories of Caesar?
Violence, the bloody sire of all the world’s values.

Never weep, let them play,
Old violence is not too old to beget new values.

                                                 Robinson Jeffers

Sunday, 9 April 2017

The Law for the Wolves

Now this is the law of the jungle, as old and as true as the sky,   
And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die.   
As the creeper that girdles the tree trunk, the law runneth forward and back;   
For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.   
Wash daily from nose tip to tail tip; drink deeply, but never too deep;           
And remember the night is for hunting and forget not the day is for sleep.   
The jackal may follow the tiger, but, cub, when thy whiskers are grown,   
Remember the wolf is a hunter—go forth and get food of thy own.   
Keep peace with the lords of the jungle, the tiger, the panther, the bear;   
And trouble not Hathi the Silent, and mock not the boar in his lair.           
When pack meets with pack in the jungle, and neither will go from the trail,   
Lie down till the leaders have spoken; it may be fair words shall prevail.   
When ye fight with a wolf of the pack ye must fight him alone and afar,   
Lest others take part in the quarrel and the pack is diminished by war.   
The lair of the wolf is his refuge, and where he has made him his home,           
Not even the head wolf may enter, not even the council may come.   
The lair of the wolf is his refuge, but where he has digged it too plain,   
The council shall send him a message, and so he shall change it again.   
If ye kill before midnight be silent and wake not the woods with your bay,   
Lest ye frighten the deer from the crop and thy brothers go empty away.           
Ye may kill for yourselves, and your mates, and your cubs as they need and ye can;   
But kill not for pleasure of killing, and seven times never kill man.   
If ye plunder his kill from a weaker, devour not all in thy pride,   
Pack-right is the right of the meanest; so leave him the head and the hide.   
The kill of the pack is the meat of the pack. Ye must eat where it lies;           
And no one may carry away of that meat to his lair, or he dies.   
The kill of the wolf is the meat of the wolf. He may do what he will,   
But, till he is given permission, the pack may not eat of that kill.   
Lair right is the right of the mother. From all of her years she may claim   
One haunch of each kill for her litter, and none may deny her the same.           
Cub right is the right of the yearling. From all of his pack he may claim   
Full gorge when the killer has eaten; and none may refuse him the same.   
Cave right is the right of the father, to hunt by himself for his own;   
He is freed from all calls to the pack. He is judged by the council alone.   
Because of his age and his cunning, because of his gripe and his paw,           
In all that the law leaveth open the word of the head wolf is law.   
Now these are the laws of the jungle, and many and mighty are they;   
But the head and the hoof of the law and the haunch and the hump is—Obey!
                                                                                                      Rudyard Kipling

Sunday, 26 March 2017

Bread and Circuses

What's different now?
   Some of our people have been saying similar things to us in one form or another for decades but it made little difference, why?
   These were determined men with charisma, eloquence, passion and drive. Why did they attract so few and have so little impact on the great petulant masses?
   The answer is that in order to have enough impact to affect our people an enormous amount of emotional energy must be present in the people themselves. It is this energy that drives ideology and transforms dry, brittle ideas into an almost uncontrollable fire.
   The source of this emotional energy varies a little. In the case of the 'left' it is mostly guilt and prestige. In the case of the 'right' it is usually fear and contentment. In the absence of sufficient emotion in the people as a whole, if they are too comfortable and can satisfy their drives without having to confront anything, they will do nothing.
   This is observable in the 'left'. They act out their emotional needs and manifest them as virtue status and guilt. They are dependent on these emotions for power and use them continually to manipulate us. In the absence of this emotional foundation or overruled by a contradictory one their ideas have absolutely no capacity to move us. This is always the case for a people and individuals, look for the emotional hook, this is where the real power comes from.
   Sadly we are as pragmatic as cows and tend to be inert without strong external influence to rouse us. In most people the required emotional energy is absent and is typically stimulated by discontent. Only when enough of us directly suffer will the mass of our people begin to move. The purpose of ideas in this context is to attract, influence and direct this energy.
   Our people still aren't suffering very much at all, even now. They will more or less casually dismiss murder, mass rape and  their self evident replacement unless it is seen to be directly affecting them personally. The fear of repercussions overrides the desire to act.
   So what's different now?
   The difference is that now the cows have been loaded onto the lorry and are bound for the abattoir. As we get closer to what is coming our people will be roused from their apathy by the slaughterhouse stench and the same drives that caused our apathy; fear of pain and desire for comfort, will drive us to fight. Like cornered rats at first perhaps, but fight we will.
   Despair and personal terror will liberate us.
   Our duty is to prepare ourselves and our people for that time and guide their awakening and the massive energy released by it down the path of ruthless survival and fascism. Words help, ideas help, but in the end our people will go where the strength is.


