Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Recycled shit and will

There is a spectrum of materialism vs idealism.
The extreme materialist is a money grubber, a power grubber, a man with little or no purpose or goal. He approaches life like an accountant, knowing the price of things but not the value.
The extreme idealist views life purely in abstract or conceptual terms and typically sneers at the more earthy parts. They hold the meat parts of life at arms length with disgust. Meat is something less.
Both are anti-life, both are broken and reject parts of reality. Both are incomplete.
To see only meat is to miss the point but to see only ideals is to miss reality.
Meat, piss, shit and blood are inseparable from love, duty, truth, will. They exist in the same world and are part of the same Natural Law/existence/reality/truth. Our body isn't just a inconvenient meat suit that our soul wears until we are dead. Neither is it just a meat automaton.
Until we see our meat as something wholesome instead of something to be held at arms length or endured we are as bad as the worst sort of materialist.
You know who isn't ok with his meat? Bruce Jenner. The fucking lunatic is at odds with his biological truth, his meat. We can easily recognise him as insane because of this and yet i see a lot of people sneering at meat and the parts of existence that are made of it. Like its less important or inconvenient. If your world view cant handle getting dirt on it, if it cant tolerate being made out of meat, is somehow reduced by it or is in opposition to it then you are delusional and wrong because you struggle against reality in a similar way to the most deranged tranny.
The materialism/idealism of a man: Universal Logos, his peoples Logos, his own logos. Whole.
The distinction between meat and concepts is irrelevant.
Meat and soul together.
Recycled shit and will.
They're made out of meat

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