Sunday, 25 March 2018

Dont Die Easy

Q: What animates life?
A: Will.

   Will to procreate and raise offspring.
   Will to hunt, gather, farm.
   Will to fight and struggle, overcome, strive.
   All the process of life arise from will.
   All life is the embodiment of will in the end. Differing wills yes, often in competition. But will is what animates it all. Our genes are moulded by will for ultimately what powers evolution but the contending wills of living creatures to fight, procreate and survive?
   Simple, instinctual, honest will untroubled by conscience or regret.
   Our cultures, ethnicity, nations are all dependent on and are manifestations of will or its lack and the will of the competition.
   We are literally will made manifest, physically and mentally, personally and nationally and the condition we allow ourselves to persist in as a result of our own choices is a direct reflection of our inner nature and the state of that will.
   Where will is lacking life grows stale and withers.
   Consider our lives. How different would they be if we had but the will?
We have more 'stuff' and 'things' than any sane man could ever want and not only does it leave us hollow, we do nothing with it and we still want more. We have withered. We have made ourselves domesticated animals. Like cows our highest goal is to find the best patch of juicy grass and be left alone to chew.

Q: What is the difference between a domesticated animal and a wild one 
A: Struggle.

   Compare the two, domestic and wild and understand what makes one so blunt and the other so sharp and why i don't need to tell you which is which. Where does the vigour, the LIFE! that we sense in wild creatures come from and why do so few of us have it?
   Its simple, honest suffering and ordeal as a part of the struggle of life that demands solutions and stimulates the will.
   Fear, pain and desperate struggle put the fire in the eyes of life. Its our painful birth right.
   A man worthy of life is never more alive, focused and full of will as when he thinks he is about to die.
   Isn't this the best joke of the universe?
   Instead of cursing our predicament curse the timid cows we have become that brought us to this.
   Lets play along instead of just looking for a better field to graze in.
   Lets grasp the firebrand of LIFE! while we can, without flinching and hit something with it!
   Lets join the struggle instead of running from it.
   Lets take up our will as a weapon against all softness and complaint.
   Lets sink our teeth into life and hear it squeal while we still have life in us.
   If suffering and struggle are the price we pay for living lets make it worth it.
   Its not like we wont die anyway, what are we waiting for? We have the will.
   Consider our lives. How much of it has been wasted carrying the dead weight of timid fear and greedy comfort? What good has it done us?
   The purpose of life isn't to escape struggle and death its to burn with will untill the end.

   Ordeal, suffering, struggle, will, life. 
This is the truth and the way and to die easy is to blaspheme against life.
"I don't mind paying the price but, by God, I demand the price be worth paying!"
            James mason, Siege, 2.23.

"He is not fit for battle, who has never experienced humiliation. He who has seen his blood flow, has heard his teeth crunch in combat, has stumbled under the full weight of his enemy . . . and often fallen, learns to rise up more stubbornly, and joins a fight with great confidence."
            Roger of Hoveden.

To be clear, I'm not some great paragon of limitless will. I'm not a 'great soul' or even very impressive. No one will ever make a statue to me. I will never be celebrated or remembered. When i die it will be as if i never was. I write this to remind myself as much as share these thoughts with you in the hope that it will have some good effect on us all. Don't die easy.

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