Wednesday, 22 March 2017

What future?

Our country is dying and is beyond hope of revival.
While tragic, this is not a bad thing.
Our current nation is the equivalent of AIDS to our people.
Its purpose is to destroy our healthy immune response to invasion and death.
The future has only two outcomes;
   They win and we are raped and murdered out of existence.
   We win and become monsters in the process.
Neither outcome results in our current sick nations survival, it is incapable of survival and it deserves to die, it stopped being a part of our people generations ago.
Both outcomes result in atrocity, ordeal and death for millions, including me.
The question is no longer: How can we prevent this?
The question is now: How can we win this?
What petty coercion do they use to subdue us as we are lead to the mass grave of our future?
I always wondered why people cooperated with their captors when they were told to dig their own grave.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Darkness and light

I exist.
I know this because i experience my existence directly. It is an irrefutable fact.
The universe exists.
I know this because i can experience the universe directly in some form.
Existence is by definition reality.
Reality must be truth.
Observing reality i observe truth.
I am incapable of perfectly grasping reality/truth due to my own limitations.
   We cannot have perfect knowledge of truth, it is always flawed. This is important but largely academic and shouldn't deter us. In order to function we must respond honestly to the world around us as best we can with the information we  have. It is certain  we will be wrong in some way but we must make the best of it.
   Never the less, our ideas about reality are only a model, a conceptual framework through which we experience existence. This conceptual framework can cause us to accomplish incredible things or it can convince us to kill ourselves; 'with our thoughts we create the world'. We must always remember that our concepts are never entirely accurate, divergence from truth is unavoidable but to diverge from reality/nature/truth always results in failure. Reality wont change to please us regardless of what we think.
   We are bound to truth, if not by our own sense of honesty then at least by the structure of the cold ruthless universe. Therefore we must constantly test our flawed conceptual framework against reality and change it when it is demonstrated by reality to be incorrect. Our concepts cannot be an immovable object, only truth is immovable and we are required to pursue it as best we can.
Nature is observably devoid of fairness, justice, morality or equality. It contains no judgement.
Nature is observably ruthless and violent, only what works can survive for long. Only what succeeds matters, reality wont even blink if our people become extinct. Everything else is sophistry.
   Whatever works in a particular context is correct in that context, whatever fails in that context is incorrect in that context. Therefore if we are to accomplish our goals our approach must be pragmatic. We cannot rely on single points of failure or concepts that reality has shown us are incorrect. A pragmatic approach is required but pragmatism is devoid of purpose or direction and possess no higher impulse in itself. It is a gateway to feckless hedonism and will result in a downward spiral into degeneracy and stagnation. Reality, nature, life itself is incompatible with this.
Pragmatism is a good servant but a worthless master.
   We must be pragmatic but never pragmatists, in order to exist and throttle the most from the universe we cannot be dissolute or permit degeneracy in ourselves or those we care for. Our negative, profligate drives are a virulent poison that will lead us quickly to annihilation, first mentally then physically. To exist and more, to live we are required to embrace discipline and hardship. Suffering is the price of mere existence, discipline and the will that motivates it is the price we pay for a measure of self ownership.
   If we aspire to be more than semi sentient meat amusing ourselves as we wait for our deaths then our concepts must be greater than that of a domesticated animal responding with surly lethargy to a cloud of flies while chewing our cud.
Always we are torn between darkness and light:
   Darkness is un-nature and a surrendering to stagnation, decadence and lies, it is to make yourself a slave to your own weakness; Laziness, fear, impulsiveness, self deception and greed are your masters. To be a formless lump of inert blubber resentfully whining at the universe like a brat crying for the teat. A worthless, valueless degenerate whose only agency consists of scratching an itch.
   Light is motivation, courage, mind fullness, honesty and discipline leading to strength, self ownership, liberation, agency, truth, power and natural life.
   Seek freedom and become captive of your desires, seek discipline and find your liberty.
   Liberate yourself from the concept of existence as a burden and transform life into a savage joy, without masochism or using discipline as a whip with which to beat yourself. Not by ending suffering but by ceasing to view it as unnatural or wrong. Suffering is the metric of the coward or a child. There is a greater world than laziness, fear, impulsiveness, self deception and greed will permit, if you wait for the strength it will never come, dont doubt that you can possess the strength required; strength flows from action.
   The condition we allow ourselves to exist in as a result of our own choices is a direct reflection of our inner nature.Thus the practical reality of weakness and strength are self evident, they cannot be refuted. Nature will not spare us, nature demands this of us.

We have a duty to truth because truth is reality.
We have a duty to strength because strength is morality.
We have a duty to our people because they are our family.

Friday, 10 February 2017


We are the weakest generations of our race, the softest.
We must become the hardest.
We are the least suited to this fight but we still have the blood of our people to trust in.
But we must be ruthlessly honest with ourselves:
   We wont live happily ever after, we will not get to retire; our fate is to carry the burden of our people the rest of our lives. If we win, the atrocities we will have committed to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children will be so horrific that future generations of our people will not recognise us. Nevertheless, we must become hard and violent again and take satisfaction in that or we will become prey to the hard and violent ourselves.
   If the purpose of a world view is to help a people survive and succeed what does our current timid morality result in? We have the values of domesticated animals; we fear violence, risk and suffering. But the conditions required for this pathetic lying world view have ended, docility is no longer possible.
   We can no longer afford to shy away from violence, risk and suffering. To do so renders us incapable of the actions necessary for our peoples survival.
   Violence is simply a method, it is the attempt to impose our will upon the world around us through our own power. Violence is absolutely any physical act that enables us to do this; A fist, a gesture, a word, a letter. Or the deliberate withholding of these things.
   In the end all power must be violent, they are the same thing and we must recognise and accept this if we are to become what our people need us to be.
   Violence and Suffering are normal, they are both natural and inevitable and yet we act as if something unheard of has occurred when they happen. Suffering is just the price of existing; it is not possible to die of pain, despair, horror or fear, it is not possible to die of feelings. Ordeal is an opinion.
   Embracing and taking joy in violence, risk and suffering transforms these things from burdens that prevent us from acting into tools that enable us to take action; and we must take action.
   We must learn to grasp the firebrand of violence, suffering and risk once again if our people are to live.
   We must perform the necessary actions required to accomplish the goal of the 14 sacred words or accept that our people will not survive: Strength is morality. What we must do in order to survive and succeed as a people is correct and good, any other morality is betrayal.
   We must become monsters. Everything else must go; Our lives yes, but our precious sense of ourselves as 'good' and 'decent' as well. Our notions of fairness, justice, human rights and freedom. All our fear, hesitancy and doubt. Our compassion. The expectation of pity or mercy from the enemy and the impulse to give it.
   In the name of duty to our people we must overcome pity and destroy our enemies will to fight through deliberate atrocity. We must make them terrified of us: personally. The side that wont commit atrocity, or wont commit atrocity enough and consistently is the side that dies, first psychologically then physically. If future generations of our people have the luxury of being horrified at what we have done then we have succeeded. We must become the thing our enemies are terrified of. But only to the enemy, never our own; Pragmatism is a method not a goal.
   The universe appears to contain no morality, we can expect it to do nothing as we are raped and murdered out of existence, we are on our own. But we are good beasts of burden and we will do these things and pay the terrible personal price willingly, because we believe in the value of our people above that of ourselves.
'Only out of anarchy and revolution can a new White nation arise. And if you do not succeed, let the enemy speak in horror, for generations to come, of the fury of the last Northmen.'
David Lane, Open Letter to a Dead Race.

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Old House

I went hiking a couple of days ago. It was quite a long one for me, over four hours.
   Through two woods and over the moors to a line of three sycamores next to the ruins of an old tenant farmers house. There wasn't much left, just a couple of low walls, some piles of fallen stones and a hearth. It was mostly covered in grass and moss with lichen on the exposed stones. The trees looked to be about 120 years old perhaps. They were probably seedlings or saplings when the house was abandoned. I suppose it was deserted when the landlord found sheep more profitable and evicted the family.
   I sat in the ruins, looking past the trees to the hills a few miles away. I thought about the man that lived there and his wife, surely he had one. How many children did they have? Are any of his descendants still alive? What did they do when they were evicted? I wondered what such a man would think of us, of me.
   In his life we were an unstoppable race. The thought of hundreds of thousands of children like his own being raped by gangs of subhuman Muslims in the middle of England would have been surreal. The thought of his government allowing it and arresting him for trying to stop it would have been incomprehensible. Are some of his descendants among the victims? Was one of his great great grand daughters passed around like a piece of meat among these animals? Is their a half breed mongrel out there right now that could arrogantly claim to have a place here?

   We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Red Shirt

  I am a 'red shirt' in the coming civil war. I am not particularly clever, brave or tough. I am not very knowledgeable. I have had a meaningless life, it is likely that i will have an almost meaningless death. This is what i mean by 'red shirt', just like the TV show. No one will miss me, few will ever know that i lived.
Still here i am.
White. Male. Heterosexual. Atheist. Racist. Misogynist. You can add others if you like.
I hate Islam and Muslims. I hate Jews. I hate non whites.
I hate those who side with them or pity them.

My arrival at this point:

   I used to be a Buddhist, form my early teens to my early twenties. I was never very 'good' at it but i was sincere at least. I drifted away from Buddhism as i got older though i don't dislike it, i just disagree with it and no longer believe it.
   I was always a little concerned by the people coming into Britain and other white countries and the special treatment they got, but like most of us i dismissed my unease with misplaced trust in the political and social establishment and the belief that they were 'just a minority'. The thought that 'our' leaders, police and media were actively hostile and betraying us was nonsense to me. Its not that i liked them, it was just that i didn't understand how far from us they are. Or how corrupt and twisted.
   As i got older and became more aware of things i became a self proclaimed libertarian. Individual self determination was my mantra. It helped to deal with the stress and anxiety. As a coward i simply washed my hands of the problem. You cant commit genocide on an autonomous collection of individuals after all (although you can still kill them), and it allowed me to vent my feelings without risking being called racist or Islamophobic. I was condemning the specific individuals, not their group and thus was off the hook if anyone questioned my views. Like many libertarians i tried reading Atlas shrugged and like most i got about a third of the way through before selecting one of (((Rand's))) slimmer works.
   Needless to say, libertarianism was unable to ease my qualms for long.
   In many ways i still have individualist leanings, i am one after all. But i no longer see it as a social ideal. It is insufficient to the survival of our race. Indeed, it is unable even to recognise this as important.
   Over the years i have occasionally flirted with far right ideologies although never seriously. I once visited 'Stormfront' for a few hours, just lurking and reading. I was not impressed, it was just another forum with a swastika pasted on it. I just sighed and got on with my life, such as it was. This consisted largely of tranquillising myself with books, games, porn, food and work.
   Over the years i have progressed through periods of depression and nihilism, as have we all i suppose. I sometimes think a person that has never experienced and come to terms with these things is not a whole human. Nihilism is reality or at least appears to be to me, its only a burden if you shy away from it i find. For the record, i do not consider my views on race and the coming civil war a reaction to nihilism, neither do i derive my values from it. Nihilism does form part of my world view and informs my actions nonetheless.
   A few years ago now i was watching some youtube videos, game trailers and music i think. I had always avoided the personal stuff on there because i imagined it was just obnoxious teens trash talking each other and so forth. For some reason i clicked on a suggested video, i think it may have been by Sargon of Akkad (it was the name that probably caught my attention, since i had been reading about the historical figure not long before). I think it was an anti feminist talk. I had never been on social media or discussed my concerns with anyone so you can imagine i was quite surprised, i had no idea that other people felt similarly to myself. I became slightly obsessed, i watched everything i could; TL;DR, Karen Straughan, Sandman, Studio Brulee etc . . . From their i started visiting Breitbart, Chateau Hartiste, American Renaissance, VDare and from these i 'graduated' to the Daily Stormer, Counter Currents, Morgoths Review, Western Spring and others.
   As you can see, my views have developed . . .
   I do not consider myself a true Fascist or National Socialist, in all honesty i don't care what our politics is as long as it serves the white race and enables our survival as a strong autonomous people beholden to none.
   The 14 words: 'We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children' is my mantra now. No one else is going to do it for us or even permit us to do it.
   The nature of our fight isn't politics, culture, society, religion or even nation although it is fought partly in these spheres. This is a fight unlike any our race has ever engaged in on such an absolute scale. This is Total War since we are fighting for the very survival of our race and absolutely every sacrifice and atrocity is justified by this goal. Anything that fulfils the criteria of the sacred 14 words is correct, anything that impedes it is incorrect. I recognise the horror of these words and what they lead to.

All white people, every one of us, has a choice:
   1. We remain, as a people; good, moral, compassionate, kind and decent.
   2. We become, as a people; hard, ruthless, cruel and racist.

   The first option results in our continuing emotional and moral blackmail and annihilation by demographics, rape and murder at the hands of subhuman filth who are incapable of anything else.
   The second results in our people having a fighting chance of surviving the 21st century intact. But the price we pay is that we must become monsters.
   Pick one, their is no third option.
   Neither are nice, both result in civil war and genocide of someone. It doesn't matter who is better or who deserves it. Words such as Justice, fairness, freedom and human rights have no place or purpose anymore except as weapons with which to harm us. Their is no where to hide, running is pointless.
   It cant be voted out of happening or argued away.
   Which do you value more, your precious morals and individual civil liberties or a future for our race?
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
As i wrote at the beginning:
   I am a 'red shirt' in the coming civil war. I am not particularly clever, brave or tough. I am not very knowledgeable. I have had a meaningless life, it is likely that i will have an almost meaningless death. This is what i mean by 'red shirt', just like the tv show. No one will miss me, few will ever know that i lived.
Still here i am. If anyone reads this i will be surprised.